
Mahouka's spin-off!

His sister, from a young age, was trained ruthlessly under the harshest circumstance one could imagine, just so his clan could use her at their disposal. Every thought, every feeling, and every desire were pulled out from his sister so it doesn't hinder her from becoming a living weapon. Yuki loathed the people who did all these to his Imouto, Tsuya. He simply wanted to destroy everyone who did this to her and slaughter every one of them, who sucked humanity from Tsuya. Even if they were his family, he doesn't care. All they did was to destroy his precious sister nothing else. But only one thing they did was right. It was selfish and highly hypocritical of him to accept it but he couldn't feel more elated about it. The only thing which was planted inside Tsuya's mind, the only person she could think about, desire for, get mad for, and could wholeheartedly show her love...was none other than him. The story of the siblings who far from thinking of themselves as normal brother and sister enrolls in the Magic High School to nurture the feeling they have planted since a very young age. ________________________________ A/N - Hi. It's my nth number of fiction which would be wholly based on the canon events without a trace of dimensional travel or multiverse stuff. No OC would be introduced so dont look for one. Okay now, what's new... I have reversed the gender of the sibling and provided you with a yandere Shiba Yuki(Miyuki) and calm yet more open to her emotions, Tsuya (Tatsuya) Unlike the cannon, there would be a real romance between the couple and occasional lemons too. Yeah, since you can guess from the story itself I would not bother to tell that its..... ...a non-harem. Sorry again, but I just couldn't add someone between these two love birds. Some points you should ponder if you are hesitating to read this... It would be one way or another same as cannon I agree, but when cold and indifferent Tsuya would show rare impulses like snatching away Yuki from the crowd, it would be great to witness right? And if you havent watched Mahouka or read it then it would be far better for you to read this, as I would thoroughly explain every aspect I would be using in my fiction. So give it a try!

Svneighter · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs




Early in the morning when the spring breeze was profoundly enveloping the surroundings and early birds were chirping merrily to signify the commencement of the day, a huge blow of something heavy falling on the ground resonated.

It wasn't a thing but a human, to be precise a monk of a shrine. Not only the said monk but several others were attacking a centric figure who was dodging and countering the monks simultaneously without having difficulties.

Despite being more than half in age and physicality quite unmatched the petite girl was fluently handling the visibly trained men one-sidedly. Absolute flawless.

The excellent showcase of hand-to-hand combat was undergoing inside a shrine which the Shiba sibling decided to visit before school, which signifies the petite girl was none other than Tsuya Shiba.

Unlike usual Tsuya was wearing a one-piece body suit which negated any kind of restriction in her physical movements further providing the minimal external weight of the apparel. Her well-defined figure seemed thoroughly sculptures in this particular attire. Despite moving so much to the point where it could be called an open brawl, her elegance never left her side.

On the sideline, a handsome bluish-black-haired male was gawking at the scene without daring a single blink. To be precise his focus was only directed toward his imouto amidst the whole chaos. The gentle smile on his face and the warmness his eyes were radiating made him look like someone out of a literal piece of art.

The smile that only his princess could earn from him, the true emotion that only his hime could trigger, and the pride he feels every time he sees Tsuya was increasing every single moment. If something could advance from infinity then it would be the adoration he had for Tsuya.

"Oh, this sibling love. I can't get enough of this." Suddenly a slightly shrill voice still leaning on the male category came from Yuki's left side.

"Sensei! When did you.....please refrain from sneaking upon people". Yuki shook his head upon realizing who the person was beside him.

"Being a shinobi, disguise and sneaking are second nature to me."

"Isn't it unbecoming for a Ninja to say something like this." Yuki focused his gaze back on the battlefield as the two chatted.

"Ah..ah..ah. Labeling us as ninjas would be quite misjudging. What we follow is the ancient tradition of proper Shi-no-bi." Yuki soon lost his interest to pursue the matter before he glanced once at the man standing beside him.

Despite being over 50, the head of the warrior monks, hasn't lost his vigor at all. In this age of advanced magician technology and highly effective CADs, Yakumo Kokonoe has preserved and nurtured an ancient technique.

Master in combat arts of Taijutsu and a full-fledged magician carrying the talent in illusionary as well as a body enhancing magic, only Yakumo Kokonoe was the one who gave such a tough fight to Tsuya and still came out alive.

There were a countable number of people who knows what happened and what led to the battle between Yakumo and Tsuya but the definite report stated, that their battle was something that brought catastrophe around the area. The fierce battle between the two combatants, left several scars upon each other in which Yakumo's cut across his left eye, was proof to signify what degree the battle must have reached.

Despite the battle resulting in Yakumo's defeat because of his lack of magic skills, Tsuya didn't end him. And after that Tsuya came into the light of true Taijutsu as she started learning under Kokonoe standard Shinobi.

One of the reasons why Yuki feel envious of the sensei was the sheer admiration of his Hime toward the bald man. Yuki was aware of how childish it was to get jealous of something like this, but even so, he couldn't help himself.

"Hmm? Is it the uniform of First High?" Turning his head toward Yuki, Yakumo appraised the neat uniform under an astonishing gaze.

"It is sensei." Upon hearing the half-hearted answer the old man formed a wild smirk on his face before a mischievous glint appeared in his bare visible pupils.

"Yuki-kun, the way you just sounded...is it something troubling you? Maybe you still think something between me and Tsuya-kun. I told you Yuki-kun..it was just the teenage innocent crush of Tsuya-kun for me...you dont have to be jealous about it at all huh." If you pick the right nerve then you might be able to wake a person from a comma, or something goes like that. And that was the same for a healthy human too.

Upon hearing Yakumo's remark directly pointed toward something sensitive, Yuki's surroundings started freezing rapidly as his eyes darkened still pointed forward.



Suddenly Yuki came out of his stupor as he heard a loud bang on his left before he saw a lethal slash of hand over Yakumo's head, which the latter one dodged without much trouble.

"Sensei, didn't I tell you, not to say something like that to nii-sama." Tsuya jumped back as her eyes focused on Yakumo with her body forming the fighting stance upon landing.

"Yare~I got carried away. Excuse this old man. I hope you dont go overboard just because I teased your brother a little, will you Tsuya-kun." The other one didn't reply before she dashed for a frontal attack only to get deflected by Yakumo's slight push.

"" HOH!" The other disciples who were painted with mud and green marks already sat in an arranged manner as they witnessed the two GOATs.

Yuki's brows frowned as despite believing in his princess more than anyone, he knew the result of the match already, that's why he felt a little distressed. Nevertheless, he cheered Tsuya inside his heart intently.


"Ah~ For a second I thought you got me Tsuya-kun."

As Yuki thought, Tsuya lost in a true combat battle with Yakumo albeit after displaying a serious degree of taijutsu and the high physical potential her Hime carries.

But the person Tsuya faced was on a monstrous level who had Major Kazama one of the pillars of Union Defence, as his student. With a troubled heart, Yuki knelt and helped Tsuya to get up.

"Hime...are you alright?" Tsuya while rubbing her forehead took Yuki's hand as she sighed in slight disappointment.

"We both know sensei, how far I am from defeating you."

"Hmm? I wonder about that. Anyway, Tsuya-kun, Yuki-kun. I congratulate you both for getting enrolled in the First High."


'Hah! It's getting hectic even if it's the second day.' With a sigh, Yuki came out of a group of third-year students who were flocking him with unwanted conversation.

Despite knowing the limited time of the break, they just kept on nagging him about his attribute and magic activation. It was a common topic among the student of First High since they came to know about Yuki's practical results and the way he upholds his position as the freshman representative.

For them, it was intriguing but for Yuki it was obstruction. The obstacle to him that held him away from his Hime even though he only gets minimal time inside the school to see her.

While nodding toward whoever greeted him on the way, he walked at a slightly hurried pace toward the food court.

Upon entering the destination, Yuki instantly found his beloved sitting at a table among a couple of other people.

His eyes narrowed upon noticing a particular member in Tsuya's group. Since he already met Erica and Mizuki his eyes skipped over them instantly and got fixed on the male beside Tsuya.

A slight foreign facial feature, probably German, with green emerald eyes and chestnut brown hair. His build was neither on the lean side nor fully buffed and his overall appearance gave him what popularity he could carry in the future.

Yuki's self-evaluation of himself suddenly rose as he concluded on his win if it's about appearance but he couldn't let his guard down. After all, his hime wasn't a person who gets attracted to someone's appearance.

"Ah, Nii-sama." Tsuya turned her head in mid-conversation as she smiled brightly upon noticing her brother.

Since everyone was eating beside her Tsuya didn't get up and let Yuki walk up to them.

Yuki smiled back as he took the seat beside Tsuya while facing the astonished Mizuki and Erica. The other male at the table was still confused upon witnessing the new company but he didn't interrupt.

"Good afternoon Erica-san, Mizuki-san."

"Good day Shiba-kun."

"Hey, we meet again Yuki-kun. Are you here to accompany your Kawai Imouto?" Teasingly Erica remarked with her spoon directed at the sibling with a mischievous smirk on her face.

"You can say that...Well, Tsuya. Who can he be?" Yuki glanced at the guy who relatively raised his brows before Tsuya introduced them.

"He is in my class Nii-sama. Saijou Leonhart. And Leon-san, he is my big brother Yuki Shiba."

"Tsuya-san, you had a brother. Ah, anyway it's pleasure meeting you Yuki-kun. It's okay if I call you by your first name right? Of course, you can call me Leo too. " Yuki's eyes which dared to waver for a second stayed focused as he somehow halted his lips from curving dangerously.

"Tsuya-san...huh! Quite forward he is.'

" Nice to meet you too Leo. And yes it's not a problem calling me by my first name. Like my sister, I also doesnt feel anything being familiar with an acquaintance at all." His not-so-comfortable reply didn't go unnoticed by others but no one pointed it out.

"Nii-sama..have you eaten something?" Tsuya tried to break the awkward atmosphere which unexpectedly silenced the table under the unintentional behavior of her brother.

"I was thinking to eat with you, but since you have already picked something, I will help myself." Without waiting for her reply, under tens of astonished gazes Yuki picked up a used spoon of Tsuya and scooped a spoonful of dessert.

"Hmm. it's sure tastes better this way." Tsuya shook her head with a defeated smile as she saw her brother's childish behavior.

"You could have asked me to feed you nii-sama." Something completely unexpected came from the sister as she leaned her head on her brother's lean chest. In most case people expects the girl to get flustered or at least shy away. But the siblings were in total sync.

"Ah..ah. Someone get me some salt water. This is getting diabetic all of a sudden." Erica shook her head helplessly as Mizuki nodded in fluster. Leo on the other hand had a wry smile on his face not sure what to say anymore.

The lunch went with a casual chat among the five without much of a commotion. Those who came with a desire to have a chat with Yuki were sent away as the person in question was plainly against the idea of leaving the table.


"Oh, that reminds me Tsuya. Are you going to student council tomorrow?" I asked my beloved as I got down the first floor after changing my uniform. It was a pleasant evening when my Imouto decided to make it even more charming by wearing such an adorable one-piece dress.

I have seen her wearing each of her clothes before too but every time she wears something it feels refreshing like the apparel was made to be adorned by my Hime. She just looks perfect in anything.

"Hmm. I dont know why Saegusa senpai is so centric upon me, but being a student at First High, I must answer her summon." As rigid as every, my Imouto answers carried negligible emotions behind her words.

Even she doesnt say I knew with her capability and intelligence, the school must be seeming like nothing but a waste of time. In fact, I could dare to say that with such talent, my princess could become a prominent figure in school surpassing the current chairwoman.

If not for her obligation toward me then I fear she would have ever lived a normal student life. And this only reason helps me to push forward and try to make hime more interested in school activities. But until those who look down on her, exist in the school, I doubt my goal could be achieved.

"Let's go together after school tomorrow. You dont have plans right?" I asked as I stepped toward the kitchen thinking to brew a wonderful coffee for my hardworking Imouto. But her next word made my body freeze in mid-step.

"Ah, well Leon-san and Erica asked to hang out tomorrow. I am looking forward to how generally high schoolers pass their time." I take back my previous thoughts. It's no rush for her to get accustomed to being a normal teenager. And after all, if someone could show her how it feels like to be normal, then it should be me.

I turned my body and with quiet steps walked toward my precious little sister whose fingers were continuously tapping on the manual programming board.

"Tsuya..." I walked toward her and after blocking her vision from the terminal, landed my knee on the couch beside my hime's left thigh. She came out of her working daze as she fixed her beautiful eyes upon me.

Leaning forward I inched closer toward my beloved's face as I smelt the slight fragrance of her shampoo before I kept my hand on her cheek. Tsuya leaned back as she saw me nearing her but I didn't stop there as I completely enveloped her frame and held her face, directing my gaze upon hers from some inches apart.

My breath was colliding with hers as my heart started to pace furiously. My body started tensing up upon getting in so close contact with my Tsuya but the word I wanted to say needed to be carried in the same way it matters to me.

"Aren't you still young to get so close with a guy? It's only two days but you already have started calling someone so intimately. Your brother here is nothing but hurt after I saw how close you have gotten with another man." I let out the words which were circulating inside my heart since the school break. I have been taught to never lose cool and act calmly in every circumstance but when it's about my Hime...

...I just can't control myself.

"You got it wrong Nii-sams. We aren't close or something. You concluded wrong." Their rigid words of her added to how her eyes didn't waver even a bit as she said those things were more than enough to calm my heart. But somehow it wasn't settling down at all.

"If it's like this...then it will be right if I kiss you now right?"


A/N: Hah! Loose screw yandere.

Anyway, Yuki would get involved with the canon char. with a different approach. Oh yeah, I will be bending another character.

Guess who?