
Marked By The Moon

The universe seemed to have a vendetta against me, tearing away everything I cherished and leaving me solitary. I felt like a helpless outcast in a world that had already abandoned me. Just when I had hit rock bottom, destiny intervened, and the enchanting moon goddess gifted me a companion, a beacon of hope in the midst of darkness. As our eyes met, a fiery connection sparked within me, and I was sure that I had found the one I had been searching for. His every touch set my body ablaze, and I knew he was my soulmate, meant to be by my side for eternity. We spent endless nights together, wrapped in each other's embrace, discovering every inch of each other's being. I dared to seek comfort in the arms of another, but the villagers, consumed by envy and spite, unleashed an onslaught of endless torment and brutality upon me. Despite the danger, I craved the tender caress of my mate, the only balm for the ache that consumed my heart. But hope bloomed amidst the chaos when the Lycan King extended his hand in marriage, offering me a chance at redemption. His raw charisma and intense stare drew me in, as we stood before each other, united in our vows. At that moment, a wave of rejuvenation washed over me, as if a heavy burden had been lifted, and I knew that a new chapter of my life had begun. At first, it was a dream come true, a fairy tale romance beyond my wildest imagination. But as I peeled back the layers of his kingdom, I discovered the dark web of lies and deception that shrouded his rule, and I realized that I was nothing but a mere pawn in his twisted game. My children's safety was at stake, and I knew that I had to escape. As I fled from his grasp, my mind consumed with thoughts of uncovering the truth behind my parents' mysterious death, I couldn't shake the memories of the Lycan King, the man I had once loved with all my heart. But years later, as I returned to the kingdom, a shadow of my former self, fueled by revenge and vengeance, I found that the Lycan King had changed, and his heart was filled with sorrow and remorse. It was a tale of heartbreak, treachery, revenge, and ultimately, absolution, as we banded together to mend the scars of our history and forge a brighter future of harmony and abundance. When I locked eyes with the Lycan King, a feeling of belonging washed over me, and I knew that I had discovered my true sanctuary, the place where my heart truly resided, and the affection that had eluded me for so long. Who are the killers of my loved ones? What exactly was the cause?

Tombra_Emmanuel · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

Sweet Moment

I stood up for a moment to change positions, then placed my hands on his chest and said, "God, I love this cock in me."

He began grinding and bouncing up and down on me. My pussy was extremely hot and tight.

"Do you like the taste of my pussy?" I asked Jake.

My god girl, you have the best pussy ever, he said.

"Well good," I said, "because this is the biggest cock I've ever had and I want it to fuck me, and fuck me good."

He leaned in and kissed me, then biting my lip. While I was playing with his sweet big cock, his hands were squeezing my soft ass. When I did that, he began moaning.

But he went deeper into my ass and inserted a finger into my pussy.

I then began grinding hard on his cock and moaned a lot.

"Oh fuck yesssss, fuck my pussy baby, spank my ass, it's all yours," I said.

We fucked in that position for 15 minutes before he rolled me over. I was loving it when he started fucking my pussy.

I was getting into our sex and telling him to fuck me harder and make my pussy yours.

He fucked me so passively that he put my legs over his shoulder. Every time he went back inside me, you could hear the sloshing sound.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, give it to me baby, fuck me harder, fuck me, make me cum!!" I yelled now.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming, fucking cumming baby, oohhh shit!!" I exclaimed.

And as I was cumming, he was getting ready. He pulled out a rope and shot it all over my tits and belly.

This made my cum even more difficult. "Oh wow baby, I can't believe you shot all that cum on me," I said as we began to calm down.

"God, I love the aroma of your cum," he exclaimed. It's been a long time since I've had sex.

I smiled and told him he could have it whenever he wanted.

"Good, that could be a daily occurrence," Jake laughed.

"That's fine with me, love," I said.

He kissed me on the lips quickly and said, "I enjoyed you."

I then suggested that we shower and eat breakfast.

The shower was enjoyable, with some levity, but we were exhausted from our lovemaking.

I did inquire... "I hope it wasn't awkward for you to talk so dirty in bed this morning, Jake."

"I loved that you felt comfortable enough to do that," Jake said.

As we were drying off, Jake's hand slid up my ass, and I turned my head, saying, "I know one area that has never been touched by a dick, and I want you to have that, so in a way, you will be my first, as you were in almost every sexual aspect of our lives."

"It would be a pleasure," he said with a smile, "just let me know when and where."

I began preparing breakfast while both of us were still naked. We sat and ate a delicious breakfast, saying little. Then I began cleaning up the table and doing the dishes.

Jake said, "Let me help you," and I said, "No, this is a day for pampering, so enjoy it."

He came up behind me and hugged me as I stood at the sink, and then I felt his hands explore my breast, then down to my stomach, until his index finger entered my pussy.

I began stroking Jake's big cock as well, and as I did...

"You know, you got that thing up, I'll have to use it on you," Jake said.

"Oh, I know, I hope for that," I replied.

I was too good at getting him hard, so I whispered to his ears as I stroked his dick...

"I love it when this sweet dick fucks the hell out of me baby boy."

He couldn't take it any longer and turned around, guiding my back to the table, picking me up and placing me on it.

He spread my legs and sank his cock into me.

"You are such a bad boy," I exclaimed, laughing.

As we began to fuck, my legs wrapped around my waist and my hands grabbed his shoulders. We had been fucking hard like that for about five minutes when his phone began to ring.

When he looked down, he noticed it was Lucas, his friend.

When he picked up the phone and answered it, he came to a halt.

Jake said hello, then paused.

"Oh, I had to run to get the phone, which is why I'm out of breath," he explained.

He began to fuck me again as he talked, which was mostly uhn uhn.

He gave me a look like I was insane or something because it was making it difficult for me to speak.

Lucas could be heard in the background wondering what that noise was.

"It was the table creaking because of what I was doing," Jake replied with a sigh.

"Do you know how it feels to talk while your cock is inside a sweet pussy?" Lucas asked as he hung up the phone.

"No, I can't say that," I replied, laughing.

He, too, laughed before saying, "Let's finish this before Lucas gets here."

I wrapped my legs and arms around him once more. He also picked me up by placing his hands beneath my ass.

"What are you doing?" I gently asked.

"Carrying you to the couch so I can finish you off properly," Jake explained.

I replied with a smile...

"You're insane; I'm far too heavy to carry."

"Fear not, I'm almost there, and I won't even slip out," he said.

He then fucked me again while we were on the couch. We fucked hard for a few minutes, and my legs were seriously shaking, but neither of us felt like cumming.

"Baby, I'm not sure I can cum now; it may take some time," he said.

"I feel the same way, but it's still great."

"Let's finish this after Lucas leaves," I said.

"Alright, that's cool baby," he said as he kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me.

The sound of Lucas' footsteps echoed through the room before I could blink, and we turned to see him standing in the doorway, a cold, calculating look in his eyes.

"Well, well, well," he said, his voice sounding sarcastic.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your romantic evening, but I have some bad news."

Everything changed with those words.

But what exactly could be this bad news Lucas as tabled before us?