
Maid for me

Princess Arielle, that's what she's been called her whole life. She's brave, disciplined, uptight and beautiful. When a threat is made to her life, Princess Arielle becomes Marissa a common maid to the enemy who threatened her life. Prince Scott, the guy every girl wants. carefree, fun loving, impulsive. In order words Arielle's opposite. When Scott goes on a buisness trip to Revillon he finds himself enthralled with his maid who seems like more than he can handle. Trouble arises when Prince scott falls in love with the very lady he came to Revillon to get help to destroy

AndrianAlex · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs


Chapter 11

I SIGHED IN IRRITATION, a bit self-conscious about my lack of uniform.

A new prince was in the palace. I don't know why this was such a big deal, at home we used to host several royal ambassadors and even some meters of the royal family.

But in a way, I understand their reasoning. Revision is an aloof country and it always has been.

They were rarely mixed with the rest of us, so a royal prince from another country must be quite exciting for them.

The maid who Neema had been yelling at was called Tamara and she was a bit dim-witted.

She had attempted to balance two trays of food at the same time and go up the stairs to serve the new prince.

Now, anyone with even half a brain could tell that it would end in disaster. But Tamara was built differently and proceeded to leave the kitchen like that.

And maybe, just maybe she might have succeeded in her task.

But unfortunately for her, Neema saw her trying to balance the two trays and sent her back to the kitchen in anger.

At first, Neema wanted another girl to join her in serving the food, but the girl was busy.

In frustration, Nemma discovered that all the maids available were not available. Each one of them had specific duties that they were carrying out. Except me.

And that was how I ended up with one large food tray, limping behind Tamara and on my way to serve some prince.

I wasn't worried about being recognized, I mean chances are the prince had never even seen me.

That was one thing, my mother was always strict about.

Yes, a lot of people knew about the warrior princess Arielle, I had even made a good amount of enemies. Yet the number of people who could identify me by my looks was few.

I was never in attendance at public festivals, galas, or meetings that required me to run to other royals.

Even the troops I trained with were hand-picked and sworn to secrecy by my mother. The queen's favorite mantra was

"They don't need to see your face now. When you're queen, they would be forced to know your face,"

"Hurry up! We're to serve the food before he comes," Tamara snapped at me.

That's ridiculous, why would you serve food when the person designated to eat it wasn't present?

I panted hard as I struggled to limp after her as we went down hallway after hallway.

So many twists and turns. In a way, I was grateful for the opportunity to look around the place conspicuously.

"Why would we serve food for a man who isn't even around?" I asked Tamara in irritation.

I spoke the Revillon native tongue. If she noticed that my accent didn't flow as seamlessly as hers, she didn't comment on it.

"What do you mean? Have you been under a rock? Of course, the prince is around. The girls have been talking about it all day.

They say he's so handsome, his looks could make you melt.

He's in the throne room now, having an audience with the king. We need to serve his food before he comes back to the room," Tamara explained hurriedly.

Though I didn't share her enthusiasm for speed, I knew how to take directions so I tried to limp after her as quickly as I could.

Soon enough, we arrived at the front door of the prince we were supposed to serve. Tamara got there before me and opened the door as silently as she could.

There were guards stationed down the hall but none directly in from of his room.

Idiots. An assassin would have no problem sneaking in and finishing the prince if they pleased.

Tamara slipped into the room first and I went in beside her.

I wasn't too surprised by the opulence of the room. It was customary to subject visiting rivals to luxury in Gaham.

It seemed Revillionains took their hospitality seriously too.

"Don't stand and stare! Come and drop the tray!" Tamara whisper-yelled at me as she carefully placed her tray on a table that seemed to have been set up for eating.

It was decorated and already had empty glasses and some snacks on it.

I limped forward to the table and bent to arrange my tray neatly beside Tamara's.

She didn't wait for me though and shot off the moment she dropped her tray. I was less inclined to rush after her.

After all, I had completed my duty of serving the food. Besides the prince wasn't even around, and I was tired of faking my limp anyway.

Once, I was sure that Tamara had left. I stood back up and stood back to admire my work.

It wasn't bad though. I had carried the team without spilling anything and had arranged it perfectly even though it was my first time.

I was still feeling proud of myself when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway toward the room.

I should probably have run out of the room immediately but the first thought that came to my head was to hide in the closet.

Tamara had stressed the importance of not being seen by the prince. And honestly, a teeny part of me was curious as to who the mysterious prince was.

The royal suite had a walk-in closet, so it was easy for me to find a stack of clothes to hide behind.

The closet wasn't as big as what I had back home but it was functional. I was a bit surprised by how many clothes it had though.

Did all these clothes belong to the prince? If it did, then that must mean he planned to stay a while here in Revillon or he was just a fussy prince who liked to wear several clothes.

Either way, his hoard of clothes gave me a place to hide…

I tried my best to breathe as gently as I could as I heard the room door open.

When he came in, he swore and said something in his language.

His voice was too low for me to understand what he said but his voice sent delicious shocks through me that pooled at the bottom of my belly.

I heard him muttering under his breath as he came closer to the closet.


Of all the places in the suite, the first place he comes to is the closet. Just my luck,"

I muttered bitterly under my breath.

I could hear the sound of things dropping to the ground, but I couldn't make sense of what it was.

The prince opened the closet door and stepped in. From my hiding place, I could see his bare feet as he walked closer and closer to where I was squatting.

I could barely breathe and closed my eyes in abject fear.

I heard that voice that had whispered to me in the carriage again.


My eyes flung open in shock and I opened my eyes to discover I was looking at a completely naked Greek God.