
Mahouka's spin-off!

His sister, from a young age, was trained ruthlessly under the harshest circumstance one could imagine, just so his clan could use her at their disposal. Every thought, every feeling, and every desire were pulled out from his sister so it doesn't hinder her from becoming a living weapon. Yuki loathed the people who did all these to his Imouto, Tsuya. He simply wanted to destroy everyone who did this to her and slaughter every one of them, who sucked humanity from Tsuya. Even if they were his family, he doesn't care. All they did was to destroy his precious sister nothing else. But only one thing they did was right. It was selfish and highly hypocritical of him to accept it but he couldn't feel more elated about it. The only thing which was planted inside Tsuya's mind, the only person she could think about, desire for, get mad for, and could wholeheartedly show her love...was none other than him. The story of the siblings who far from thinking of themselves as normal brother and sister enrolls in the Magic High School to nurture the feeling they have planted since a very young age. ________________________________ A/N - Hi. It's my nth number of fiction which would be wholly based on the canon events without a trace of dimensional travel or multiverse stuff. No OC would be introduced so dont look for one. Okay now, what's new... I have reversed the gender of the sibling and provided you with a yandere Shiba Yuki(Miyuki) and calm yet more open to her emotions, Tsuya (Tatsuya) Unlike the cannon, there would be a real romance between the couple and occasional lemons too. Yeah, since you can guess from the story itself I would not bother to tell that its..... ...a non-harem. Sorry again, but I just couldn't add someone between these two love birds. Some points you should ponder if you are hesitating to read this... It would be one way or another same as cannon I agree, but when cold and indifferent Tsuya would show rare impulses like snatching away Yuki from the crowd, it would be great to witness right? And if you havent watched Mahouka or read it then it would be far better for you to read this, as I would thoroughly explain every aspect I would be using in my fiction. So give it a try!

Svneighter · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Saegusa Mayumi!

The school consisted of three blocks; the main building, the practice building, and the experimenting one.

An auditorium/gymnasium whose internal structure could be altered with transformation magic. Library with three floors above the ground as the well same number of floors below the surface level. Two small gymnasiums. The preparation room consists; of a shower room, changing room, and equipment room. A huge cafeteria for students' relaxation and replenishment. And several annexes decorated the school which made it look exquisite rather than a typical high school.

The young girl, Shiba Tsuya, walked on the stone path aimlessly to consume time until the event starts. Student IDs were the pass chip to use the school amenities but they would be only given to the student after orientation.

Open cafè for visitors were also closed to avoid unnecessary chaos.

Upon spotting a bench across the garden of the tree and flower beds the girl made her way toward the empty seat as a thought popped into her mind, 'It's good that the weather is clear today.'

Upon sitting on the bench, she took out her terminal phone and soon got engrossed in a specific book portal of her preference.

It seemed that the courtyard was a shortcut to the auditorium as numerous upperclassmen were going in and out, probably involved in the preparation. They all had an eight petalled flower adorned in their uniform signifying their course.

Naturally, various eyes fell on the girl, which initiated a thread of whispers among the passerby.

"Hey, that girl...isn't she a weed?"

"Talk about enthusiastic."

"What's so much energy for when in the end she is just a spare?"

The center of the gossip didn't miss the talks about her, but she didn't respond, more like she just doesn't care about anyone's thoughts except for one.

The first high school in which the sibling got enrolled, accepts a total of two hundred students each year, in which half of them go to the second course.

'Weed', is a term that another half of the populace started naming the second-course student, majorly signifying the absence of flowers on their dress. And the first-course student called themselves, 'Bloom', as per deliberately showing off the bloomed petals they carry.

The First High school is affiliated with the National University of Magic which further is connected with the government.

In exchange for funds, the government asks for talented magicians which the university provides sincerely.

Each year, a hundred students graduate from the high school and enter either in National Magical University or Magic Technical Institute of

Specialized Higher Training.

Magic requires talent but one could end up in a far more miserable condition if something goes wrong while walking on the path of Magic. The phenomenon of Magic is highly risked able as a minor slip-up could cause huge accidents resulting in the ultimate end of one's life.

Each person carrying the talent in magic was pushed with the belief of serving the country which sometimes, majorly students who were yet to reach their maturity, end up wounding themselves. And the number of 'accidents' that happen each year was far from small.

So who fills the gap of those students..?

2nd-course a.k 'Weeds.'

The insignificant number of teachers without a doubt focus on talented ones who come in the first course and the students belonging to the latter course were left alone on their own.

The students of the second course have to make effort by self-teaching and showing results to pass Magic high school and reserve a seat at Magic University. If the student fails to prove their worth then normal high school awaits their arrival to grant the failed ones, graduation.

Right since the enrollment, it was stated that no course 2 students would be granted with the instructors but it doesn't lower the elation of young youths from joining the school in hopes of a better future.

Publicly it was banned from using the word 'Weed', but this was something that had been rooted through every pore of the school. Even the second-course student has also started accepting themselves as spares.

And that goes for the young lady too, that's why she believed it wasnt necessary for the upperclassmen to specially remind her of that.

'What an unnecessary commotion...' Sighing in her heart she continued loading the further data of her terminal portal.


Suddenly Tsuya's attention, which was previously immense in her reading spree, got pulled by the time which was on her terminal display.

It was still half an hour before the ceremony commences.

"Are you first year? The ceremony would be starting shortly." Upon hearing a feminine and gentle voice Tsuya closed her terminal before getting up.

What came into her view was a similar skirt as she was wearing followed by a bracelet tied around her left arm of the approaching person.

It was a CAD, and not any random but the latest design which was modeled keeping style in mind.

CAD (Casting Assistant Device). A device designed to invoke one's magic and reduce a great margin of time to cast a spell.

Replacing some of the ancient tools like magic circles and talismans, CAD had made magic activation more efficient and impactful.

The number of people who could stably invoke magic at a considerable short time without changing any single syllable without the use of CAD...is nill. No one could compare the specification and features a CAD provides, even if one trains themself for their entire life.

However, having a CAD doesn't mean one could use magic. It's just those who couldn't use magic carry a CAD as a facade. Red herrings which divert one's position in society.

Recalling the restriction on wearing CAD inside the campus, Tsuya concluded that either the person in front of her was a member of the student council or some other committee.

"Thank you for informing. I will be on my way then."

On the left chest area of the other party had, of course, a blooming flower. But Tsuya didn't back away or hid the missing emblem from her uniform.

She doesn't feel anything about it.

But it doesn't mean, that Tsuya wants to associate with anyone belonging to a higher hierarchy in the school, but before she could walk away the other party again spoke up.

"Hmm? A screen type. I am quite impressed." It wasnt hard to follow her line of sight which rest for a moment upon the folded terminal in her left hand of Tsuya.

Finally, finding something noticeable about the person, Tsuya looked at her for the first time. She was about 10 centimeters shorter than Tsuya and certainly would have seen the absence of an emblem in Tsuya's uniform. But instead of loath or belittlement, there was an innocent and pure curiosity on the other party's face.

"It's surprising you dont use a virtual display terminal, unlike others. The school has disallowed it but still, students use the display type. So upon noticing your terminal I genuinely found it astounding." Her voice sounded genuine like her words so without thinking much Tsuya replied.

"Virtual terminal isn't privileged for reading." There wasn't any emotion behind her words and Tsuya wasnt doing it on purpose. She was made like that.

The other one didn't pry more as she knew the blue-eyed girl, had a specially built CAD in hand.

Tsuya's answer was highly calculative as she didn't want bad for her brother. If she was too blunt then it might have hindered her Nii-sama's way to the council which he would probably join shortly.

"You dont depend on graphics but read the sequence itself. Even rarer. I also like to read rather watching animation, so I am kinda happy to know someone of my kind."

Even in the era, virtual terminals have become popular it wasnt like reading types were so rare. It seemed the upperclassman in front of Tsuya was highly sociable, so just to prolong their conversation she said what she said.

"Ah, I beg your pardon. I am the student council president, Saegusa Mayumi. Written as in 'Seven grass'. Nice to meet you." Her natural flow of words adding with the alluring body she carries, it would be no wonder if she could be highly popular in school.

But even with her natural flow of friendly talks, Tsuya's brows frowned a little.

"A number...and top of it 'Saegusa'...

A magician's capability is hugely influenced by their lineage and heritage.

The stronger the ancestors are, the sturdier their offspring would be. In the country, that stronger lineage belonged to a highly known clan, in which Saegusa holds a great prestige among others. And the girl which introduced herself with that strong clan attached to her name belongs to direct descends of the pure bloodline. In short, she was an elite of elites. A person who holds great worth in society, completely opposite to Tsuya.

Hiding the bitter mutter to herself, Tsuya presented herself with a courteous smile as she introduced herself too.

" My name is Shiba Tsuya." Suddenly a tinge of astonishment flashed through the ruby-eyed upperclassman as she muttered in a low whisper.

"So you are...that Tsuya huh." Being the sister of the freshmen representative, Tsuya guessed it wasnt unnatural for Mayumi to know about her. But the next word of the beautiful girl, who looked a little less mature than Tsuya even being an upperclassman, made Tsuya realize her mistake.

"You are quite a hot topic among the teachers. In all seven subjects, your average score was ninety-six. " There wasnt any sign of hidden intent or disdain in her words but only pure respect.

"Especially, the Magic Theory and Magic Engineering. Even if the passing grade was seventy you scored an unheard record without a hitch. I was truly shocked upon hearing the news."

"It's mere paper result stored in the drive of any of school's system. It doesn't show one's actual capability." As Tsuya replied, she gestured toward the place where was a blank grey space, unlike the other girl who had eight petalled bloom.

Mayumi shook her head before she spoke again.

"It doesn't mean as you said. I dont look like, however, I am too, quite into theory and stuff but I am not confident whether I would have ever scored if the question asked to you would have presented to me. "

Tsuya found the conversation leading in a way that it shouldn't. Involving a person like Mayumi who belongs to such a high social circle would bring no good to Tsuya so after checking the time once again she decided to bid farewell.

"It seems the ceremony going to start, so I will take my leave." With a gracious bow, Tsuya walked away without having a single desire to turn around.

It wasnt like she didn't want to associate with people, but for some reason, she found involving herself with the student council president would hinder her from her top priority. Would restrict Tsuya from the duty she finds utmost desirable to follow.

And that was to watch over her Nii-sama.


As the outcome of the deliberately extended conversation with the senior, the time when Tsuya arrived in the auditorium, there was already crowded gathered inside. Seats weren't designated according to class as until one doesn't receive their ID card, they couldn't be precise about their class. So Tsuya was free to take any seat, be it center or rear she could be random about it.

But it wasnt like the freedom of sitting allowed one to take the front half of the section as they desired.

The front half of the audience seats were for Blooms who gets priority in every aspect of the school. And the latter half was for weeds, who as the name suggest could only take the residual.

'Those who were the most conscious of discrimination have accepted the discrimination...' While thinking to herself Tsuya moved to the center seat of the last row before stabilizing comfortably on it.

Glancing at the wall clock, she found it was still twenty minutes before the ceremony starts. She has to restrict herself from uncloking her terminal and start reading another theory, as it was prohibited to use terminals inside.

Her train of thought halted on her brother and the words he said in the morning. An uncontrollable smile formed on her face as she remembered how caring and thoughtful her brother could be. The way he caressed her and whispered slowly was already more than enough to show the love he holds for her. The last kiss albeit on the head was the final blow that made Tsuya helplessly think about him whenever she found herself at leisure.

Suddenly her pleasant thoughts were interrupted by a certain voice beside her.

"Erm, is this seat unoccupied?"


A/N:- I know rhe story seems just like the canon but I will divert it after a certain point and in this fiction, we would majorly see things from Yuki's PoV.

So dont complain and look forward to it~