



I woke in that familiar darkness, that I knew, was a part of my dream, yet sometimes, it felt more real than my entire being... This was the only place, I was calm and relaxed, knowing not much can go wrong... and knowing there is only one presence here, other than me...

Better the devil you know, I guess...

/"Chairs? That's new/" Lucifer's voice echoed through the nothingness around us, and I smiled tiredly, yet not very warmly, glancing at the other armchair, that I had created in the middle of this abyss.

/"Aren't you tired of walking in circles?/" I prompted, and he agreed with a quiet /"mmhmm/", before taking his seat across from me.

/"Am I that welcome in your head, by now?/"

/"As you can see, I locked everything since then/" my chuckle came out dry and lifeless, unsurprisingly, not looking at him, rather at the pitch-black floor beneath our feet. How boring... how unfriendly. Yet, there was a part of me, that wanted to stay here forever, in the dark... I wanted to rest, but I knew I couldn't until' I was forced to do so.

Silence settled on both of us, but I could feel his gaze locked on me, inspecting each of my little grimaces, and features. I could tell, he noticed that I looked older than I should've been... or maybe he was just observing my scar, recalling the day, that everything changed... at least for me.

/"How bad is it?/" the question, which I knew was ought to come, finally stopped hiding in the shadows. Despite him not being very specific, from the tone alone, I could tell what he referred to.

Shrugging nonchalantly, I reached for my shirt's buttons and began undoing them to reveal my chest. A little bellow where my ribs were, the wound of the knife still showed, and around it the same purple decolouration that I knew all too well. It almost reached my chest now, like a plant trying to suffocate and cover my body fully...

/"Does Jude-/"

/"I tried to hide it but the area is too big now.../" I cut him off with a small sigh /"How did you know about it though? You haven't seen me in years./"

A timid smile appeared on his lips, as if he wanted to say /"I know more than you can imagine/", but I didn't let my irritation show from his arrogance.

/"Dark magic always uses it's consumer... but for an immortal body, that is not a problem. However, you are human. It's going to ruin you until' you lose your mind completely... It feeds on your dark side, and at one point, that's the only thing that'll be left of you/" he explained, his voice serious, but not worried, or guilty. He had nothing to be guilty for though... that was the only way to save Jude that day, and I was aware of that.

/"I'm holding out well./"

/"You are becoming the very thing people were afraid you'd be/"

/"GOOD! Then they finally will have this Chaos they were so excited for/" I snapped back, but the stern look that Lucifer gave me, made me feel like I was arguing with my father. I promptly closed my mouth, locking my jaw in repressed frustration, since I could feel his patience running low. It was hard to imagine that a man as childish and silly as Lucifer, could be scary, but it was true. Underneath his easy-going joking mannerism, he was... he was a very twisted man, as far as I could read it from his gaze.

/"The only person, who can save you from being eaten alive by this power, is me, Seth. It's time to accept that./" he stated, rising to his full height, probably as a mean to intimidate me. Swallowing, my first instinct was to back away, but I was, unfortunately, sitting, with nowhere to escape.

/"Hell is awaiting your soul.../"

/"They'll have to wait just a little longer. I doubt I would have much time left/" I blurted out, taking my eyes away from Lucifer, to avoid angering him further.

/"Chaos dies young, yes... But you aren't a mortal anymore. Not fully. You'll have to willingly choose to enter your afterlife./"

/"And I will do it... After I have Veronica/"

He narrowed his eyes, leaning down and placing each of his hands on the arms of my chair, cornering me with his body fully. Only when I could feel his breath on me, did I lift my gaze to his.

/"If you give enough time to this power... it will change you in ways you can't even imagine... Are you sure, you are still having it under control?/" he asked, his face serious, his eyes sharp like a spear. I swallowed, trying to look honest as best as I could.

/"I am... It's a little chaotic, but controllable/" I breathed out, not wanting to speak on a normal volume, with him being so close to me. Intreseting enough, despite Lucifer and I barely not touching lips currently, there was not much of a sexual tension between us. The only thing radiating from his being, was despising anger. He hated me with such a passion, it was hard to determine why hadn't he killed me yet.

Or well... I knew, why he didn't hurt me... the same reason, why I wouldn't hurt him.


/"Good. Make sure to tell me, if something starts going wrong./"

/"Yessir/" I smiled mockingly, saluting a little which to he just rolled his eyes. I felt the dream falling apart, the ground began trembling underneath us, but before everything faded to black, I heard a deep, unsettling laughter echoing around us.

One that I knew...


My eyes shot open, but I didn't move, hoping not to wake Jude with my fidgeting. I glanced to my side, to find the demon fast asleep. A few of his dark locks falling on his forehead, as he slept on his side, making a small, barely audible sound as he breathed out, simply to alert me that he is still, in fact, alive.

I weak smile made its way across my face, as I tried to calm my nerves with his mere sight. What delicate features belonged to a man like Jude... A contrast, that I was yet to completely understand.

Lucifer wants to take him away from you... - the voice, that had been haunting me for 5 years now, spoke up, but didn't earn much of my attention. I usually ignored it, afraid, once I reply, it gets braver and braver.

I remember, it started as a barely audible whisper... groans and growls, animalistic noises, accompanied by small, deep chuckles. Evil, wicked ones.

As the whispers grew louder with the years, I slowly realized, it was my voice... a twisted version of it, at least.

Now that Lucifer mentioned how his power actually works, I understand the existence of that vicious little bird on my shoulder, trying to make me feel and do things, I wouldn't normally do.

Sometimes, when our ideas match, I listen to it, and I can feel it grow stronger, and more confident... As if it would blend with my soul more and more with each obeyed word.

Letting out a deep sigh, I closed my eyes tightly, trying to run away from all the thoughts that wouldn't let me sleep. There was no time for me to take a break anymore... I turned 25 recently... I don't know how much time do I have, or how death is going to come about, but one thing was for sure... I had to get Veronica.

It's time to return to the game. That first angel was just the beginning...

And I will be the end.