
Chapter 6

Anna's POV

I went to therapy once.


"Miss. Wells, how are you feeling?"

"Like shit, Dr. Hanstrong."

"Do you enjoy those feelings?"

"I do actually."

"Why do you enjoy ruining people's relationships and marriages?"

"Why does men cheat? It takes two person to have a sexual?encounter."

"I know that. But from what you've told me last week, you've said you seduce men into bed with you."

"Well if those men really loved their wives and girlfriends, they wouldn't of paid any attention to me and my body. I did what I did because I could do it and I don't see anything wrong with that."?

"You don't see anything wrong with sleeping with a married man?"

"No I don't."?

End Of Flashback.

Worse fucking therapy of my life. So at the end of it, I slept with her husband.?

I rolled out of bed. Finally, it was Friday and I was super excited because it was Pay Day!!

I went into the shower, took a long bath, washed my hair and brushed my teeth.