
Chapter 6

Here is chapter 6!


xo. zabelle06

I jolted upright. The first thing I saw was darkness. The only sound was my heavy panting. My shirt was sticking to my sweaty back. I took in my surroundings and realized that I was only in my room. I was safe and tucked into the dark purple comforters of my bed. I laid back down and sighed in relief. Oh, thank God it was only just a dream, I thought.203

I quickly sat back up again. I don't remember falling asleep in my bed last night. I remember going back to the shed to grab some Epsom Salt and seeing the mythical creature that appeared right before my eyes. I quickly shook those thoughts away and chuckled at myself for being stupid. This place was really making me go crazy. There was probably some virus in the air.246

Checking the time, I found that it was already six o'clock in the morning. School started in about two hours. Aunt Feli usually woke me up at this time, but she hasn't come into my room yet. She probably overslept. I put my arms over my head to stretch my back, but a piercing pain erupted from my right shoulder. I gasped and put my arms down.311

Would've the mythical creature actually bit me? Would've I had some virus spreading in my body right now? Oh, please don't be rabies! I gasped once again. Would've I was dead?468

I quickly got up from my bed, turning on the lights. I ran over to my mirror and looked at myself in horror. There was a huge bite mark on my right shoulder. It was still slightly red, but it couldn't have healed this quickly. I ran my hands over the new sore, grimacing when I felt pain. It wasn't a dream?346

There were so many questions that I wanted to ask, but no one to answer them. What was that beast in my back yard? What will this bite mark do to me? Will I become sick and suffer? Will I die? Or was I dead already? So many questions bombarded my head and I started to cry. Last night's episode ran in my head again. I was terrified on so many levels.93

Making sure I wasn't dead, I rushed out of my room and ran down the stairs. I found Aunt Feli at the front door, speaking in a hushed tone to someone. A wave a relief surged through my body. If I was dead and in heaven or hell, Aunt Feli wouldn't have been here. I was still surely alive. Wait, would've the beast killed Aunt Feli too? I tensed up and mentally laughed at myself for being stupid again.49

"George, it aint a good time. Your daughter is sleepin' and you're drunk," Aunt Feli said.39

"Ohhh, cooome onnnn Fel, I aint drunk. Not oooone bit! Hah, bit!" A voice slurred and the man chuckled. Anger surged through me as I recognized the voice as my father's own. "I just want to talk to my daughter, thass all. She's being sucha' spoiled brat lately. Someeee one needs to teach her a lesson."305

I marched over to the door and kicked it open wider. The smell of alcohol filled my nose. I gagged. My father's hair was sticking up in all different places. His eyes were watery and his smile irritated the hell out of me. His tie was undone and he had vomit stains on his white shirt. "Daaaanny, I missed you! Please talk to me!" He took a swig of the beer he was holding.73

"Dad, go home. I don't want to talk to you," I spat.22

"Danny, what happened to you?" My dad asked, his eyes tearing up. "You've been sucha' hard ass late-" he burped and I looked at him in disgust. "lately."46

"Go home dad to your lovely wife," I yelled at him sarcastically and shut the door in his face.36

I closed my eyes and counted to ten, trying to calm myself down. "Honey, you okay?" Aunt Feli's southern accent calmed me down.63

I looked at her and smiled softly. "Yeah. Let's just forget about it. Next time, I want you to call the police." She nodded sorrowfully. Five seconds passed before she looked at me with a mischievous smile on her face and looking at my bitten shoulder.66

"So, who was in your room last night? Looks like the young fellow found you delicious hon." She asked and I looked at her in horror. Aunt Feli winked at me and continued. "Don't worry, I won't tell your mama that you lost your virginity already. As long as you use protection and it ain't my fault if you get pregnant. Did you use protection? Darlin', I can buy you some in you need –"673

"Lalalala," I shouted while covering my ears. My face was surely as red as a tomato. This was such an awkward subject. "Aunt Feli, I did not lose the big V yet and you know I'm looking for the right one. Ew, that was so disgusting Aunt Feli! You're one crazy old woman." She looked at my shoulder, disbelief written all over her face. I wanted to tell her that it was a mythical creature, but I would sound like a mad woman. She'd send me to the doctor again and refuse to leave until she received an explanation.140

She sighed and winked again. "Whatever you say, darlin'. Whatever you say," she said sarcastically.31

"Aunt Feli, am I dead?" I asked. I was still curious about it and I just had to ask. I mean, what would you do if you were in a situation and you didn't know if you were dead or alive?88

Aunt Feli looked at me with a funny look. "Are you sure I'm the one that's crazy?" She laughed and walked away.66


Weston wasn't kidding when he said that I was going to regret everything I did to him. These past two weeks, he constantly bothered me. Either he was throwing trash at my head during class, tripping me while I ran in gym, teasing me, or spilling his drink on my homework. He even did some of the old school stuff like filling my lockers with soda, which made everything very sticky by the way, spilling his drinks –once again- on my lunch and even egging my car! I mean seriously, egging my car?! So childish.552

I learned to ignore it and walk away. I wasn't going to show him I was weak. I wasn't going to show him that he was easily going to get everything his way. He'll get it back in the future, somehow and sometime. Karma really is a bitch.209

The Stone Pack was even helping me, so it made my situations much easier. They helped me wash the eggs off my car, clean my locker, and caught me when I fell in gym. They also suggested that I made extra copies of my homework and eat lunch before Weston appeared. Every time someone stood up to Weston and told him to leave me alone, his actions just got worst. So, it was pointless. Jade even smacked him in the head a couple of times and apologized for him. She even had to stay away from me because Mr. Devil told her that if she hung out with me, it made things worst.104

But those things never hurt me as much as it hurt me to see him with other girls. After I got bitten, I felt a strange connection with him. It felt like a magnet was trying to pull me to him every time he was near. The tingles intensified if he accidently brushed against me. I also found him even more attractive and my hands kept itching to run through his hair or caress his face.367

Speaking of being bitten, my shoulder healed quickly, leaving a small crescent shaped mark behind. I found it weird, but oddly beautiful at the same time. It looked like a birthmark. The mark was right were my neck and collar bone met.537

Fingers snapping in my face caused me to wake up from my reverie. I looked up and saw Weston smirking. One of his arms was wrapped around Hannah's waist and I willed myself to tear my eyes off of the physical contact. Every week, he had some one new, but I just kept feeling the same odd pain over and over again. I couldn't possibly be in love with him. You're in denial, a little voice in my head teased.343

Jarred came closer to me and I could tell he was tense. He was a great friend and almost like a brother to me. He wanted to beat the hell out of Weston already, but I told him not to. It would just get me into more mess.45

The whole cafeteria went dead silent. Every eye was fixed on us. This is the usually routine and I sighed when I realized how horrible I looked. My hair was a complete mess, I didn't have time to put on any make up this morning, my clothes were stained from the coke Weston 'accidently' spilled on me earlier, and there were dark circles under my eyes because I had to do my homework twice and that caused me to stay up late at night.137

Before I could say a word to Weston, he spilled his spaghetti all over my white shirt, adding more stains. The whole cafeteria erupted into laughter. I simply stood up and took off the noodles hanging from my shirt. I sighed again. "Abs, can you help me clean up?" I said, my voice sounding tired.487

Abigail nodded and looked at me with a sorrowful expression. I grabbed my bag that contained my clean clothes. Before we left, I looked back at Weston. He was kissing the slut. Hannah's hands ran up his chest and I wished it were me feeling those defined muscles. My eyes were blurring with tears, but I didn't dare let one tear escape. Weston opened his eyes and saw me staring. He was still kissing her but he was looking at me. His eyes twinkled with amusement and then the bastard winked. I clenched and unclenched my fist. When will all this hell end?!438

-Weston's POV-42

Stupid, stupid, stupid. I thought and smacked myself mentally. Why the fuck did I just mark Danny?!425

To mark her as our own and only our own, my wolf growled.97

Seeing Jarred's arm around my mate made me angry. However, I was furious when she called him babe. At that point, I just snapped. I didn't know meeting your mate would make you feel this possessive.77

I cringed when I remembered her screaming in agony as I bit her shoulder. I didn't want to hurt her, but I had to, in order to call her my own. But I was stupid, didn't I just say I couldn't love her?! This would make the attraction much stronger and she will surely fall in love with me.160

I was walking to her house the morning after I bit her to make sure she was alright when a drunk man stumbled out of a bush. I grimaced when the smell of alcohol filled my nose. "Hey you! Man, you know my daughter Daaaanny?" He slurred. I looked at him suspiciously. Danny came from him? "If youuu do, can you convince her to talk to me? Man, she's been ignoring me. She's been a pain in the ass."61

My curiosity took over me. "Why hasn't she been talking to you?" I blurted out. And he told me everything. He told me he made her move here because he loved his new wife. Since he was drunk, he also added some inappropriate comments on how good his new wife was in bed. To me, he abandoned her for a skank. Then he told me that her boyfriend cheated with her with her best friend.134

My heart ached for her. Not to mention, she deserved a much better father figure. This guy was a total scum bag. I looked at him in disgust before giving him a black eye for hurting her and I walked away from him, trying to calm down.423

Anyways, I couldn't let her fall in love with me. I just couldn't. The only way to make that happen was to make her think I was a complete jerk. So for the past two weeks, I did things that I regretted. I also used girls to take my mind off of her. These girls couldn't compare to her. No matter how much I tried, I just couldn't forget about her.629

Hope you dearies enjoyed. At least five votes for next chapter, please?

xo, Luna