
Just kidding

Fei Yan picked up her phone and dialed Mo Lihua's number, and it just went directly to her voicemail. That was the case for a while now, and Fei Yan did attempt to call Mo Lihua multiple times already. 

"Damn it, Lihua! What are you up to now? You are with that blasted cousin of yours that does not bring any good! Answer me!" Fei Yan yelled to her phone as if Mo Lihua could hear her. 

It's not even been a day since the incident in the mountains, when she left Mo Lihua with Piore at the restaurant. She was worried for her friend as she knew Piore's background. 

However, Fei Yan knew that it was not the right time to be in bad terms with the man. Now, they needed to deal with people who kidnapped the Mo family Master and the Yu Family members. "This is really bothersome." Fei Yan said before she sighed heavily, that clearly shows her tiredness with the situation.