

In the lost times of man, Came a great plague spreading vastly across the Congo, four of the most powerfull wizards of dark arts from different tribes (Zibah from the fishermans, Eko from the Sand tribe, Mina from the blaze, and Manza from rocky Bad lands).

Once upon a time, these tribes were a prosperous city of Angar. The people leaves luxurious lives, they lost thier dignity, violence later the wars, the army of the rocky bad lands emerged victorious. The great leaders of the fisherman,Blaze and sand tribe in an attempt for a cou were captured and executed together with their Wizards.

Manza grew weaker due to an ubalance within, his abilities grew weaker as the only wizard left, new wizards had to be chosen to maintain this balance or the Rock tribe will be viewed weak to their enemies, the Rocky king grew impatient and in a rush new wizards emerged.

In the old ways, the acne protocols and test were to be followed, these wizards didnt follow any and so the king loved them as they did all he ever wished, they practiced the forbidden dark arts for their good and will.

Manza feeling disgust formed an alliance with the less privileged locals.

As professy for told, darkness shall rule over the people, these wizards in time lost thief ways, the king over throned, Kalyx emerged, a man with furnace within his soul consumed by rage.

Kalyx destroyed all young wizards who practiced the pure arts in an attempt to kill Manza, he sent his most loved and powerful son to bring Manzas hearth.

Manza tried to flee but was weak so he absorbed the soul of these soldier and manza grew younger and his magic retained. This was the first time he practiced BlackMagic. In a persue he fled, as the last pure wizard left, a great fog covered the entire vast lands. Sickness fell upon the people.

Chapter 2 in the making