
Ch 2: "My name is..."

passing through the gates wasn't a big deal nor did he have any difficulty since there weren't any patrols luckily for him.

but along the short way that he passed, it seems that he got the attention of some idiots who were looking for trouble.

and when the black haired young man walked into an empty alley, they took the chance and walked into the alley from behind him.

the young man finally noticed something was off when he heard noises from the back and the few men with relatively strong builds walked into the alley from the front with smirks on their faces.

the boy stopped as his lips twitched, indicating his effort of trying not to smile at the situation as the idiots closed on.

one of the idiots who walked a little bit in front of the others looked at him with a smug expression :"listen here, kid. that sword looks damn fine. why don't you give it to uncle here to take care of it. I'm sure I can keep it real safe hahaha!"

the others who seemed to be the goons of the idiots also laughed with greedy expressions as the thought of the boy dropping his valuables and running away while crying ran through their minds.

but to their surprise, the boy smirked as he looked at their boss with a mocking smile :"taking care of it, huh? I would have given it to ya, bud, if you're mom hadn't complemented me and impressed of how good I "took care" of her."

the thief looked at him with an enraged face as the others oohed him. but then pointed at the protagonist as he glanced at the other :"what the hell are you fools waiting for?! take care of him already!"

the boy dropped his basket on the ground along with his two handed sword as he laughed out loud :"hahaha! sorry, lads, but I have standards. and you don't meet them for you to "take care" of me!"

as the first thief got close, he threw a punch which the mc dodged by going backwards a bit and throwing a punch of his own at his face!

the thief number one took a few steps back as he held his chin where the MC's punch had landed :"merda (shit), this kid packs a punch. be careful."

but these guys were too dumb to understand his warning as they charged right in. but all they could do was get the fuck back because of the punches and kicks that they received from the kid.

one of them tried to kick his legs and make him lose balance, but his kick was blocked from the MC who clearly liked offence and counter attack rather than defense.

but he didn't just block the kick. more like kicked back as the thief got what he deserved and limped back a little before a strong, spartan kick landed on his guts and made him fall to the ground.

he grunted in pain as he held his stomach to ease the pain while the others attacked the kid again. the kid wasn't a professional fighter, though, so a punch did land on his cheek and made him stumble a little.

but to the dismay of the thieves who had just gotten happy for landing a blow and getting hope, the MC's smile became even more wild as he laughed :"hahaha! that's what I'm talking about! come here, let's go again!!"

he pounced back on them again as he landed a superman punch on one of the thieves and headbutted another one.

as another punch came right at his face, he barely dodged the punch that grazed his handsome face but instead punched back.

the blow landed smoothly square on his face as his nose bled. but he just wiped it off and attacked again with an angry face.

the boy ran his hand through his hair as he smiled wildly at them but received another punch to his face.

but he didn't care as the adrenaline, rush and heat of his blood drove him nearly mad as he laughed and punched the hand away with the back of his hand!

he suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground as he saw the boss kick his leg from the corner of his eye.

he quickly rolled away when the boss tried to kick him and got up quickly :"gotta admit, kid, you're not bad. but you're still gonna get beaten up.

you shouldn't have picked up this fight. didn't your daddy ever tell you not to pick up random fights here and there?"

the young protagonist snorted with a smirk in response :"if there is anything that I will remember from daddy is that "violence isn't the answer, it's the question. and the answer, is always yes!"

the kid attacked again as he threw a punch at the boss just for him to block it and punch back which the MC dodged.

the last remaining thief went behind the young man and tried to hit him from the behind, but his effort went fruitless as the young man dodged to the side and elbowed his guts!

when he bent down from the pain, MC kneed his face which made his back straighten up as he then landed a punch right at his cheek!

the still smiling boy looked at the last guy who just happened to be the boss as he took on a stance and made a "come here" gesture with his hands :"c'mon, old bastard. I'mma kick your damn teeth in."

the thief boss glared at him as he gritted his teeth :"cazzo (fuck), ti ucciderò (I'm gonna kill you), monello (brat)!"

the brawl between the two began once again as he tried to punch him a few times, but failed miserably as the protagonist dodged all of them in the nick of time!

the mc finally had enough of being on the defensive as he finally took the chance and gave the now impatient boss of the group an uppercut!

the boss stumbled back as the protagonist used a box or something on the side to jump and land a superman punch right to his nose!

there was a loud cracking sound as blood splashed from his nose and ran down his ugly face and screamed in agony.

but the protagonist wasn't done with him yet. cause he still hasn't delivered his promise of kicking his teeth in!

so he grabbed his hair and pulled him down towards his knee. the boss tried to get his hands off of his head first, but regretted it deeply when he himself took his hands off of his face and left it unguarded just for MC to knee it!

the protagonist did it multiple times as just to make sure that he broke a few teeth as he didn't fully trust the cracking sounds that sounds from the guy.

he finally had enough as he tiredly grabbed his neck and locked it under his arm, then fell backwards and brought the thief boss with him as he landed on his head.

MC made sure that he didn't use too much force to accidentally kill him though, so he sat down a little to catch his breath for a few seconds before he rolled the now unconscious boss's body so he was laying on his back and checked if he was breathing.

and thankfully, he was as he then laughed when he looked at his open mouth :"told your bitch ass I will kick your teeth in, Figlio di puttana (son of a bitch)."

'hm? I know Italian now? perhaps a gift from the omniverse for our temporary departure. but it's useful nonetheless.'

the boy looked up into the sky as he gave a thumbs up :"thanks, omniverse. you really rock. it's really handy."

he raised an eyebrow when he saw a cloud but chuckled when he noticed it was a thumbs up. guess that was his reply.

he got up with a grunt and stretched a little as he cracked a few things and then walked towards the two thieves that were dumb enough to get up.

he didn't do anything exaggerated. he just grabbed the back of the their heads and slammed their heads together.

they fell down unconscious as he looked at their unmoving forms, shook his head and sighed :"sigh, guess that will teach ya to stay down, huh, dumbasses? now, to the most iconic and normal thing for anybody like me. it's {morbin} looting time."

he chuckled evilly as he got down and did the few seconds act that he specifically asked the omniverse to have alongside very, VERY, EXTREMELY deep pockets.

as the plus 18 {😏} f flashed in his vision, he laughed :"hahaha, guess it really does work, huh? and damn, bro, you ain't bad. guess being a thief does pay off, huh? pfft hahaha."

as he continued to loot the unconscious or just grunting in pain bodies' of the thieves, he left the best to the last.

his money wasn't bad and he was pretty satisfied with the hundred or something from the small group of thieves that had gifted him so kindly.

but he wasn't that satisfied either since they all just had 10 or 20 something f's to take. but he rubbed his hands together in anticipation as he reached the unconscious body of the thief boss :"well, well, well, let's see what you've got."

after a second of looting, the hundred and fifty something flashed in his sight! he smiled as his eyebrows shot up :"damn, boy!

guess your fists aren't the only things that can talk. you pockets can too! thanks for the kind gesture, gentleman! hope you have a nice day and to meet you all bitches again. now, bye~!"

the boy picked up his belongings and walked away nonchalantly as if he hadn't just broken the nose and beat up some people just now.

but unbeknownst to him, a sneaky fox was snooping around and saw the exchange as he scratched his chin with a thoughtful look :"interesting..."

but went away to attend to his own matters as our protagonist walked away further into the city. he didn't know where he was supposed to go, and just when he decided to ask for someone's help, he suddenly remembered the gift :'right, damn it, I can be really careless sometimes.'

the gift that I'm talking about, is the map function that MC asked to have alongside his looting ability and how many items or florins he has!

they aren't that big of a deal, but they are really useful for everyday life. so he stopped for a second and stood by a wall as he summoned his map that appeared like a mini map in the corner of his vision at first, but became bigger when he focused on it.

{the reason of why I did it like this and not system like is because it would be awkward if he just randomly swung his hand around all the time. specially since he will always be with Ezio. she might think he has a screw lose or something.}

and after marking the inn, he made his way towards his target with a smile of happiness for how convenient it is.

when he finally reached his target, the inn, he gently pushed it open as to not make any trouble in his first day.

and fortunately, he didn't. since the only eye catching things about him are his handsome looks and his sword.

there weren't that many people around since it was still day, so he just came to the receptionist lady behind the counter and smiled :"hello, lady. I would like a room, please."

the middle aged woman smiled at him as she nodded and opened a book and picked up a brush {?} to write :"got it. and for how many nights?"

MC didn't act rude and was happy that he wasn't treated rudely, so he answered with a genuine, small smile :"just one night, for now. I might get my things fixed. and please prepare dinner for me if you serve dinners.

'I am not gonna decide to stay a long time and waste my money on a trashy inn just because you acted nicely, miss. sorry.'

the middle aged and slightly fat lady nodded as she wrote it down :"alright. one night and a meal. that will be 3 florins for the stay and 2 for the meal. and what should I write your name?"

the boys smile grew a little, just a tiny amount wild at the question as his expression turned prideful as he answered :"Ashborne. Ali Ashborne."