Many mini stories
War rages on the shore, Warlords and their backers, The Marines, clashing constantly against every level and ally of the Whitebeard Pirates. During this battle, unseen or sensed by most (at first) a entity in a very small ferry boat rows towards the shore. Dracul Mihawk noticed first the entity and its ship and as soon as he did several things about it struck him as odd. Firstly obviously a war was actively going on, Secondly it was in a boat only slightly larger than the throne platform he usually sails in, Thirdly it was rowing the boat actively towards the warzone, Fourthly the entity wore an intricate robe and large sunhat lined with gold and coins made of gold, and Finally an ominous purple smoke/water vapor esc thing comes out of its mouth at strange intervals which are more in line with grumbling to itself rather than breathing. No one other than Mihawk notices the creature until the very second it's boat hits the shore and like an alarm going off everyone with observation haki at a decent level stops fighting and snaps their attention to it. The Creature takes it oar out of the water and walks casually forward towards the battlefield, neither side knows who or what it is, as it walks it uses its oar as a walking stick and once it gets within range of the bodies on the ground all over the area it, faster than anyone can properly see or sense, swings it oar like a sword and a purple air slash goes over the bodies. The men still near the bodies battling freakout as the slash hits them, but notably it doesn't leave even a scratch on any of them. At the same time the swing ends the boat starts to glow with white light which then condenses into a single ball and seems to sit on the only seat in the boat.
As the Ferryman turns back to its boat, Mihawk sends a slash at it. Observation Haki is insanely powerful but the most important sense is the seventh one, battle sense: the ability to understand a creatures physical attributes with relative accuracy at a glance; it can only be obtained through constant and intense battles against the powerful, to those with said sense Mihawk's move was the worst thing they've ever seen. Mid-step the Ferryman seems to blink out of existence as Mihawk's Observation haki screams out to him, his armament and conquers collide to make powerful armor on him and his sword, as he jumps away and flips around putting his blade in front of him as he trys to stop the impact of whatever is about to hit him. Mihawk is sent flying as the power behind the blow shatters Yoru and his ribs, he lands infront of Whitebeard and Sengoku making a massive crater. The other Warlords are flushed with fear as they stare at the Ferryman, He ignores this and walks towards the downed Mihawk, the armies part as it walks through. Mihawk, barely concious, stares at the Ferryman, after a moment the Ferryman is infront of him and for the first time all day someone sees under the sun hat. Mihawk sees death as he looks at the Ferryman's face and then sees and feels much worse when he locks eye's with the Ferryman, the creature's eyes glow an otherworldly purple and unconscious upon seeing them Mihawk screams in terror.
Charon, tried of these alive humans antics, walks back to his boat and begins his row back home. Lamenting his strange day as his groans echo out across Marineford.