

at mourning when I woke up I see lingxi is lying on top of me sleeping and seeing her naked body my little brother stand up and pokes lingxi and that wakes her up but she kept her eyes closed

so I grabbed her boobs which result in a small moan but she kept her eyes closed so I started using my hand technique which result in more moans which arouse me more and she also get aroused her nipples get straight so I princess carry her and take her to bathroom and we spend about an hour there and then we come out and I also noticed she reached nascent profound realm and we talk some time and I also healed her so she can walk properly and now we are going towards breakfast

As we walk in, lingxi mother comes and takes her while I walk towards xiao li , some greetings and I tell him that ' me and lingxi will be leaving today' and that caught him and all people by surprise and I also told lingxi that we will be leaving at afternoon so you can say goodbye to all .

Afternoon came I also notice that lingxi eyes were red as she cried and I tell her that she come at anytime if she wants to meet her parents and I give a two way mirror to lingxi and her mother so they can communicate with each other

Then I pick her up with my energy and fly away and after some thinking I decided to go to New moon city

when we were some distance away from city. I come down with lingxi and hold her hand while she blushes and tell her that we will be living in this city for some time and she just nods

and the streets were more busy than floating cloud city as the sun is setting down I decided to get a hotel and found one and booked a room for a month

we reach the room and it is good not excellent then I ask lingxi if she has some clothes for to wear for upcoming day she nods and says I have 3 pairs and I say 'ok tommorow we are going shopping ' and then for dinner I take out some fruits and we eat then I tell her about her divine body and she is surprised and I give her a divine lightning dual cultivation <span style="font-size: 18px;">technique and tell her to start cultivating now </span>

<span style="font-size: 18px;">about an hour passed I see she is getting out of cultivation and ask her to take bath as impurities just got removed form her and she goes to take bath about half hour later she comes out and her hair is wet and her suit is tightly wrapped around her showing her curves.</span>

I approach her and carry her to bed and start kissing and we start removing each other clothes and started our night routine and which goes about hours and then we sleep and when I wake up seeing her she became more beautiful and her skin has become as soft as it can be and she also got her Ying Yang mark and I can feel a mental connection with her and she also wakes up and we go to bath and do our work

now we are eating in a resturant and I booked a personal room so no one can disturb us and after some time now we are shopping her clothes and various things like this one month passed and her cultivation entered true profound realm and she is now a beauty that's why I gave her a veil so she can hide her face

now we are heading towards the New moon profound palace and I am planning to be there for about six to seven months and got the gate and I see two guards standing there

guards seeing us coming say 'stop only disciples of the New moon profound place are allowed to enter'

I walk in front of them and put some pressure on them and tell them while smiling 'i know that's why I am here so my wife can enter this profound palace so can you go and tell someone from high enough rank that someone is here to meet them'. and one guard run through the gate to the inner palace.

while I am talking with lingxi about the profound palace, I see a old man coming with a guard and he speaks " Senior, you wished to speak with me" then I tell him ' yes my wife wants to enter your profound palace '

'of course may I know your name senior' he asks me respectfully.

I say 'alex '

"Its an honour, I am Sikong Han, Grand Elder of New Moon Profound Palace" he introduces himself and asks me and lingxi to follow to chief of the palace.

after traveling through the corridors we come to a gate and he knocks and we hear a voice ' come in'

we enter and elder Sikong introduces us and palace chief speaks 'if they want to enter they can come through the selection process' I frown hearing his sentence and put some pressure and even he himself who is earth profound realm can't detect any cultivation from me and he tries to stand up from his seat and seeing this elder Sikong apologize to me and I lift the pressure and say 'now we can talk'

he stands up and greets me and says his name quin wuyou and I say I and my wife wants to join this profound place and he asks ' why do you want to enter this place even you are enough powerful ' and I say ' I just want to stay here for 6-7 months for cultivating and you have to just provide us a place to live and we can find our cultivation resources by our own ' and some persuading we become inner disciple of profound place and now elder Sikong is taking to our living place we enter the our compound and Sikong speaks ' senior if you ever want anything just call me I am leaving one guard outside your palace you can inform him he will find me' and leaves