
marriage to Mr. Ryan

she is his secretary and he is her boss. his grandparents wanted his to get married so quickly to head a project. but she didn't have a single up to live so she got married to him on a contract

Okekunle_Goodness · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

"when are we getting married"

"do you like your boss?" Isadora said and Astoria spilled her drinks from her mouth.

"What do you mean like? Never I don't have that type of feelings for him" Astoria said mopping her mouth and cleaning her self from the drinks that spilled on her.

"Then why does your cheeks look so red?" Isadora said laughing loudly at he friend.

"Because am flushed. Isadora things are just happing so fast" Astoria said with a sad voice

"Life is fast but you just have to follow the pace, babe nothing is slow everything is fast you have to follow it, if not you would be left out don't you know?" Isadora said looking at Astoria with all seriousness.

"I don't know" she said and sipped her drinks.

"Why would you know I would be surprised if you do"


"By the way Were are you going to sleep today?" Isadora asked

"Were else your place"

"Caleb is still at home are you sure you would be okay"

"Don't worry I would sleep outside"

"Ryan as given you the greatest opportunity accept before it is to late girl"

"I hear you" Astoria said standing up

"Am not joking girl"

"I joke not to"


Ryan opened the shower on his head and he hit the wall.

His own voice kept re echoing in his head, repeatedly.

*Astoria would to you marry me?* He screamed at his own voice. What was he thinking to have proposed to her, what is she thinking no what would she be thinking, I swear I am good as dead.

"Gosh this is embarrassing, thank goodness tomorrow is Sunday but then next tomorrow is Monday and I would meet in the office. What have I done?" Ryan said and screamed.

He scrubbed his head so hard because of the embarrassment he his going through.

What is he doing didn't gat the image of his head, the voice and her face and the way she reacted.

Why In the heck did she smile? She should have thrown something on me.

"Fuck Harry fuck my stupid plans to hell with my boldness I wanna die this is too embarrassing"

Everything got quite at night, Isadora had gone to sleep inside with her boyfriend and she is left alone outside the house with her problems. She asked for it so she can't blame them.

Astoria lied flat on the table in front of her friend's house, thank goodness it is a rooftop building if not she would have been embarrassed to hell, people would think she is mad or homeless or can even suspect her to be a thief or a crazy mad woman sleeping outside.

She closed her eyes and opened them again she looked at the stars and smiled, they were so beautiful, each of them had there space and no one is blocking no one. All of them are free like a bed.

She wondered were everything went wrong, how did she enter such mess, when did her dept start pilling up, why is she paying for her parents dept? Just why and why and why. She wondered.

She really as nowhere to go and she knows that she can't stay with her friend forever, staying in a little while would even look shameless.

She rolled to her left and to her right again, should she just get married? It's not a real wedding anyways just contract marriage right?

Does he even like her enough to live with her?

"I have a bad feeling about this, I really do? Jesus what do I do?" She asked herself and drifted to sleep.

The sound of the laughing of Harry filled his mansion as he watched his pathetic friend dying in embarrassment.

"So she smiled and left" Harry asked again.

"I don't think this is anything funny"rya. Said looking dead serious.

"Who told you, this is no. One comedy skit. You didn't buy her flowers or anything, you just went. *Marry me*?"

"It is not a real wedding you know it is fake"

"And you have looked serious and pleading.

"You know I made a big mistake"Ryan said and nodded.

"What is that?" Harry asked.

"Involving you in my matters, I made a mistake of involving you in my matters"

"I don't think so cause I got experience" Harry said confidently.

"You are divorced"Ryan said with a bust.

"You don't need to dig out my wound"

"Am the messed up one here collecting advice from a divorced man"

"I still have experience dude"

"Hmm indeed"

"Hmm indeed?"

"That's not even the problem tomorrow is Monday How do i face her tomorrow"

"Marry me. So hilarious "

"Harry shut your crap"

"Marry me"

"Should I quit and sell my company?"

"Hmm I guess your grandfather would be digging your own grave first" Harry said and smiled.

"He would kill me right? "

"Of course " Harry nodded.

Astoria adjusted her clothes and cleaned her table as she waited for Mr. Ryan to come to work, the last weekend felt like years her life suddenly changed around that period of time.

She didn't expect It but according to Isadora life is fast and you have to follow it the way it is.

Ryan did not want to come down from the car, he sat shaking his legs, how in the world he face her this morning.

"Sir we are at the office" his driver said when he noticed that his boss is not coming down from the car.

"I know"Ryan said giving him a mind your business look and he understood.

He got down quietly and walked inside as the staff greeted him, of course he didn't reply, it would be a miracle if he did.

it felt like a short journey when he entered the elevator he is about to get to the office.

"Is the office always this short, don't we have a long cut?" He said to himself.

When he sat her from afar of he composed himself like nothing happened.

"Ryan let's act natural" but who is he lying to.

"Good morning sir"

"Good morning Astoria how was your weekend?"


Ryan nodded and made his way to the door.

"Excuse me sir?"


"Your proposal "


"Is it still on?"


"Errrm when are we getting married?"