
Making Modern Weapons in a Fantasy World

In the continent of Dark a group of dirty and bloody individuals commit a forsaken summoning of a demon. While on earth a man named Fred reading in a library gets flashed out of existence. Given knowledge on making weapons Fred will have to live in a new world filled with magic.

Rellik0 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Becoming Royalty

Fred looked at the corpse of the child who looked no older than ten before turning his head onto the king. Not sure of what to do in this situation Fred just stood in silence trying to make sense of everything. The crowd of nobles fell silent except for a certain family sobbing could be heard from them. The king looked to the crowd most couldn't handle his gaze as they looked down.

"Its final Fredrick here will be my adopted son! Thank you all for attending, your all excused!"

After the kings words the crowd took a breath of relief thankful to get out of this palace. After a few minutes only the king and Fred stood there staring at each other.

"So, Fredrick is it?"

"Yes your majesty?" At this moment thoughts flew rapidly in Fred's head trying to make sense on why he was adopted and wondering if he too will die just like that child.

"You wont die Fred, at least if you answer honestly. When did you arrive to this world Fred?"

Stunned at this question Fred paused, amazed because this king could tell he's not of this world, but also cause the king could read his thoughts.

"Don't worry too much boy, just answer honestly."

"I think at most about a week ago, your majesty."

The king nodded at his words before gesturing to Fred to follow him. Out from the ballroom into another long hallway on one side was doors leading to different areas or rooms, while the other side of the hallway was just basically a giant window looking out front onto the yard. At the end of the hallway the king opened a door that led to a staircase going up. instead of climbing the stairs the king looked back to Fred before chuckling to himself.

"Relax boy nothing will happen to you, take a step back from the stairs."

As Fred obeyed and stepped back the king reached to the side and punched the wall to the right of the stairs. Instead of a solid impact the kings fist went right through. The king went through the fake wall.

"Follow me Fredrick!"

The kings voice was distant in a panic Fred ran into the fake wall before tripping down a staircase leading down. Quickly falling down the staircase out of control Fred passed the king in a flash landing at the bottom of the stairs bruised. The king laughing at this sight took his time going down the stairs.

"Oh right, did I mention there's a staircase on the other side?"

After reaching the bottom the king helped Fred up. At the bottom of the stairs a dimly lit room was there the air smelled clean like cleaning products. Looking at Fred who seemed ashamed he started speaking.

"Well Fred I'm sure you have some questions but first lets focus on mine and ignore yours."

The king clapped before the room they were standing in lit up. All around the room there was cases filled with random objects. Even mannequins holding armor one of them was holding armor Fred was familiar with. The armor was the nightingale armor from Skyrim Fred stared at it wanting to put it on. The king continued speaking ignoring Fred's drooling gaze.

"By your clothes, you should be from Earth correct? Many have come from your planet bringing their own 'special' power."

The king started explaining to Fred that he was not the first to transport to this planet and probably not the last. Explaining that all the objects in the room were their 'powers' or the objects were things they made with knowledge given to them. The only reason the king has these objects is cause most of the people from Earth met a early death. The king was informing him of this so Fred knew that even the things he has does not make him invincible.

"I'll give you a choice Fred, you can stay here for some time and be my adopted child or I can send you back to the Dark continent with some resources to help you get settled."

"Can I ask why you are adopting a child?"

"Its simple boy, all of my children either train or study how to manage a empire. That leaves nobody to hang out with- I mean nobody for me to teach myself."

Fred looked at the king in pity, he was just some old man wanting to spend some quality time with his kids.

"Sure I can be your adopted kid, what is it you wanted to teach?"

"Haha I'm glad there's someone who wishes to learn! Quick come with me its better I show you than talk about it."

Soon the king named Alexander bought Fred out from the hidden room into a new room. As to where this new room is Fred had no clue as the king teleported them there. The room was moldy and dim.

"Fred since you shall be my adopted child I shall teach you something about royalty before teaching you about my hobbies."

Fred nodded his head to the kings words wondering what is about to happen.

'Host your spell has been dispelled'

As the words sounded in his head Fred felt reality hit him. The spell that he had active was one them made him think everything was a game. It cant be helped as Fred never killed a person before coming to this world. As the memories of him burning and shooting those people outside the cave came flooding in. Nausea started kicking in Fred vomited, while Fred puked his guts out the king spoke.

"That spell you cast on yourself I got rid of it, one should accept what they have done and come to terms with it. That is something royalty has to do another thing we have to do is this."

The king tossed a sword to Fred, at the same time the room quickly lit up. Against the walls of the room were people shackled to the walls, bags on their heads. However they didn't seem to realize the lights had turned on, in fact they seemed unconscious. The king walked up to a tied person before taking the bag off their head. This person was a woman her age seemed to be about 40 years of age she looked malnourished. The woman seemed to wake up in a daze before seeing the king holding a sword she pleaded.

"Please all I stole was a loaf of bread my children are starving please don't do this!"

After the scream the sword fell, along with her head.

"As royalty our words hold weight, one word from us and families will die. The streets will be flooded with blood, corpses will pile high in the air. This is the price for royalty, the price for power, we will never be able to have peace for each and everything we do will shed blood."

The king muttered this calmly his face in a daze. Alexander stood there watching the blood fall of his blade before shaking it off.