
Marakyuu Madness

Remembering how I died was such a pain, but that's what I get for trying to chase a Tanuki. I was reborn, so that's great. What isn't is the fact that I'm in DxD without any way to defend myself. And with an ability that I could do without. What's a man to do? Open a coffee shop! The supernatural doesn't attack people that fix them their morning coffee, right? (Harem, Human MC!)

SwitchBlad · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

Chapter 16

~• Kusora •~

Well, after that little mess I made in the garden, it was safe to say that the dinner was going to be more than a little awkward.

Isabela managed to pull herself together quick enough, thankfully she didn't really notice that someone was indeed watching us that time, so that's now my problem.

Considering I wasn't a part of Riser's family, nor his peerage. It goes without saying that I wouldn't be having dinner with them in the main house, so right now, I'm all by my lonesome in the guest house. Not that it's bad, mind you. 

It's one of the only times in which I can actually take some sort of break. 

So far, I've gone through two of the members. Apart from Ravel, I only have a few more to go. 

Xuelan came down the stairs eventually, her nap didn't seem to take very long, only about a few minutes. She caught me while I was making another cup of coffee and was moments away from downing both cups. 

But I would like to believe that despite being a gigolo, I do have some sense of gentlemanly manners. 

I was relatively tired. It was like I ran a few rounds with Koneko on Saturday evening. But I guess this is what I was asking for, it wasn't exactly my first time awakening someone's inner slut, but fucking after that was a whole lot of hard work.

Honestly, I was surprised at first how she had little trouble in catching up with me, not that I had enough stamina in the first place, but usually when clients are down for the count, they are done, and require some rest before they get back to the action. Although this was a reincarnated rook I was talking about. 

Seeing as though I had nothing else I was doing while the family was having dinner, I just brewed the coffee I brought along with me. Thankfully the kitchen in the guest house had a grind and a filter, because I don't drink instant coffee like a peasant.

Ironic considering that late-night mugs are what got me through college.

Making the blend was easy enough with the hot water and the appropriate balance. It only took a few seconds, but I managed to brew two entire mugs. 

What can I say? I'm a caffeine demon at heart.

"I can see that you've certainly made yourself at home."

I pause. There should be no one in the guesthouse right now since all the members of the Phoenix family are at the main house. While hearing the voice did come as a surprise, It didn't sound threatening, at least in my inexperience. 

What I wasn't expecting however, is for Riser to be standing there the moment I turn around. He didn't have much of an expression on his face, moreso one that communicated his intentions. "Well, you do have a lovely home." I say, for the sake of not keeping him waiting for a response.

"I see," he says. 

Riser looks around, but always remains silent. Even while taking looks around the kitchen and the staircase to the bedroom, he didn't seem to be looking for anything in particular. If I had to compare it to something, it would be much like how I would stare at the walls in my friends house everytime they get shouted at. 

It didn't seem as though he had much to say. Against all expectations, maybe he's come to check up on me? 

With Riser's personality, it seems improbable. I'm just a stranger to him. But I have been wrong about a person's personality many times. I'm in no position to assume anything about a character's personality myself, especially since they are clearly very different to their canon counterparts.


Or about as real as one could get in a world like this. 

"I assumed you would be in the main house by now. Has dinner started yet?" I asked. 

He scoffs a little, eying me with a bit of heat behind his gaze. But it wasn't long before he sighed and I heard a wariness rip through his lips. "It has." he answered. "But formal dinners just aren't my forte."

He answered with a sort of finality that made it clear that he didn't want me to pry, but it made it quite obvious that his words were some kind of lie. It's not like he wasn't invited to the dinner, but his reluctance to attend something so suffocating may be something only understood by us introverts. 

I may not qualify as such anymore, but I can still understand, because it's something I've dealt with in my past life.

I stop behind the counter of the kitchen and take the mug of coffee in my hands, I give Riser a look and slide the second mug that I made his way. Since he was here, I might as well take the chance to talk to him more. I probably won't be getting anything about the marriage agreement out of him just yet, but maybe I can get some sort of an idea into the situation. 

Riser eyes the mug with a raised eyebrow. "What's this?"

"It's coffee."

His eyebrow loses its curiosity. "In that case, I'm not exactly interested." Riser said. "What kind of madman drinks coffee this late?"

I ignore the casual burn to my lifestyle. "Not even just a sip?"

"I am aware of what my own coffee tastes like."

I'm reminded that Riser doesn't know that I brought my own beans and blend. Huh, so he's responsible for all the crap instant coffee I keep finding around this place. "I happened to have brought my own."

He eyes the bag right beside the grinder, sure enough, he notices that the beans are not of the same kind he has stored in the kitchen. "I doubt it would taste any different," Riser claims. 

He said that, but his eyebrow peaked again. Riser's curious. "Well, I do fancy myself a barista during my free time." 

I need to actually do my work someday. I'm spending too much time fucking people.

Riser seemed unconvinced, but took the mug of coffee and sipped on it regardless. He didn't say anything, nor give any indication as to whether I was right or he was eating his words. So I suppose I would have to be satisfied with seeing him freeze mid sip. I'm literally the devil kings coffee fixer, if anything I should be paying more for these beans at the store with how good they seem to be. 

"Are you feeling okay?" I questioned. 

" Good enough." He said, calmly. Finally moving himself away from the cup and lifting it for me to see. "What's this?"

"It's just the normal blend. Made with good Christian values." I say.

Riser raises an eyebrow. "There's a heretical way to make coffee?"

"Not that I know off, but I'll be sure to tell you if I find out."

He blinks. "Why?"

"I don't know to be honest, maybe it might be fun to share." I answer. 

Riser stares at me as if contemplating something for a few minutes. He didn't seem suspicious, in fact, his look screamed confusion more so than cynicism. The look in his eyes lessened when he averted his eyes, he might've remembered something that he wanted to say. 

"I've heard that you've fared excellently against Isabela and Xuelan." He says, giving me a small smile. "If nothing, you definitely have grit for a human."

"What the hell did you feed that semen demon?" I ask. 

"Semen demon." Riser questions, and as he thinks more about it, I can see him holding in a chuckle. "You must've had quite the experience with Xuelan." 

He takes up the mug again and causally sips on the coffee. "Quite the skill issue we have on our hands, considering you have nine more to go through, and the first one already earned a title."

Ugh. He had to remind me. 

"Don't act like she hasn't earned that nickname." I smirked. "After all, you knew very well who I was referring to without having once given out her name."

He flinched with a similar wariness I had after I finally put Xuelan down. I don't know what it was, but Riser seemed like he was remembering something, and that something made him far more tired than Xuelan could ever make me. 

"There are always bigger fish, Kusora." He said. "But since you managed to satisfy them, you should be doing fine in this trial for the time being. Well, unless they decided that once wasn't enough."

I feel a little sweat climb down my brow. "Can't you take some off my hands when that happens?"

 "Human dildo." Riser said, pointing at me. "I've got my hands full already." He held it out for a few moments before smiling. His smile seemed to have been teetering on a grin, and a better improvement than when he first arrived. Against my expectations, he seemed to be having a little fun.

Even if it's at my expense. 

Despite that, I feel like I made some progress into understanding him. In spite of the coffee tasting good, he doesn't seem to have an interest in that. But he perks up when talking about women. Surprisingly in a way that doesn't get him locked up, he's similar to Barney Stinson in a way, just way more…Anime. 

And a lot less of a legend. 

Still though, he looks better. Even though I haven't made much progress into the investigation, it seems that I managed to cheer him up some. Who knows, this might open more opportunities that can lead into solutions. 

Marriage contracts can often be broken if a better alternative is introduced. But despite what Riser, and what I thought at first. I cannot be that alternative. My aura isn't that strong. 

So the question I need to answer is, in the Phoenix family's eyes. What will constitute a better alternative to its relationship with the Gremory Family?

I'm not even close to being able to answer that, but I feel as though I've taken my first step in understanding what the answer needs to be. 

Friday, 22:15 PM 

This is most certainly not what I expected however. 

"Wow, Isabella wasn't lying, Ni!"

"I know, I'm looking at it!"

There are currently two girls in my bedroom, little needs to be said about their obvious state of dress. Or lack thereof. They were as naked as the day they were born, covered with a thin layer of sweat. My sight is blurry, probably from being woken up in the middle of the night by these two maniacs. 

I can still make out the sight of my length, standing noticeably proud between the red, blue, naked catgirl duo. I remember them being the nekomata pawns from Riser's peerage. Considering that they have senses that are similar to Koneko's there's no doubt that they already know that I'm awake now. Maybe they were being courteous in case I wanted to go back to sleep while this happened. 

Oh well, I was already awake anyway. And this certainly beats using my hand to kill insomnia. 

I lay on the bed and try to move so that I'm leaning vertically on the headboard. One of the twins was lying next to me, curving her body to emphasize her sizable ass and modest breasts. They both seemed athletic, with their breasts not being as big and full as their peers, but visibly more perky. 

Li seemed to be playing around with my loose hand, sliding it all across her body and prompting me to grope and fondle her ass and tail. The blurriness of my sight faded, and I discovered that it wasn't my cock that I could see, but it was the sight of Ni burying herself on it and riding me in reverse cowgirl. 

The arousal hits me all at once. Ni couldn't take my cock all the way to base, and so while actively kissing me, Li forgoes all the fondling in favour of stroking the length that couldn't dig into her sister's wet pussy. 

Oh lord, these two certainly didn't waste any time.

Despite being nekomata like my gym coach, they didn't look at all as to what I expected compared to the likes of Kuroka and Koneko. But it leaves much to be said, Koneko is cute and her older sister is basically the DxD equivalent to Yoruichi.

Hottest girl in bleach by the way.

Ni and Li had visibly shorter ears than I expected from seeing pictures of numerous cat girls. Contrary to what us degenerates believe, their ears didn't take up a large portion of their head, they looked truly cat-like. Twitched like them too.

If it weren't obvious, I'm a definite cat person. It hurts to remember anything else further back about my past life, but I remember that there was a cat that absolutely loved when I did this.

Li was still stroking my shaft, but I fully encapsulated myself in gently stroking her head and ears. It didn't do much to heighten my arousal, in fact it did the opposite, as I could feel myself relaxing as I did it.

Although the aversion from raging arousal certainly didn't last long against an assault from two sexy cat girls.

If this is how Ni and Li are making me feel like, then Kuroka is about to be my goddamn kryptonite.

Ni's noticeable breasts bounced with fervor. Despite not being able to handle my full length, she's taking it like a champ. I could see small beads of sweat begin to form at her brow, reflecting the sheer franticness of her riding. There was also the case of my pelvis feeling like it's getting reduced to powder, but hey, cat girl bouncing on my cock here. Considering I have an apparent weakness to cats, I see this as an absolute win.

Probably goes to explain why I'm so taken with Koneko, now that I think about it.

Her breath was beginning to grow harsh, moaning uncontrollably and without abandon. Thankfully not outside like Isabella, else we would have woken up the whole house. 

 "Oh, Satan!" Ni howled. "I'm cumming!" A series of squirting noises followed that proclamation, alongside some serious strokes and fingering from her twin sister, almost as if she was trying to force her to bust.

Only moments later, I'm seeing her arching her head back and her legs quivering like crazy. Her pussy grips me like mad for a while, and I almost came inside her. But she ended up falling to my side of the bed. For once, I find a devil that has been put out of commission. Even if it was one of Riser's pawns. 

Li seems to tap her twin sister a few times, probably to make sure she was alright. Her eyes were blank but she was still breathing. By all rights a cum-induced coma. 

Could've used that with Xuelan before she broke my pelvis, not complaining, i'm just making it known. 

But surprisingly, I'm still somewhat raring to go. It makes sense since she blue balled me hard, I was moments away from cumming when she passed out, and it's not like I can just shove it in her when she obviously needs some rest. But luckily, this wasn't much of an issue. Li ended up taking hold of my cock, and stroking it while looking me in the eye. 

"So, Silver, right?" Li asks.

Is she really making sure of my name while actively having sex with a person that was almost asleep? Eh, I can't be mad, a trade off would be that I might be that I don't get as much play as I currently do. "Yes, and you must be Li." I said. "It's nice to meet you, and I can certainly get used to this sort of greeting."

She laughs sheepishly while looking around and taking in the current situation. "Yeah, it is a pretty wild greeting, I admit. Ni was just getting a little pent up watching Master with Yubellina. Then I remembered that you were an option."

I raise my eyebrow. "And what, you don't have an itch?"

She shrugs. "I'm a virgin."

Huh, I didn't expect that. Since Ni had no problem being slutty, I would've thought that Li would follow suit since they seemed to do everything in sync judging from the anime. If I think about it, it's obvious. She's saving it for Riser. 

"Huh, that Riser is a lucky man." I say. I was fully prepared for me to use my hand for tonight out of respect for her wishes, but Ni still hasn't gotten off even after a few minutes. 

"You really thought I was going to blue ball you?" She questioned, an amused smile crossing her lips while stroking my cock. She doesn't hop on it, but she stops stroking and with a simple turn of her head, takes the tip into her mouth. 

"Not gonna lie, I did." I said. "So this is a pleasant surprise."

"I still have an itch, you know." Ni said. "Besides, Isabela couldn't shut up about you, and I can see why."

There was a rare moment of silence between the slurping, I could see the moment her lips went beyond the tip and proceeded to take in the length of my dick. I could feel the tip bury itself in her throat, and the length that remained, gently stroked by Ni's hands. 

I could feel one of them leave and make their way down, fondling my ballsack. Her blowjob was certainly doing work. The more she moved the deeper she would go. And I couldn't shake her off as well, Ni had a good grip on my thighs and she was using them as leverage to bury herself as deep to the hilt as she could. Constant deepthroat after deepthroat. 

Oh, God. She doesn't have a gag reflex. 

I was hard pressed to any blowjob crazier than Xuelan's, but the throat guardian over here has her beat. Her throat felt like a powerful vacuum, sucking the life out me and not stopping. 

When I felt myself getting close, I barely had to push her down. It was as though Ni could feel it herself and suddenly stopped raising her head all the way up. Instead, she kept her head glued onto the base of my cock as she moved, almost as though eating it. 

And when I finally blew, she kept her head there after I felt myself shoot rope after rope of cum into her gullet. I could see her eyes roll back in pleasure and felt her twitch wildly on my arm. Soon, I heard gulping, and felt Ni's lips suck harder on my cock.

She was drinking it straight from my shaft. 

For the first time in what seemed like forever, I feel myself cum again into her throat. This time, I hold onto both sides of her head and kept her to the base of my cock. I could feel sparks shoot all throughout my body as moments passed and Ni pulled my cock out of her mouth. 

She turned to me and gave me a little pose with two fingers and her mouth wide open. Empty, completely and utterly empty. There wasn't even a drop at the sides of her lips, if I were some other person, I wouldn't have known that she gave a blowjob to someone. 

I think I just sat on my bed and contemplated life for a moment. I can admit without question that Ni has just given me the greatest blowjob I ever had. 


"Riser really is a lucky guy." I said. "You really just drained me dry."

"I'm pretty good, huh?" Ni says with a smile. "I've been practising."

"...i'm cumming…"

We both turn to Li who is currently very asleep at my side. She's drooling a little on the pillow, and her tail is swinging about wildly. I give a light chuckle, what sort of dream is she having?

Ni sighs with an amused smile. "Jeez. She was on your cock for about five minutes as she's already dreaming about a second round." she smiles. "Looks like you got your work cut out for you, Mr dildo."

"...you literally just said my name moments ago." I say, deadpanning. 

All Ni does is shrug. I look at the sleeping Li. It might've been a bit weird since she just blurted it out at the most randomest time, but the pink haired nekomata had a point. I could also use some sleep.

When I turned back, Ni was already naked and sleeping to my right. 


They really are like cats. Not even asking before taking up space. 

So, I'm back and thankfully alive. Not going to lie. Six months is a lot of time. But a whole lot of shit happened in my life. Stuff that almost killed my muse and made me stop writing. But i'm getting used to things now, and slowly getting back into things. Thanks for waiting. 

On the brighter side of things, despite all the crap that went on, I actually managed to finish off the intial planning for the entire fic. It's pretty long, longer than most of my fics anyway. Bromance with Riser this chapter, small but we'll get there. 

Feel free to tell me what you think!

For those who cannot wait the two weeks for updates, or want an easier way to commission something from me, in addition to my Kofi link that has some chapters in advance. I've also set up a for anyone that wants to support my work.

With that being said, see you all next time.



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