Juan, died in a very tragic way and reborn as cell in dragonball! Watch him dominate the entire dragon ball series and make saiyan and frost demon race submit and be loyal to him! As well as rule the universes with his New Race that he will build! English is not my first language so correct my grammar or spelling if I'm wrong! credit to the author of db series.
The two fighters appeared in the same planet where Madara and his Guardian Cells trained before.
While landing, something unexpected happened. After Madara land, Vomi fall on him causing his hand to unintentionally grab Vomi's bosom and fall down.
Madara: ' Is too soft! I feel like it sucked my palms! Lets think that for later, i still need to beat this woman!'
After feeling her for just a little, he kicked her upward in the stomach and send her away.
Good Divine Vomi: "Ouch that's hurt! And di-did you just touched my brea-!"
Evil Vimi: "Fufufufu! So, you're interested in my body huh"
Madara: "Ho ho ho! Is that how you feel about me? I'm honored! "
Madara: "But for now, we should start our round two!"
Divine Vomi: "I couldn't agree more! Well then, get ready be beaten!"
After Vomi said that, Madara smirk and put a turtle school stance.
The two fighter meet at the center above the arena by blocking each others attacked using their forearms.
For them, the time seems to slow down a little and make an eye contact to each other while smiling.
The two exchanged blow after blow and you can clearly see them enjoying the fight.
However, Madara is at the disadvantage but his regeneration make up for it.
Divine Vomi: " So, I'm right! You have the same regeneration speed as me or maybe even faster than mine! You also have quite a unique traits in you that can gain power while fighting! Whatever, i will know ones i consume you! Fufufufufu! "
Madara: "Just like yours, you say? Maybe this is fate! " - He said jokingly but deep inside, he really hope so.
Divine Vomi: "Is that so? Then die!"
Madara: 'If this continue, i might loss once she use her full power! I need to finished this now! My mind can't just keep accepting the pain of being constantly in the verge of death!'
After recovering from Vomi's last attacked, Madara decided to use this time a qi attack and one of Cannon Goku's iconic technique!
Madara: "Playing is over! I will show you now what i am made of!"
Madara: "Ki-o-ken x10!"
Madara's power serged and reach a new height that even Vomi who can't sense and estimate how strong is he now, but still felt oppressed.
Because of zenkai boost, his base was 3 Trillion PL. After using ki-o-ken x10, he has now 30 Trillion Power Level!
Divine Vomi: "What kind of technique is that?! To instantly increased your power in short amount of time?!"
- Madara's POV -
So this is ki-o-ken huh! So much power! But i can clearly feel my body is tearing apart but quickly regenerating thanks to that!
I'm really far from SSJB Goku who just use this technique in 20x without healing and fast regeneration abilities just like mine!
God ki can really do anything impossible! Though, I'm sure i can keep it to that extent. But after this fight, I need to find a place where can i practice and gain God Ki on my own. I have an idea where. But for now, lets focus first on beating this gorgeous woman.
Me: "Now then Vomi! Get ready because I'm very different than before!"
Divine Vomi: "Wha- What? How do you know my nam-?!"
Divine Vomi: "???!" *Oooof!* -her body become >
-End of Mc POV-
Vomi didn't finish her word when Madara appeared in front of her and punch her in the stomach with a dark gree condensed qi in his fist. This attacked sent her flying.
Madara: "So that is what it can do huh" -He said while looking at his fist with a smirk.
Madara just now used and copied the same qi attacked as Jiren d' Gray's punch of Universe 11 in T.O.P . Just like how fast Majin Buu learned *Kamehameha* and *Instant Transmission* by just seing Goku using it, he can also learn a technique in instant if he wants to.
The one sided beating continued...
However, Madara didn't bother to think that just like him, Vomi has Buu's abilities as well as to learn in instant.
After the incident in the HTC, as mentioned before, she did a research on herself to find the pros and cons of becoming a *Perfect Being* as she called it, in the span of 3 months and the results are very fruitful.
One of it is that her brain work and absorb knowledge faster than before after gaining and become a Majin. Making her the smartest mortal in Universe 7.
Vomi just now studied all the techniques of Madara used in just short amount of time.
After coming out from rubles, Vomi's injuries quickly healed and then said...
Divine Vomi: "Fufufufufu! You think, you are the one who can do that! What is that again? Ki-o-Ken?"
Vomi copied all the moves and steps that Madara used to activate ki-o-ken, from his stance and to the movement of the qi in his body.
Divine Vomi: "Ki-o-ken x10!"
Her current power (20%) rised ten times! Which is 5.32 Trillion PL before, but now her Power Level is 53.2 Trillion!
Vomi then instantly condensed qi with some divine in it, after using ki-o-ken and sent it directly to Madara.
Madara was shocked to death this time not only how Vomi can quickly cast a enormous qi attack but also how fast she copied him.
However, he is not completely idiot to not expect this. He quickly recovered from his stupor and raise his hand and resist the attack.
Madara: "ahhhhhh! Do you think you can kill me with this?! It will just make me stronger! You can copy me but not my ability to become strong while fighti-?!"
Vomi suddenly appeared above him while Madara still resisting her attack.
Evil Divine Vomi: "I already know that, but as i said before, my purpose is not to kill you, didn't I! Fufufufu!"
Vomi pointed his finger to Madara's back and then a pink lightning rushed to Madara.
Madara: "Shit!"
Madara become chocolate...
After the battle ended, Vomi's Divine qi is still in use.
Evil Divine Vomi: "Fuh! Now that's done! It's time to consume him and get stronger! Fufufufu!"
Vomi picked the Chocolate Madara and ready eat it.
Good Divine Vomi: "Wait! That's gross! We can just use his genes just like how we did in that pink gene!"
Evil Divine Vomi: "You're just too soft! This is our reward for defeating a strong opponent. We even used our full power plus that *ki-o-ken*thing! And also, I'm craving for this!"
While the two personality is arguing to each other, Madara in state of chocolate can still think.
Madara: 'Shit I let my guard down!'
Madara: 'hmmm?'
Madara then sense some people coming in their way in such a fast speed.
Madara: 'hmmm?! Is that my Guardian Cells?! No! They will become chocolate like me if they fight her in their current form!'
Madara: 'I hope they can do what i taught them without mistake!'
Vomi is ready to eat chocolate Madara when a qi blast hit her hand and dislocated her one finger that holding the chocolate. But quickly healed and recovered.
The chocolate Madara fell from Vomi's hand and someone picked it up then quickly scaped.
Divine Vomi: "hmm! Another meals coming right in front of my door?! Fufufufu! I didn't sense you guys because you're just too weak!"
Nucleus(#1): "This woman is a lot stronger than us, and seems to have insane regeneration too!"
Cytoplasm(#2): "I feel the same! even though we can't sense her power level!"
Membrane(#3): "I think we should do what Master taught us!"
Ribosome(#4): "I completely agree, Membrane!"
Cytoskeleton(#5): "But who will be left without fusion partner?"
Nucleus(#1): "I think i should be left as a leader! I will protect Master while you guys buy some time untill i free Master!"