
Marked by the Alpha King

In a world where humans are enslaved to werewolves, a young slave called Baka struggles to survive. When her mother discovers a truth that could potentially cost them their lives, Baka decides to plan their escape. But her life takes an unexpected turn when she captures the attention of the Alpha King, Tatum. Carrying a dangerous secret of his own, Alpha Tatum soon discovers that Baka is the answer. But he must choose a Luna Queen before his seat is challenged, and a love union between an Alpha king and a human is forbidden. As their bond begins to grow deeper, so does the danger at every corner. Baka and Tatum must decide if their love is worth it all.

Sarah_Okon_5617 · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

2. The Unlikely Ally

Baka woke up early the next morning intending to set out into the woods. It occurred to her that she shouldn't be prowling about on a morning like this after the death of Queen Luna. But she had left mouse traps in the woods and was afraid that they would turn bad. 

Besides, she had never tried to escape before. She had to scout the area herself to see what she was up against.

Their settlement was surrounded by a thick, wide wall with iron spikes sticking out of them and barbed wires perched on top of the walls.

There were only two exits, one that led to the woods and another that led into Khandom City where the werewolves resided. 

A guard was stationed at each exit, Beta's from either packs who stood watch. They rotated every two days, that much she knew.

But it wasn't enough.

One particular Beta guard had been kind to her once. Thorin. She hoped it was his shift today. Or better yet, no one at all as they might be too busy grieving over the death of their Luna Queen and heir or gathered at Kotu, the Alpha King's abode. 

God, please let them be doing just that, she prayed. 

Making her way towards the exit, her hopes were dashed as she saw a figure standing guard. 

She released a small sigh of relief when she recognized the face. 

"Hello Thorin," she greeted shyly.

He gazed down at her with eyes the colour of glowing yellow orbs which signified his class as a Beta. He was a tall man—mid thirty's— from Trinity Pack with a massive build, long dreads, and a face that was pleasing to look at. 

He was dressed in black and gold bridges signifying his position as a Khandom guard, and on his arm was a red band that gave away his origin as a Trinitarian. 

"Hello Baka." His voice was kind but firm.

"Where's your partner?" Baka asked.

"Around. Off to the woods?" 

Baka suspected he was lying. He was probably all alone but didn't want her to know.

"Yes," she replied.

"Mouse traps?"

"Yes." She knew he was listening keenly for an irregular heartbeat. He won't pick up any. Though mouse traps weren't the only reason she was going into the woods, she wasn't explicitly lying. It was merely a half truth.

"Did you set them how I taught you to?"


He gave her the barest of smiles and Baka noticed his sharp, canine tooth. Even in human form, they never really looked human. The sight was unsettling.

"Good. When?"

"The last time you were here."

He frowned. "That was almost a week ago. If you've caught any, the meat would turn bad by now."

"Or maybe the mouse got trapped today and isn't bad."

"Either way, you must return." There was warning in his voice and a cold chill ran down Baka's spine as she became alert. 


"Do not question me," came his cutting reply. "Do as you're told." 

But before she could do anything, an unfamiliar man came out of the woods, zipping his pants. He was dressed in the same attire as Thorin. 

When his eyes landed on Baka, her fear antenna jerked up. Beside her, Thorin tensed as well. 

What happened to his other partner—the tall blonde with the same build as Thorin? This one was new. 

"What do we have here," he said with a nasty grin on his face as he walked towards her slowly. He was a short blonde and twice as big as Thorin. 

When he was right in front of her, he made a display of sniffing her deeply. "Human filth. Your curfew hasn't ended yet."

"She was just leaving," Thorin said as she started back from whence she came.

"Not just yet." The short blonde grabbed her arm roughly and dragged her back. She winced at the brute force. "It's been a while since your kind warmed my bed."

He grinned menacingly at her, his eyes wandering over her full breasts despite its covering. "'Twill be a shame to let the opportunity slip away when she has landed so willingly at my feet."

With his free hand, he groped her butt and then smacked it. Baka yelped. Her heart was racing so fast within her chest as she sent a pleading glance at Thorin.

"Release her, Ares."

He didn't. His callous hands grew bolder as they travelled up her thighs and tugged at her panties. She began to whimper. 

"Release her!" Thorin repeated.

"Why?" came his reply, doing anything but.

"Because she's Luna Amie's handmaiden. Or are you too drunk to see the mark on her wrist?"

Ares glanced at her left wrist, noting the diamond-shaped branded insignia of Aethelite Pack. But he made no move to release her. His hands still lingered dangerously between her thighs.

"No one defiles a Luna's handmaiden as you well know," Thorin added when Ares still held her.

"More's the pity," Ares replied as he reluctantly released his slimy grip on her. "What a waste." He raised an index finger against her cheek and stroked her in a manner that made her want to throw up. "All that beauty for naught. The moon goddess has a sick sense of humour, don't you think?"

Thorin took her hand and shoved her back in as Ares laughed mockingly behind them. 

"Thank you," Baka whispered. 

"Don't mistake my kindness for trust. You may not be so lucky next time."

The light from the moon guided her path as she retraced her steps back to the room, feeling bitter over her failed mission. 

Her skin crawled as she remembered the feel of Ares's hands on her body. His behaviour was nothing she hadn't encountered before. She was more upset over the fact that she had accomplished nothing. 

She didn't know how to rescue her mother and on top of that, she had returned empty-handed.

The mousetraps in the room had caught nothing for weeks and Baka was convinced it was because they had eaten every rat in the room. 

When she returned, everyone was still soundly asleep, including her mother. 

No sooner had she settled in than the ear-piercing blood-bringer sounded, signaling wake-up time.