
Three Weeks Later

Three months later, Diane returned to LA after her programme in Toronto ended.

She stopped by to visit her mother-in-law and sister-in-law plus the twins before continuing on her journey.

Christian who had come all the way to bring her back accompanied her on the visit.

For the three months that Diane was away, Christian visited her every weekend unfailingly no matter how tight his schedule was.

At a point, Diane pitied him because of the stress he was under just to meet her every week which he refused to mention, and asked him to cut down on the visits, but he blatantly refused to listen.

On Fridays, his flight would land at night, sometimes when Diane was already asleep. Since he had a keycard, he would let himself in and sneak into bed to join her. And it would only be on the next morning that she would notice his presence.