

The wind was harsh and the sky like molten copper. Although the day was beautiful the wind was leaving something to be desired. I was walking home from the last day of school I would ever again experience. Or so I thought moments later.

I hated school. All the kids would call me names. Things like queer, tranny trash and other colorful ideas. The worse the name the louder other kids would laugh. I've considered suicide but in the end I was too strong a person to let others get to me. So now I endure it and still hold my head high.

Because I am transgender. And happy to be who I am. My soul is a beautiful woman while the male one is slowly transformed by surgeries and hormones.

My name is Alex Fenton. I'm eighteen years old in my senior year at Lincoln Memorial High. The kids suck. The teachers less so. But I'm a good student. I learned early on that studying and learning was an outlet from all the torture. The torture I received daily.

But again, it only served to make me more focused. But as of now that's all in the past. I have a new purpose now. One handed down through my blood. An inherited genetic trait. One that gives me power beyond belief. And it was revealed to me in a rush of sensation.

The feeling was amazing. The power came on me in the middle of class. One minute I was listening to the teacher thinking yeah, yeah I know this already. And the next I was euphoric. It came in waves. One after the other. So intense was it that the last few minutes of class are a mystery.

I was hot, cold, tingling, orgasmic all at once. From the looks I saw when I came back to myself. I'm pretty sure I was moaning in ecstasy. Yeah, it was that good. And you know what? Here's the best part. It's like that every time I use my power.

The down side, the power takes a cost. I have to pay to play. And in my case the cost is extremely high. Whenever I call upon the thread within me someone dies. It's not some random John Doe, no , that's too easy. Instead, it's someone I have knowledge of. I don't have to physically know them. Just know of them, what they look like, where they're from.

Things like that . Since I've learned to control and channel my thread. As well as understand it's consequences. I first faced a choice. To not use my power and be turned into something twisted and absolutely evil. A creature that in my world is known as a dread witch.

A dread witch is one who has power that has blossomed and refused to use it. Once the choice is made the change occurs instantly. Because most power blooms in seclusion or times of great stress. It's very hard to catch one that has made that decision.

The other side is to accept the thread and utilize the power. Which includes accepting the cost. For some the cost is low. Others very high. Mine is the highest and opened up doors that I never imagined were there.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. So let me start from where I left off. I'm not leaving you in the dark. I promise that you will hear every detail. Some you may agree with, some will make you laugh, others , cringe in fear. But you simply must know. That's why I'm writing it all down.

There must be some record left behind. History calls for it. Prophecy needs to be given reason, so that others will understand and not be afraid of what comes. No one believes me. They say the thread doesn't speak. But they're wrong. Dead wrong.

It speaks to me all the time. And when I speak back it responds and understands. The thread is alive. I don't know where it's from or how it came to be. Only because it doesn't know itself. But it has a name. A beautiful name ..it's name is Sparrow. It's voice is that of a young woman. A woman I have gotten close too and come to love.

She has dreams and ambitions. But she's also the most pratical of the two of us. She knows she has no body. So I help her to do whatever she wants. Right now her pet project is a time of magical workings the likes of which have never been seen. Truly amazing stuff.

But that's a story for another day. What I'm gonna tell you needs to be passed on until the time comes for war. A threat is coming that the world is not prepared for. A threat so severe that it's a real possibility that only handfuls of people will survive.

So here's the story of how I came into my own and began to prepare to defend this world that is truly amazing.

My dad pulled up to the curb outside of the school waving. He drove an older model Bronco that used to be red but was now so faded by the fun it was almost pink. He didn't really care for it but I thought it suited him just fine.

I love my dad more than anything in the world. He's my rock. And he's always been there. After mom left when I was a baby he just said, ok..I'll do this on my own. He's never brought other woman home though he's gone on a few dates. I've even tried to hook him up with friends mom's but all he does is laugh it off.

I know why though. It's because he still loves her. My mother..Mrs. Evelyn Fenton. God, she was so beautiful. Dad's told me so many times how lucky he was to marry her. In a old photo of them together you can see just how gorgeous she was. Perfect features, striking grey eyes and long silky tresses the color of honey blended with wheat.

She was petite. A little under five feet tall. That's where I get my looks from. I'm petite like her and have her eyes but my hair is like my dad. Glossy black and soft as goose down. My dad tells me all the time how great it would look if I let it grow out long like hers was. But I like it short and spiky. Sorta pixieish you know.

All in all to me it's a really hot look. I love it. It just seems to go well with my sense of style. Today I was wearing tight blue jean shorts, a shell pink sweater that was super soft and stretched out that hung off of one shoulder. Along with my favorite pair of shoes. Low cut All Stars.

My dad waved as he pulled up. And as I climbed in he leaned over to kiss my cheek and asked if I had a good day. I just smiled and said yeah cause I wasn't about to tell him what had happened in class. As we pulled out he asked if I'd like to get something to eat from McDonald's. I just gave him that look all woman perfect before they're five years old. You know the one. The one that says" are you stupid? Of course I want that!"

He just laughed it off and was like" ok, say no more".

Pretty soon I was savoring a juicy burger and fries. As we ate we talked about how school was that day. I would've asked him how work was but he was unemployed. He did have a job at a chemical plant but there was an explosion caused by pressure build up. It was his supervisors sector. But the supervisor claimed that dad went behind him and readjusted the valve. Luckily, no one was hurt.

But the higher ups went with the guy who had seniority and my dad lost his job. They said they would investigate further. But in the meantime my dad's trying to get another job.

As we sat there I thought about the incident at school. I could still feel that energy inside me. Dad glanced off for a second and the most amazing thing happened. I was focusing on my drink. When suddenly it disappeared and reappeared on a table about ten feet away.

I was shocked! How in the hell!

But I knew how. I had felt the pull and release of power. So I did it again. This time with a kids chicken nugget. Causing it to appear in my hand. With a good laugh I ate it.

Dad was walking back and caught my humor and with a slight chuckle asked me what was so funny. Of course I couldn't tell him. So I made up a story on the fly about the little boy putting chicken nuggets down his diaper.

Dad loves kids and quickly fell into the lie. Pretty soon our meal was finished and we left. As we went down the road I played with the power. I would see something small on the side of the road and just make it go elsewhere. Usually into someones car as they drove beside us.

Needless to say I was in good humor as we pulled up to the house. Once inside I gave my dad a kiss and locked the door. And got to work trying to figure out what I could do.

I quickly learned how to levitate objects, change their color and shape, as well as move myself from place to place. Like a teleport spell. The night came quickly.

As I was just figuring out how to make myself blend into my room. I was startled out of my skin by someone clearing their throat.

As I spun around I shifted from where I stood to a point beside the door. Facing the windows in my room I couldn't believe my eyes. Sitting in my desk chair with a sardonic smile on his face. Was the cutest boy I'd ever saw. He had eyes like honey. So golden yellow you felt like you were stuck in them. He had a strong nose and chin. His lips were perfect little bows. His eyebrows were slightly feminine and matched the coal black hair settled on his head in a short spiky fade.

His clothes were simple blue jeans and a white T-shirt. His black leather boots were worn and scuffed but still have off a sense of style. From what I could tell he wore no jewelry. But his arms were entirely tattoos . That seemed to pulse and slide across his skin with a life of it's own.

When he spoke his voice was a caress that made me warm and tingling at the same time

"Hello, he said.

" Um, hi...who are you and what are you doing in my room?" I managed to get out.