

Enzo was the first to speak.

"nothing much I did take a mental Scan of the area it turns out that there is eight districts of the port. right now we're in the third district, the districts are broken up from the land districts and the sea districts it works in a way that the districts pointing towards land like the side that we are on, are land districts and the districts pointing towards the sea are sea districts, I was also able to after painstakingly searching for a way to get the normal currency I was finally able to find a currency converter so now I have these coins, Enzo put on a bitter smile before he said but I had to pay a fee one of these coins equal about 100,000 points so I was forced to pay tch! Thief!" He mumbles

he pulled out a stack of coins consisting of three silver coins

"300,000 and Enopy thought as he looked at the coin before he looked Enzo in his eyes