

1 month more passed Neili and his group have gone to the nether realm but before going ziyun came to say goodbye to all of us and I placed a tracking mark on her

and I have reached the Dao of dragon realm and placed 1 fate star into nothingness palace (can't use this place because of no comprehension of law only able to use raw energy from star)and mixed one fate soul into my main soul

one day passed as I thought NeiLi group should have reached the draconic realms . I use my tracking mark and open a space portal to travel there alone with my not to notice charm on

as I exit the portal is see girls everywhere roaming here there and I also see ziyun going with some girl

as I have my charm and hide ability on array of the sect also can't notice me.

I come out of heavenly note sect and one week passed on exploring the draconic realm. The draconic realm was vast If we compare it with that of tiny world and The heavenly energy concentrated is more than tiny world by a huge degrees as the energy concentration can make black gold rank to reach legend rank in a few hours (just an example). I have also gone to demonic region also and There are various races in the demon race .The demon races are backed by the sage emperor with his deity beasts and deity followers and I have also watched the ancestral demonic Saint lands, where sage emperor resided

as draconic realm is lushed with lakes capable of producing heavenly crystals. Various families claimed most of the lakes, thus influencing their rise in power and large deity lakes which are under the demon beast or not occupied by anyone , I have extracted deity roots and placed them in my cave to produce more crystals as I have got 100 of deity roots and placed them in the cave the crystal production of one day is equal to one month previously as now I have mountains of heavenly crystals and converting extra crystal into gold essence.

I have also gone to ancestral god land but not inside it and it is a floating island high in the sky

and I have also checked the sage emperor heavenly dao array three focal point and there are one deity realm beast with his subordinates are protecting the focal point and his rest three generals are in the ancestor land keeping it safe

I have also studied the array and got the answer why the heavenly energy is not in large quantity it is because the three focal point in array are collecting the heavenly energy to keep it working continuously.and if the array is destroyed heavenly energy can rise up to 5 times in the environment

Now I am buying a house with enough rooms and a large garden as I have literally unlimited money

now I have decided to return glory city to my home as I stepped out of portal Astoria tackles me to the ground and asking questions about my trip while all other girls are laughing and with a small smile Daphne is also laughing.

I tell them about trip and the house I brought and ask them if they are ready to leave and all of them are ready to leave except Ning'er as she has to say goodbye to her father and yangxin she has to tell the association that she is leaving as she is training a new person to take her place it will be easy

1 week passed Ning'er was with her father the whole week and now Ning'er is here to travel with us. I also told yezong that we are leaving

i open a portal to our home and we all stepped through it and all girls are checking their surroundings and asking me to come with them to travel outside .

we are now in the market buying everything which comes to our liking and I have also told Ning'er to buy anything that she wants and now she is with Astoria buying clothes etc.

At night after dinner I call a meeting in living room to talk to Ning'er and I give her a new cultivation technique to reach supreme realm and tell her about me and my wives that we are not from this world , we all travel to different world and lives there and become strong and enjoy our life then I say' if you want you can come with us and you can decide if you want to come with us or not until we leave' and as me and my wife's talk more about our journey Ning'er says 'i will come with you all' and our Night passes talking and laughing.