

"Hahaha, always so merciful, not that I don't benefit from it, it really does remind me of the old days, "Sirus said as his voice grew softer after every word while his mind dived into the past

"You should be the last one talking about bad personality's" Eros retorted as he walked over to a bed which he sat on "Your stubbornness will be the end of you"

"Yeah….I know" Sirius said as he kept his huge grin

"Alright, I know I'm the weakest in the group, so I won't be going to the next round, Eros you can go to the next round," Sirus said as he glanced at Eros

"Hmm? No thanks" Eros said he had laid on a bed his eyes were closed

Why? Sirus asked

Eros stayed quiet

"Well…Oriseion and Demeter it's your turn"Sirus moved his attention to the old bald man and the pill crazy old man

he walked off the stage and sat on a bed, he leaned on the wall a prepared himself for the next fight

"H-hehe" Oriseion cackled as he made his way to the stage