
Male reader, Five night at Freddy's

Abdullah_Waris · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
7 Chs

Chapter 2: Brothers unite

Nighttime in Back ally.

In the back ally of the pizzeria we a see walking purple corpse running slowly breathing.

???: Just... Few... minutes... I can reach.

As clasps on the floor near the door.

???: Little... brother... Abdullah... I... hop you're doing well.

He fall to the ground as he closed his eyes.

The screen faded.

In the Pizzeria at Abdullah's workshop:

He finishes few adjustment to the new animatronic.

Abdullah: Their your go and I thing "he his hand his chin" your ready. 

Abdullah turn to pink figure as smile.

Abdullah: Now it your turn.

Abdullah walk and stand at his creative animatronic as he picks his pad as he turns it on.

Abdullah: Cupcake power on.

The Animatronic began to make machinal noises then she open her eyes as we see a pink cat Animatronic name Cupcake with blue eyes, robot neck expose with two red bows as she look's around as look at Abdullah.

Cupcake: Where am I*as she looks around*, How am I *as she looks at herself and her tail* and how are you *as she looks at Abdullah*?

Abdullah: Your name is Cupcake.

Cupcake: Cupcake I like that name "as she smile".

Abdullah: And you're a cat animatronic.

Cupcake: What an animatronic?

Abdullah: An animatronic that you are a robot Entertainment for kid who come here see you "as he shows her the children in his phone".

She saw the kid: Wow you telling me I have to entertain those cute little ones.

Abdullah smile nod: Yes, and you'll sing and dance for the kids.

Cupcake: So, I have sing and dance for the kids.

Abdullah: Yes, and your Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria.

Cupcake: Who Freddy Fazbear and what is a Pizzeria.

Abdullah: I'll tell you everything later but right now I have to see everything is ok.

Cupcake: Oh Ok.

Abdullah: And my name is Abdullah Afton the owner of this place.

Cupcake: Oh?

Abdullah: You need say hello.

Cupcake: Oh, hello Abdullah Afton.

Abdullah: Just call me Abdullah.

Cupcake: Ok Abdullah.

Abdullah: Cupcake pay attention.

Cupcake pay attention.

Abdullah: I am going to test on my notepad.

Cupcake: Ok.

Abdullah: Ok Cupcake look up" as he point his finger up to show her.

Cupcake lift her head up.

Abdullah: Now look down" as he shows her.

Cupcakes look down.

Abdullah: Very good, now" as Abdullah was about tell her look as they knock on the door.

Cupcakes: Who is it.

Abdullah: I'll see who it is.

Open the look to Helpy.

Abdullah: Ah hello Helpy.

Helpy: Hello boss can I come in.

Abdullah: Yea sure.

Helpy entered as Abdullah close the door as Helpy see an Animatronic.

Helpy: Hey is this.

Cupcakes was confused at Helpy.

Abdullah: That right Helpy that our new Animatronic Cupcakes the cat.

Helpy: Hello Cupcakes I'm Helpy I help Abdullah run this restaurant.

Cupcakes: Hello Helpy.

Abdullah: So Helpy what are you doing here.

Helpy: Oh, good thing said Abdullah, the customers love our restaurant and they love No. 1 crate and they said please got some more Animatronic.

Abdullah: Well, that why I build Cupcakes here has a new Animatronic.

Helpy look at Cupcakes.

Helpy: That why we need new Animatronic like her in the Pizzeria.

Abdullah: Yes, But she new Animatronic and she doesn't know anything.

Helpy: Well why didn't you say so I can teach her.

Abdullah: You can do that.

Helpy: Yeah I teach her everything that she knows.

Abdullah: Oh, sweet thanks Helpy Anything else.

Helpy: Oh yeah that CEO just put some money in the mailbox but the DDW is close so you can only get some stuff in day time.

Abdullah: Oh that ok then, anything else.

Helpy: Oh yeah I heard a creepy moaning at the back ally so I wont to go to check it out and the new shop will open in 5 day and since today is 21 October 2017 we will be get stuff before Halloween come soon.

Then Cupcake spoke will putting her finger on her chin: What's Halloween?

Abdullah was about to say but Helpy said: I'll tell her a Halloween is a tradition that kid and adult dress in costumes, we give out candy to kids.

Abdullah: Which I did select candy for the kid.

Helpy: Oh good know were was I a yes and we decorate place like the pizzeria in spooke stile.

Abdullah: That great will I'll going to check the mailbox.

Helly: See you boss.

Has he ran out of the part and service room.

Helps began teaching Cupcakes : Ok so pay attention because your about to learn a lot.

At the Entrance we see Abdullah coming out to the mailbox has open inside were he found money and a letter from Henry.

Dear Abdullah

You did great in your first night 1 the people and kids love Number 01 crate and all other stuff in your restaurant, just until you know a heal impostores will come exzamen your restaurant, I also put $ 1000 chase and our Arcade will open soon in three day before the Halloween, we're still searching any where about of your brother Micheal, So take care and be safe my boy

From your uncle: Henry.

Abdullah: Then mean I $1265 dollars "has put more cash in his wallet then he put it back in his pocket" now less see what in the back alley.

Then at the back Alley has look around he look at the center with shock were he saw a on ground with a wall of other building were he saw a corpse in purple color and it wearing a purple security guard outfit with a name tag has he look then a corpse open it eyes has l shock then right next him to it has Abdullah was started when saw the corpse move.

Abdullah: Oh how are you.

Walking corpse: Abdullah is the you.

Abdullah shock:(It can talk and what does sound like my brother Micheal) How do you know my name and how do you know my name.

Walking corpse got up has he stretch his right hand out: I know don't recognize me because "has look at himself will clenching his fist together" I become like this but "he turn back to Abdullah" Abdullah I'm Micheal.

Abdullah jaw drop from that thing telling him that he is his brother who gone missing has then he refuses to believe that he is his brother: How would I know that your my brother.

Micheal: I can tell I'm your brother and not our father, I accidentally kill our Chris at Fredbear family diner, I told Uncle Henry to take care of from father, I eat my favorite chewing gun flavor watermallen and I took the job of sister location.

Abdullah shock with tear that the corpse is his older brother Micheal Afton: Micheal It is you.

Then he embrace is big brother who become a walking corpse has Micheal hug his brother: It ok I'm and not leaving.

Abdullah wipe his tear away: But how did you become like this.

Micheal put his hand on his brother left hand on his right shoulder: I'll tell you everything inside.

Abdullah: Alright, but we have to Henry and your wife Sarah because she was more worried what happened to you.

Micheal understands : Think that a great idea plus do miss my wife and my kiss.

Abdullah smile has both brother went inside.

At the main Area:

Micheal: Wow this main stage is big.

Abdullah at his phone just call Henry that he ask to bring Sarah at the Pizzeria: Ok come right away "Abdullah turn to his brother" Henry is coming with Sarah.

Micheal: Understood.

The No. 1 crate come to Abdullah and Micheal which Micheal was shock to see a walking crate that can talking and saw a voice box inside him: Hey Boss.

Abdullah turn to him: Yeah.

No. 1 Crate: Who the walking corpse?

Abdullah: Oh that my oldest brother Micheal.

No. 1: Wait this is Micheal the who went missing!

Abdullah: Yep that him.

Micheal: Abdullah.

Abdullah: Yeah.

Micheal: Is this an animatronic.

Abdullah: Yep this is the new Animatronic from Dumpster diver Weekly the on of the cheaps can get with "he give No.1 crate info" his info he didn't talk which is why I add a voice box.

Micheal: Oh I get it know.

Helps: Hey boss.

Then Micheal heard a voice has they turn to the right side of the stage where he saw two animatronics one look like a white bear which look like mini Funtime Freddy and the other is a pink cat with with a Red bow on her neck.

Micheal ask his brother: How bro why dose the white bear look like Funtime Freddy and who's that animatronic next to it.

Abdullah: Oh the white bear that look like Funtime Freddy is Helly my AI Assistant animatronic and the pink cat Animatronic is Cupcake the cat I made her.

Micheal wide: Wait you made her?

Abdullah: Because what father did at the circus baby Pizza.

Micheal: Yeah I would blame you.

Has Helpy and Cupcake stand near No.1 Crate, Abdullah and Micheal has he saw a walking corpse.

Helpy: Oh boss why is there a Walking corpse how is purple beside you.

Abdullah: I'll tell you but first "he turn to Cupcake" did you learn everything from Helpy.

Cupcake: Yep, Helpy thought me everything.

Abdullah: And to answer your questions Helpy this my brother Micheal Afton.

Helpy gasp: That Micheal Afton! What happened to him?

Micheal: It's a long story and it best if-.

Then they hear a car outside

No. Crate: I think that them.

Abdullah: Helpy go check if that them?

Helpy: Yes boss.

He ran to lobby to parking load, other talk in the main area at the chair where Micheal look at himself.

Micheal: What am I going to now I can't eat, I don't have any organs, my own wife and kids think of me has a monster.

Abdullah: Ok first I'll give a machinable organ.

Micheal/No.crate/Cupecake: What a Machinable.

Abdullah: Yeah I thought when I was living with you during my high school's ears, I thought one of these they I'll make Machinal organs one for a human if they lost and the other one is for animatronic and one Cupcake is the one with animatronic organ with repeision so she can get rid of her food.

Cupcake sitting one of chair that Abdullah bought from the cheap store where she place her hand on her stomach: I do feel I want to eat something.

Micheal: So am I going to get them.

Abdullah: I'll go get it in my workshop.

Abdullah stand up went to the workshop then he quickly ran back, where he put a Machine organs on his brother body where he attach it to his brother.

Micheal: Do I able to digest food.and drink?