
Maniac Night

Set in the same universe of "Life Isn't Always Sunshine & Rainbows" comes a new a horror slasher story The story takes place in a FICTiONAL highschool, located ay FICTIONAL city of High Dreams, Utah. Maniac Night is short horror slasher story center around the fictional Star-struck High from the fictional High Dreams City, Utah where a group of teenage anthropomorphic animals or furs/avians are targeted by a masked maniac anthro during the schols football championship game nigh. Due to an incident that occurred in their highschool, read & fund out how the maniac stealthy seals thier fate in a total of 6 chapters with good old fashion slasher elements & kills.

Red_Stain · สยองขวัญ
7 Chs


A normal school day turns into confusion for the students of Star-stuck High in the city of High Dreams as they see one of their classmates being taken to an ambulance in a hospital stretcher; the student in question was a young weasel. Different species of animals talk among themselves about what could have happened to the young ram as others try to record what was happening or text their friends or lovers about what was currently happening among the murmuring students someone was watching with hatred & anger in their eyes as they saw the ram being taken to the hospital in his right paw he holds a piece of paper, which they crumble it while clenching their paw, tuning out the noisy students & the sound of their steps or lockers closing down that the hallway lights illuminated the dark atmosphere of this incident or perhaps tragedy. But one thing was certain for the students. Something bad happened but the question remains what exactly happened to the young ram? Among them, someone knew what had exactly happened.