

After being swatted by the bear which caused him to Slam into a tree a brutaly bruise his arm. He had felt much worse so his reaction was minimal, Athel Quickly stood up as he glared at the bear they immediately entered a stand off but that was easily broken once the bear growled once again alerting Athel that he needed to attack

He immediately ran at the bear he seemed as if he was a blur but the bear could see him easily as da, despite him trying to attack the bear his efforts were futile no matter how he attacked the bear swatted at him every and forced his to dodge and abandon his offensive

This created an extremely annoying situation that made him even angrier

He quickly realized that his evasive attacks weren't working so he decided to charge the bear head on, his killing intent rose with every step which slightly frightened the bear but it's prideful instincts killed that fear and made it charge at the boy

But Athel was already running at it