
In fact everyone was, all of Kim's

Eunji came out of the bathroom with wet hair, already wearing the pyjamas that Hyejin had sorted for her.


Beautiful blue pyjamas with a childish print. Cute. 


She held a small towel while she massaged her hair and removed the excess water.


The conversation with her sister had been exhausting on many levels and frankly the woman needed to improve a lot if she really wanted something from Eunji, but there she was being forced to think seriously about the case. 


Her grandfather was right about one thing, in fact he was usually right.


Time and time again.


And once again he was right about the fact that she had more enemies than she could count on her fingers and it was necessary to at least have allies... Or people less willing to ruin everything. 


She only had Hyejin.


Well, there was really no way of knowing if Nari was a potential ally, but she had to find out.