
Magneto in Naruto

A story that sticks. Hattori Shinjo, heir to the best assasin clan in the shinobi world. Follow him through his journey, through innocence, through darkness, through light and through life. And of course the badass moments in between. Oh he is going to be powerful, very powerful. ......... There will be no harem, I hate harem. Only a single romantic interest. This will be an original setting, with original characters, set in the eve of establishment of Konoha. I don't own shit. Credit for Naruto and Naruto Shippuden goes to their creator. Only the MCs are of my own creation. p.s. If you have any good cover pics, send them to me in the comments. I will be sure to give a mention in the credits. Thank you.

rorschach · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

Chapter 7 - Training in Earth Element

Back in his room, Shinjo sat on the tatami floor and looked vacantly around his room, that could surely enjoy a bit more light.

The room, 6m×3m, had nothing significant, except for the comfy bed, that didn't really take much space and a pair of chairs and tables.

A small bookshelf adorned one side of the wall, beside the window which offered a wide view into the settlement and the surrounding wilderness.

In general, the room had an overall greyish ambiance, matching the temperament of the youngster.

He thought back to the affinity test and wasn't really surprised by the result. Despite having the highest affinity to Shadow already, from infancy, he always had an unusual attraction to earth. He liked getting dirty in mud, and liked soaking his feet under the wet soil. It was to the point that he felt he could breathe better if he would just lie down on the ground. It was as if the earth would heal all his woes and weariness. While watching insects moving to and fro, he would feel immense satisfaction, akin to finding a kindred spirit in the earthen animals. No wonder. He would very much like to be buried without a coffin if it was up to him, so that he would enjoy the eternal slumber inside mother earth.

So he was looking forward to what he could accomplish with his boosted affinity towards the earth, not that anything could be inferred from his ever lax expression.

For now, he didn't want to start and formalize his training in earth element just yet. First he went out of their settlement and just laid down under the shade of a tall tree.

Looking up, he could almost make out the slightest sunrays that struggled to get past the wild foliage. A soft breeze rustled through the leaves, making a soothing white noise. From a distance, he could hear his clansmen talking, though all he could hear were soft murmurs. Insects buzzing around somewhere, birds flying through the trees, squeaking to get food or just going somewhere. From his left, towards the man-faced cliff, he could faintly make out the hustle bustle of people going about, some faint echoes of children laughing and running around.

Shinjo felt his soul cleansed and sublimate. As if he would melt and be one with nature the next second. He narrowed his eyes to a slit and his lips curled up slightly. Body relaxing completely. He felt his very existence ebb and flow along with the oscillatory nature surrounding him.

In this state of submersion, he drifted off to dreamland.


The Next Day.

Early morning, Shinjo descended the cliff, intending to head into the village. On the way, he glanced at the sculptured faces of two hokages, who were still very much alive and felt awkward.

According to him, who would ever want to sculpture their own face in a larger, magnified proportion for probably a hundred thousand people to see? He cringed at the thought and imagined the shamelessness and thick skin of the first hokage. What was he thinking, making up such a rule? Anyway.

As he descended the cliff, he gradually heard the hustle bustle of the village. The village, although small in population occupied a large area, centered around the hokage rock in semi circle and gradually expanded. In the distance, approximately 20 km away, he could see the outline of the large earthen wall, imagining the majesty of it if stood closeby. He got goosebumps thinking how much chakra it would have taken to create a wall so big, surrounding an area of more than 600 square kilometres.

Word on the street, it was single-handedly risen from scratch by the first hokage, the god of shinobi, Senju Hashirama. Though he was proud of himself, being the heir to the best assasin clan in the world, even he had to give credit where its due.

As he reached the bottom, he saw the red and brown 4 storied building where the hokage took office. Though it looked small from faraway, up close it was a fairly big, cylindrical building, that could easily house hundreds on a single floor. He watched the on-going traffic of shinobis and kunoichis going to and from the building, looking busy, yet peaceful. He passed it and went on his way to the Senju compound.

As one of the founding families, Senju compound occupied the central area, neighbouring their counterpart, the Uchihas. So he didn't have to walk far. He informed the guard on duty and entered after getting permission. Walking slowly, he noticed the sheer difference between his own clan and the Senju. Literally, diametrically opposite, the compound was well lit by the sun rays. Looking much brighter, sporadically filled with greenery, the Senju people all had a bright smile on their faces, Ninjas and civilians alike. Why wouldn't they be, having given birth to two strong hokages, possibly the strongest on earth, back to back?

Children's laughter, grandma's humming, the young and the old engaging in light hearted conversations, painted a picture of paradise on earth. Shinjo took it all in quietly, moving towards the central manor, which was obviously the mansion of the clan leader, a.k.a Senju Hashirama himself.

As he entered their courtyard, he saw a young woman, sitting on a swinging chair, soaking up the morning sun. She had a significant bulge on her stomach, probably 6 months in, Shinjo judged. Besides her, sat a middle aged woman, well in her 40s, with red hair with streaks of white, squatted next to the pond, feeding the fishes. They both turned towards him, as he neared them, looking over questioningly.

After a few second, the red haired woman had a slight enlightenment, as she stood up with a warm smile and welcomed,

"Brat from Hattori, is this your first time in Senju compound? Come inside, I will prepare snacks. Unfortunately there is noone of your age in our Senju clan, otherwise you would be best brothers."

Shinjo nodded slightly in acknowledgement. Their two families could be said to be familiar. In warring states period, their patriarchs usually had a friendly relationship, as did the Uchihas. In tacit agreement, they didn't employ the service of the Hattoris, treating them as a clan who retained some balance between the two. In the rare case that they did, it was ignored, because it was almost always clan feuds and requests for assisting in battle against the other.

"Shinjo-kun, come here, meet your little sister Tsunade. She will be the same age as your younger sister, take care of her in the future." The blonde, Himari Senju, previously the princess of Fire country, intoned lightly to the dark haired boy in jest, while stroking her belly. Her eyes turned into slits and she gazed at her bulging stomach, full of love.

Shinjo got near and awawardly stroked her belly a few times, while muttering lightly "grow up well, Tsunade", elicting chuckles from both the women.

Uzumaki Mito ushered him into their humble abode, leading him to the studies of Hashirama. When they entered, they saw Hashirama, pale faced, though clutching a stack of green notes in both hands and chuckling wickedly.

Mito deadpanned, "You better not be thinking about going to the gamble house, Hashi. I have brought the brat from hattori." Saying that she turned to Shinjo and smiling lightly,

"Wait here, i will bring the snacks." Shinjo nodded with a "hmm" and entered the study.

Hashirama, putting down the notes carefully in a compartment, looked at the boy inquisitively. He could sense an uchiha vibe from him, though it was different too.

"Shinjo, is it? You sure have grown up well. Last time I saw you, you were just born, looking sickly. Now look at you, the strength of chunin at the age of 7. Your father must be proud."

"Its an honor, Shodaime-sama." Shinjo bowed slightly to respect the strong and said,

"Father sent me to learn earth chakra nature and its applications from you, he said you have the most say when it comes to earth element, and I happen to have the same element, as well as the opinion."

"Straight to the point. Good, I like you. But on one condition. You must take good care of our Tsunade once she is born. Be a dear brother to her and protect her."

"As is my duty, Shodaime-sama."

"Not for duty, I would like you to care for her, as you would for your own sister." Saying that, he sighed.

"If you don't mind me asking, Shodaime-sama, are you sick?"

"Haahhh." Heaving a long sigh, Hashirama nodded, "I don't have long to live, though I don't have any regrets, I would turn in my grave if I don't make sure Tsunade grows up well."

Acknowledging the god of shinobi, who despite being the strongest was now withering away, Shinjo nodded, "Rest assured, I give you my word."

Hashirama's face lit up at the mature response from the 7 years old boy. It appeared comical and endearing to him, listening to the childish voice uttering the mature words.

"Alright, Shinjo-kun, lets get started." Hashirama laughed out loud and patiently said, "As promised to your father, I will impart my understanding of the earth element. Its a shame noone in my clan inherited my Mokuton kekkei genkai (wood release), atleast my earth element experience can help you on your way."


Mokuton is actually a Kekkei Tota, logically speaking. Water+Earth+Yang->Wood.

Like it? Then add this to your library and hit me with them powerstones. Ciao.

rorschachcreators' thoughts