
Magus in Marvel

Baldur Mikaelson has just completed his Magnum Opus and he prepares to open a portal to another world. What will await him on the other side? Will it even work? discord code: F9G9ub4NDr

Pineappl3 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
28 Chs

Chapter 3 Part 5

Magus in Marvel

Chapter 3 Part 5

By: Pineappl3

I had only managed to get through the intro when Nixie had left my room fully dressed. She wore a grey turtleneck, black skirt, stockings, and black stiletto heeled boots. Accenting her outfit were various bits of disguised artifacts made to look like jewelry.

"Well, I guess it's time." With a snap of my fingers for added effect, I teleported us to the first floor where he had a limo waiting to take us to the place of my interview. The Daily Bugle had set the whole thing up and was even rented out a coffee shop to give the interview a casual atmosphere.

After a short wait we arrived and entered the coffee shop. Walking through the front door I noticed many of the tables had been moved away to accommodate a large amount of equipment and the reporter who was to interview me was already sitting down.

Laid out in front of them was a couple of cups of coffee and some snacks. The reporter was a tall Hispanic gentleman wearing grey slacks and had a white and black polka dot dress shirt with a similarly designed tie.

Noticing us, he got up and made his way over. He extended his hand and before I could think about shaking it, Nixie interpreted it. "Sorry Mister, Baldur is particular about who he shakes hands with. If he likes you he will shake your hand at the end of the interview."

The man looked a little offended, but he mostly hid it. "My apologies. Ah! Where are my manners? My name is Robert Sanchez, it is nice to meet you Mr. Mikaelson." He gestured to the chairs, "How about we sit down and get this started. I promise it will be short." He gave me the same smile I had read about in the car salesman guide and led us to our seats.

It was two hours later when I could finally leave the cafe, Sanchez had asked me everything from my childhood till now, why I changed my name, and what exactly was my company.

Nixie explained mostly everything for me, but I was the one to explain my company. I had told the man that it was going to be a new revolutionary technology company the likes of which the world had never seen.

He claimed me bold for making a statement and I merely told him once he saw it, he would think it was magical. Nixie had clearly sensed my irritation at the lengthy interview and convinced the reporter that enough was enough.

In the end I had still not shaken the man's hand and proceeded to leave. It was rude of me, but I had more important matters to attend to. Namely anything else. "Nixie, next time you should just pretend to be me. It would save me a lot of trouble."

"I will make sure to take care of all future interviews." Nixie patted her chest in confidence and flashed me a smile. I gave a faint chuckle in response and began to look out the window to get a look at the city as we passed by.

Noticing something interesting, I instantly teleported myself from the limo into a crowd of people. I startled a few people, but I ignored them and kept walking. I waded through the sea of people and eventually found my target.

Wearing what looked to be a World War II Army Dress attire, I saw a young man shrouded in Fate Mana. It was much denser than what had surrounded Felicia and I was sure if the man was not a Prophet, he was a powerful Diviner.

He was a gangly man who stood at roughly 6'2," he had light brown hair and sharp golden eyes. Although he stood proud, I could tell even the wind would knock him over.

As I approached the man he spun around to take a look at me. "Yeah, sure. I'll go with you. Just make sure you keep your promise of helping me get laid. I also want to kill a dragon."

I stopped mid step utterly confused. 'Well that confirms my theory. I guess he knows I like to get straight to the point.' I regained myself and moved to shake his hand. "Well, you know who I am. Who are you?"

He gave me a smirk and shook my hand. "Me? Well, my real name isn't important anymore. You can call me Aldebaran, Diviner Supreme. Or at least I think I will be. It's that or Aldebaran, Ender of the World. But we won't talk about that timeline."

'This is going to get annoying fast.' I gave him a smile and started to speak. "Well then, sha-"

"Yeah let's go, Nixie is waiting for us." Aldebaran walked past me and stopped at the curb. Not even five seconds later the limo pulls up and he enters.

I let out a heavy sigh and followed behind. 'Is it too late to get rid of him?' As I enter and close the door, Nixie gives me a confused look. I point at my head and give her permission to use her link to read my recent memories. A moment later she gives a knowing look and begins to entertain our new guest in my stead.

"So Mr. Aldebaran," Nixie began.

"Please Nix, call me Aldebaran. I'm not some two century year old man." He laughs and waves his hand at the idea.

"Alright then. . . So what did you do before you decided to join us? And what exactly did you agree to?" Nixie asked, giving her best to look interested.

"Well, I'm glad you asked in this timeline! My story isn't all that interesting. As a young boy I was trapped in a library with lots of magical knowledge. After spending 20 some odd years there practicing what I read in the books I decided to find a way out."

Aldebaran took a deep breath and continued with his story, "It was then I realized the door was a pull and not a push. I had spent so much time divining I neglected to actually try and find things out myself."

"And why are you wearing a World War II service dress? Why did you ask for help getting laid and probably more importantly why do you want to slay a dragon?"

With a rub of his chin, Aldebaran took a moment to think. "Nixie! What great questions. I'll only answer the last question though. The dragon I'm trying to slay forced me to marry herself and robbed me of what I hold most dear to me. Once I find that vile creature I'll kill her. . . After she takes what's most important to me."

I gave a puzzled look that matched Nixie's but Aldebaran didn't elaborate. He just leaned back in the chair and fell asleep.

'This man is quite strange isn't he Nixie. I could use a spell to read his mind, but honestly life will probably be more interesting without doing that.'

'He is quite the character Master,' Nixie giggled, 'I enjoy his strange behavior.'

I nod in response, 'Let's just hope he doesn't make an ass of himself around Sofia and Felicia. I have no clue how they will react to his antics.'

The rest of the ride passed by uneventfully and I had just enjoyed the view of the city. Once we had arrived I unceremoniously conjured water onto Aldebaran's head to wake him up.

"GAH! What the hell! How did I not see that coming?" He woke up with a shake and jerked around till he calmed himself.

"Oh," I replied, "I had forgotten my old anti-divination rune had worn off months ago. So I reapplied it. So unless you are a Prophet or use some other means to foresee the future, you will not be able to tell what I do next."

"Ah. . . Yeah, alright. I can see how that would get annoying." He visibly deflated a bit but regained his vigor almost instantly.

I shook my head and opened the door. Stepping out, I entered my building and waited for Nixie and Aldebaran to enter. Once inside and covered by the building's illusion, I teleported all of us to the floor below mine.

I had designated it to be a floor where my apprentices and future guests could stay. I took a look around and I noticed Felicia and Sofia were resting on the couch watching a movie.

I noticed Aldebaran shift nervously behind me and I couldn't help but to ask, "What? What did you see?"

"I-I um. Fuck it. I'll do it live." he walked towards the couch and cleared his throat. "Hey ladies I see you like movies, wanna make one? I- uh. I mean. Hmm, shit."

Felicia turned around and her face scrunched up. "Dude, I'm 14. Aren't you like 30 or something?"

The tense atmosphere was instantly shattered by Sofia's uncontrollable laughter. Noticing that he hadn't fucked up with one of the girls, he turned his attention towards her.

"Listen Sof, babe. We just can't be. I'm taken, or will be taken. Damn dragon. If I survive then. Only then, can we be an item." Aldebaran shook his head remorsefully then paused at the expression on Sofia's face.

Realizing he fucked up with both ladies, he flushed beet red and ran off to what I assumed to be the room I would have assigned him. I once again let out a deep sigh and teleported myself onto the couch.

"Sorry about him. He is a Diviner. I'll get all of us some permanent runes to prevent him from divining our conversations and leading to more awkwardness. He probably means well. But he did mention he was locked in a library for 20ish years."

"Doesn't give him the right to be a pedo," Felicia argued but Sofia spoke in Aldebaran's defense.

"Cut him some slack Kitty, I could tell he wasn't very experienced with girls. And plus. You look nothing like a 14 year old girl." Sofia gave Felicia a big grin and started to ruffle her hair.

Nixie sits down besides me and hands me a cup of coffee she had prepared for me, "He does seem strange, but I can tell he means well. I'm sure if we get to know him we will come to like him."

Sofia once again chimes in, "Yes, and at least he looked me in the eye. He had the decency to not let his eyes roam. Although he might have been too nervous to look elsewhere. I could practically feel his heartbeat from my seat."

I snapped my fingers twice to get the girls attention. "Stop talking, this is the best part of the movie. I can't fathom how you can talk during Shrek. It's not everyday someone makes a documentary about Ogres."

Sensing my serious attitude, the girls quit their verbal talking and I assumed they swapped to telepathy. I shook my head in disappointment and enjoyed the film. 'Everything is going great. Wait,' I looked around for wood to knock on but I realized I was too late.

I was sitting next to a girl who controlled bad luck and a familiar named Jinx. I for a lack of a better word, Jinxed myself. Felicia's eyes were red as she looked down at her phone and tears began to fall.

'God Damnit Baldur. Let's just hope the problem is something I can solve.' Knowing I was not at fault, but not able to deny the coincidence I felt strangely guilty. I quickly moved over to hug Felicia because I could instinctively tell something was very wrong.

"W-what happened Felicia?" I tried to sooth her by rubbing her back rhythmically, but instead she broke down into a sobbing mess, getting snot all over my Battle Robes. I didn't mind it though, something was seriously wrong and as Felicia's Master, I felt obligated to make sure she was fine.

After a while Felicia finally calmed down and broke apart from our hug. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose on a napkin provided by Nixie. With a clear sinus and a steady breath, Felicia told us what happened.

Hey guys, I'm going to be taking a 1-2 day break since work has been really rough. If you work 72/hour weeks you'll understand what I'm saying.

Pineappl3creators' thoughts