
Unexpected things

"There is a saying when you lost everything something unexpected happened to you that changed everything"

Alina who is living a happy life with her mother and her friends now have nothing .The second day when Alina return home from college she saw crowd .All the neighbors were gathering their . she got worried and enter the home hurriedly .The thing she saw shocked her she saw her mother lying on the ground and also saw his father sitting beside her mother and calling her mother name and saying please wake up 😞

Alina was shocked and after some time ambulance came🚑 and they take Alina mother to the hospital . when they reach the hospital her mother was already dead when the doctors present in the ambulance said that her mother is dead but she didn't believe them .she start shouting and said you are unqualified I want the best doctor and then Alina father also command of the best doctor then they take her inside and the best doctor also claimed that she is no more in this world .

Alina got frustrated and start shouting to his father what did you do to her .after that she start crying and screaming loudly and said why mom why did you leave me alone in this cruel world why? 😭😭😭 then her father comes closer to Alina and said Alina my daughter please don't do this there is a long way ahead .then she suddenly stop crying and start staring angrily to him and start hitting him on his shoulder and start shouting and said its all because of you you are the reason of my mother dead why did you come to our life again why ? why ? why ? why do you Have to do it I hate you and then she start crying after seeing that how much pain Alina is bearing he grab her hand and hug her and take her away with him.