

Time had flowed quickly but still a never ending battle ensued throughout the day and now, night was approaching

The man instantly moved towards Enzo this time instead of using brute force he decided to use his "gift" World energy

After all he was a inscription master so it was natural that he would use such skills

He quickly covered Enzo in a box that continuously shrunk and compressed in situation like these Enzo would turn into his slime form and escape but he was trapped in a box made out of world energy and fragrance with no way to escape so he was sitting duck

World energy was a thing that naturally surpassed all things, potentially, although Enzo was of magi ranks he wasn't able to interfere with such Energy it was a limit within magical beast

The man didn't take his time and Enzo was forced to turn back into his slime form but even then the man continued to compress the box until it was only a thin slice