
Manifest Minion

Hektor manages to escape the frontlines through the skin of his teeth, the child soldier must now venture out into the world as he awakens his personal skill. [Manifest Minion] the ability to summon servants through the use of his mana and a handful of souls. This will also release on Royal Road soon.

Frozenfish21 · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs


Hektor and the rest of the other mercenaries were summoned to the prince's camp. Where most of the young royal's elite soldiers stayed. Situated right next to the main fortified walls of the town.

The Prince's camp was set up much like any other camp in the vicinity, the only thing that differs is the quality in the equipment used. There were also servants present, non-combatants who serve the purpose of making the trip a bit more comfortable. Luxuries that only nobles and the knights could have.

The Prince eyed the five of them, staring at them from head to toe.

"And what is this one capable of?" The prince asked.

"The manipulation of birds, your highness." The guard captain responded. "He was a great asset when it came to information gathering and communication."

"If it's just that, then there's no need for someone like him, at least a dozen of the spellcasters we brought have communication spells."

The prince dismissed Hektor without even batting an eye. 'Just what I wanted.' Hektor thought to himself as he tried to leave the room.

"If I may, Prince Mars." Eliza moved forward, cutting the teen off. "I wish to speak to an old acquaintance."

While the prince's curiosity was piqued, he had other matters to attend to. "But of course, I will be seeing you in a bit, Eliza."

Eliza had two knights stationed as her guards. Following the two teens as they walked. "Sorry about this Hektor."

"It's no problem at all, Lady Eliza." He nodded.

She led them to a resting area where the knights followed. Leaving them no room for privacy.

"So… what has happened to you since the auction?" She asked, curious of his story.

"Our batch was dispatched at the frontlines against those greenskins." He responded. "The commander used us as bait, we drew in hundreds of them. You can probably guess the rest of what happened from there."

His look was solemn, the sole survivor in his batch. A batch of defects is what the instructors often called them.

"I see…" She paused.

"But enough about me, what happened to you?" Hektor asked trying to put up a smile. "It seems that our dorm's A-Batch landed somewhere grand."

"….Indeed. The fourth prince won the bid and I have been his aide ever since." Her eyes looked a bit empty.

"Hmmm, I see." He looked at the two knights, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"I unlocked my personal skill recently." He opened up his cloak to reveal a small flock of birds staying quiet underneath. "I think we can send letters through them if you want to keep in touch."

He gave her a knowing look before heading out of the tent. "It would be great if you could give me information on who bought our dear friend Lina, for me."

Eliza smiled before waving goodbye.


"I have information on who bought Lina, but you know that I will not just give it to you. You surely know what I want." Eliza's first letter was short, but it had everything that Hektor needed to know.

"The same thing we all wanted, I know. Hatching a plan wouldn't be easy, I'll do my best to help you. More birds will be sent your way. Try to be discreet."

Hektor was forced to stay for a few more days as he conversed with Eliza. Aiding the guards but now with less pay. He used the opportunity to gather more souls.

"I think you already know this but, I don't think there's anything I can do to help you escape… at least without becoming a wanted criminal."

"The Prince has placed a tight guard around me, I think they're suspecting me of trying to leave."

"Keep the birds around you, I'll keep in touch."

Hektor knew that the information she had was valuable, but without the ability to help her in exchange he knew that the conversation was not something that they should be having at the moment. "But since Lina has been bought as someone in Batch A, then only the noble houses should be considered as part of the buyer's list."

"Then I don't have to head back into the orphanage, It's far too risky to even try to go back in that place."

He decided that the best option for now was to get stronger, either through summoning more minions or simply by practicing his craft.


Name: Hektor

Title(s): Young Soldier

Mana: 1,500/1,500

Aura: 2,272/2,300

Personal Skill: [Manifest Minion]

Skill(s): Markluzian Spear Art, Mana Barrier, Mana Bolt

Souls: 52

With the 27 Corvids and 12 Carrion Feeders under his control, Hektor decided that it was finally time to head out. "If I want to get stronger then the academies and dojos at the capital seem like a fair option. I need to raise my mana pool to begin with."

With his reputation as a mercenary and his new silver plaque, Hektor took on a mission that would land him in the City of Teblez, a mainland city that is two weeks away from the capital. "I might even find a dojo that I'm looking for in that area… who knows?"

The Carrion feeders would be guided by some of his ravens, while the rest of his corvids served as the caravan's scouts.

"Hahaha, I have to say. Journeying with you makes it feel a lot safer Hektor." An Axe wielding mercenary commented.

"The birds are far more useful than you thought huh?" Another mercenary chimed in.


"I still can't believe that you two didn't choose knighthood." Hektor shrugged out.

"A knight, for a stuck up brat like that?" The axe-bearer spat. "I'd rather go back to being a slave."

"Knight, Slave… what's the difference?" Hektor asked rhetorically. "I guess being a knight can get you to sleep on those mattresses while in the frontlines."

"HAHAHA this is why I like this kid!" The largest one among them smiled.