
Mandolorian Stormtrooper

Axel_Kiss_5577 · อื่นๆ
4 Chs


There was once a young man, age 35 who lived happily on a planet called earth. But one day he got in a tragic accident and passed away. Meanwhile in a galaxy far far away the young man has reincarnated into a young boy called Alix Vizsla on a planet called Mandalore.

The now known boy Alix is the son of the legendary Mand'alor and long dead Warrior Pre Vizsla who died after the rise of the Galactic Emperor, Sheev Palpatine.

Now what will the stories of Alix Vizsla tell?

Alix would wake up. He could feel it. The pain from his injuries was gone.

"Ouch," he said.

He opened his eyes to see a nice looking nurse looking down at him with her hands on her hips.

"Welcome back to the land of the living Alix," she said kindly smiling. "I'm glad you're awake."

"Thanks," said Alix as he sat up slowly. His body ached like crazy so he needed some help getting up.

She helped him sit up. He looked around and saw that he was in an unfamiliar room. It had a window but it didn't look out at anything. There were some medical equipment hooked up to him.

"How long have I been here?" asked Alix.

"You've been asleep for about three weeks," answered the nurse. "Your body went through quite a lot of trauma. You lost too much blood. That's why you passed out. But don't worry, we got you all fixed up again. We even gave you a new set of lungs."

"That must be nice," said Alix.

"It is," said the nurse. "So how are you feeling?"

"Like shit," replied Alix.

"Well that's understandable," said the nurse. "But you'll get better. Now if you'd excuse me I need to go check on someone else. Just call me over when you need something."

And with that she left. Alix laid there thinking. He couldn't believe he was alive. How did he end up here? How was he going to live from now on? What about his family? Would they ever know? Was he even really alive or just a hallucination of sorts? Those thoughts ran through his head. Then he started to think about his last moments on Earth before the accident.

"This can't be happening," thought Alix. "Not again!"

Flash Back:

Alix remembered meeting with a woman named Kira Nerys. She was a bounty hunter that was working against the New Republic of Korea.

"Hey kid," said Kira to Alix, "Why don't you come with me. I'll take you to see your folks."

"What?" exclaimed Alix. "You mean my parents are still alive? They're not dead? Where are they?"

"Don't worry kid," said Kira. "They're safe and sound. I promise. Come on."

Kira took Alix to an old warehouse where his parents were being held. A group of men were holding them captive.

"Where are you taking us?" asked Alix's mother.

"To the boss, of course," replied one of the men.

"No," said another man. "We should kill them now. We can't trust them. They've got to die."

"Calm down," said the first man. "If we do this right we won't have any problems."

"But what if they escape?" asked the second man.

"Then we'll deal with it," responded the first man.

"Look guys," said Kira. "These people are my friends. I want to help them. So let them go."

"What makes you think they're your friends?" asked the first man.

"Because they're my friends," said Kira. "Come on. Let them go."

"Fine," said the leader of the thugs. "You win."

Kira looked at Alix and his parents and smiled.

"Let's go," said Kira.

She led Alix and his family to a ship and gave them a lift off.

"Thank you," said Alix.

"Anytime," said Kira.

As they took off, Kira turned to Alix.

"Kid," said Kira, "don't say anything about this to anyone yet. Not until you're older. Understand?"

Alix nodded.

"Good," said Kira. "That's good."

Kira flew away and Alix was left alone with his family.

"We're free now," said Alix's father. "Finally. Thank you for saving us."

"It was no problem," answered Kira. "I owe you big time."

"Yes," said Alix's mother. "You definitely owe us."

And with that they were all reunited.


Alix found himself in a hospital bed agian but this time with tubes coming out of his chest. It hurt like hell but he was alive. He knew he had to stay strong.

"Help me get these things out of me," said Alix.

A doctor came in. He was a skinny nerdy looking guy who had glasses.

"Hi," said the doctor. "My name is Dr. Krell. Are you Alix (random name)?"

"Yup," replied Alix.

"Well then you're lucky to be alive," said the doctor. "You were badly injured in a car wreck. Your lungs and heart stopped beating several times. Luckily the nurse saved you. "Well thank you," said Alix. "But what about my legs?"

"Oh yeah," said the doctor. "You're paralyzed from the waist down. The doctors told me that there's nothing more they can do for you. I'm sorry."

"Is there any way I can walk again?" asked Alix. "The legs aren't that important to me."

"It's possible," said the doctor. "But not likely. If you want to try though, you can stay here. But you might regret it later."

"Ok," said Alix. "Well thanks anyways."

"Wait," said the doctor. "I forgot to mention something. You've been having hallucinations lately. You were saying things like 'Help me get these things out of me'. And you kept telling everyone to leave you alone and 'Don't touch me'."

"That sounds like me," said Alix.