

after 1 week Ning'er is bronze 4 rank but can fight silver 2 rank and my wives and Ning'er we are spending our time in practice field playing as we on holidays and our gate guard comes with city lord with his wife and ziyun and I see all three are some nervous and ziyun is behind her mother following and looking towards Ning'er and my wives

As we all see the guest and stops whatever we are doing and says our hello to guest and I tell them to follow towards guest hall and tell my wives to continue whatever they were doing but Queenie comes with me and we walk in guest hall

there we sit and Queenie offer tea to all of us and I ask the city lord what happened and how are they here before yezong can say anything thing his wife speaks 'we want a favour from you' and I quietly ask what can I do then city lord say that ziyun wants to be your student with some embarrassed expression

and I laughs and Queenie is also smiling and I ask them why they want me to be ziyun teacher because there are many teachers your household and they say it's ziyun request

then I ask ziyun why she want to be my student and she says that I want be friend with Ning'er again and here I can get the chance

then I tell her that she can be my student but she has to work hard to catch up to Ning'er then she ask me why because she thinks Ning'er is not even rank 1 bronze and then I tell her and city lord to keep my next talk very private and tell them that Ning'er will reach silver rank next month and she can fight gold rank 1 at that time and they stares me weirdly and our talk went for another hour and yezong with his wife leaves

I talk with ziyun and ask her about her cultivation technique she hesitates but decided to show me and I check with LOHP for flaws and there are about 100 flaws and thinks that Nieli manual is also not top of the line and and give her a snow wind manual custom made without flaws and tell her not to give and show it to your parents unless I tell you and not show your cultivation rank in public then I call Ning'er and tell Ning'er to tell everything about your training routine and now ziyun will sleep with you as you both will be working together which make ziyun smile

now one more week passed and in this week the whole inscription fraud is shown by Nieli and now sacred family is trying to come out of sticky situation and I decided to make more chaos and take all the inscription made by their ancestors and sends the copy of sacred family inscription and original inscription with details of book where it can be found and send it to the all major family and association and now there reputation is at bottom and they are searching for the person who send those letters and when they not found any trail. sacred family decided to take Nieli as responsible because of he is the who started and Nieli is also thinking of the person who sent those letters

due to these situation Nieli is given clerk position in library and now the situation is at half

Nieli is also searching for ziyun as she is not coming to class at all

yesterday yangxin told me that someone has sent an anonymous letter telling the uses of purple haze grass and she will be busy at her work more

And chen linjian and also gone to ancient orchid city ruins

After 10 days Nieli and group are back from the ruins and they created a new commotion about all the things they have found in there treasure hunting and I broke through the fate soul 2 rank and ziyun is bronze 3 and Ninger is silver 1 rank and I have decided to teach them about laws so when they reach legend rank it will be easy for them to create their law beads

I then started to teach them inscription and show them my power of law and how it works and tell them to first start comprehend the ice and wind laws for ziyun and wind and lighting laws for Ning'er and within these 10 day they have become friends again and ziyun is always around Ning'er while smiling and talking

as while we all are eating dinner yangxin tells that that anonymous letter about purple haze grass was sent by a student at institute named Nieli and ask me to help her making pills in association and I tell her to help Nieli whenever it is possible as it will get help to glory city and she just nods as she trust me fully.

after dinner as are walking towards our room because Ning'er and ziyun sleeps in one room while Daphne and Astoria in other room and yangxin Quinee in another room after I see that Ning'er and ziyun had gone to their room , I catch Queenie on one shoulder and Yangxin on another one. and goes to Daphne room and places them on bed where both Daphne and Astoria are already present

as I just jumps on bed and start with Queenie while other join as they know what will happen all night .