
Chapter 13

Over in the bathroom, Alix was staring at Marinette. She was looking at her from head to toe. Smirking, she figured out what the deal was with her outfit. "You going to explain why you're dressed like a cat?" Alix asked, smirking even harder. Marinette did her nervous finger-thing as she blushed, staring at the ground.

Alix looked at her friend, wondering if she had made her uncomfortable as she wasn't speaking. Marinette blinked. "Alix, it's not your fault," Marinette said, placing a hand on her short friend's shoulder. Marinette looked at herself in the mirror, Tikki listening from inside her green and black purse. "It's because I chose to dress like Cat Noir today," Marinette added, cheeks burning at every word she spoke.

Alix hugged her friend and looked at her, smiling. "I don't have a problem with it, pigtails," Alix said, smiling more. "I was only curious." She added, making Marinette feel happier. As the girls hugged, the bathroom door swung open; slammed shut.

(Writers note) : Alix called Marinette Pigtails because that's the nickname she gave her based on her usual hairstyle. If you remember further back in the story it tells us Marinette has her hair down I think. I'm sure her hair is down because of how cat noir liked it. yes, I'm positive now. On with the story!

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!" Alya screamed as she saw Alix and Marinette hugging by the sinks. Alix, startled, clasped her hand into Marinette's and the two slowly backed up away from Alya. "Now, Alya, we don't want any trouble," Alix said as the pair continued to edge away from the angry brunette. It was as if Alya had fire coming out her nose, as she was raging with a hot firey flame.

Alya looked ready to pounce. "Sabrina!" Chloé screeched as she pushed the bathroom door open. "Sabrina!" She yelled again as she slammed shut the door behind her. "Yes, Chloé?" Sabrina asked as the minion Chloé treated her. Chloé looked at everyone like they didn't understand. "What are you doing here, peasants?" Chloé asked.

Chloé left the toilets, along with Sabrina, as she didn't have a care in the world. Alya stared at the girls long and hard whilst the bathroom door smacked shut. Marinette let out the tiniest of whimpers. "Shh," Alix whispered. Alya cackled. "Surely you're not afraid of your best friend, Marinette?" Alya asked Marinette, who was now shaking visibly.

Marinette took deep breaths every three seconds, trying to steady herself. Cat Noir cracked open the air vent above the accessible cubicle and landed safely on his feet as all cats do. Alya turned her head towards the noise. Alya huffed and puffed as she investigated the disturbance. This gave Cat a chance to slip under the gaps in between the stalls until he was able to sneak out of one

Cat sneakily snaked over to the girls, who were shaking all over. Alix was nowhere near as shaky as Marinette. Marinette locked eyes with Cat when she blinked. Starstruck by a leather-tight suit, Marinette gawed over the feline hero. Alya didn't investigate the noise for long as she whipped around faster than ever; before.

Cat Noir whispered something to the girls as Alya made her way over. She folded her arms and asked: "Do you know Marinette is a cheater?" Cat stared at Alya in shock, but he was faking it."I have no idea what you're talking about," Marinette said, rolling her eyes and no longer shaking. Alya lunged her foot forward, which instantly made her shake again.

As soon as the bell rang at the end of break time, Cat Noir grabbed Marinette's left hand as she was still holding Alix's hand. Swinging open, the door flew open wide. Running free, Cat brought the girls to safety. As soon as they were by the lockers, Alix let go and made her way to Miss Bustier. Cat and Mari clung to each other's hands like they were never to let go. "LILA!"

Lila swooped in from the hallway, assisting Alya. "I've got your coverage, Alya," Lila said, smiling deviously. Marinette was able to catch a glimpse of Lila and Alya.

You are probably wondering how it came to this. Right?

Right after Adrien saw Alix and Marinette go into the girl's bathroom, Lila finally came up with the perfect pitch to make Alya want to work with her on the Ladyblog.

"Alya," Lila said, all evil like. Alya turned her head away from Lila to show her disinterest. "I know you don't want to let me help you, but I don't plan on taking the ladyblog from you. All I want is to assist you with content creating and scoop finding," Lila exclaimed, crossing her fingers behind her back. Alya looked back at the horse-haired girl, giving her full attention. "go on I'm listening," Alya inputted.

"I'm saying I'll be more of an assistant than anything else," Lila stated, fingers still crossed. That sparked Alya's interest more than anything else Lila had previously said to her, which meant the girls spoke more about it as the lesson; dragged on. However, Nino turned around to chat with his girl. "Hey, Alya!" Nino beamed. Alya plastered a smile. "Anything we can do for you, Nino?" Lila asked innocently.

"I was going to say that Adrien has been out of it since he caught a glimpse of Alix and Marinette out in the hallway," Nino exclaimed. Lila took that to thought. "He said they were going into the bathroom, but then he kept going on about Marinette's outfit and how she looked so beauti-" "I'm going to stop you there, Nino," Lila articulated. She paused hesitantly. "We have a class going on; I don't want you to distract me from my learning." She innocently stated.

Nino agreed with her and turned back around to face the board. That's when Lila brainstormed a plan to try and catch more footage of Marinette and Cat noir. "Say, Alya?" Lila asked, plotting her plan in her head as she spoke. "Want to put Marinette in a position Cat noir will not be able to resist saving her from?" Lila asked, adding on more. Alya thought about it for a second. "Ok, I'm in!"