
Magical Cube Controler

This story is about a boy named Leon, who suddenly entered a new world decorated with various Magic powers and unique creatures. He was destined to control the magic called is Magic Cube, which is one of the strongest types of magic in this world. With that powerful magic cube, now Leon must go on an adventure to explore a new world filled with enemies who are ready to confront him.

Rizki_akbar · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

To Be A Leader

After they finished their business at the bar, they then regrouped with the residents in a large military field.

Additionally, there were barrels of wine available to fulfill this triumph party. Several rolls of cow and lamb had already been served; they smelled delicious and had an undeniable taste.

Leon and the higher-ups sat in a circle in the middle of the field, and the slaves present requested him to greet their win.

However, as the welcome session was about to begin, Leon realized that the woman who was meant to be seated with the higher-ups was unable to be seen."

"Why haven't I seen Eris and where is her now?" Gazed with a look of confusion on his face.

At that time, an elderly man by the name of Jisei didn't think that the boy would monitor the slave right now.

"Who is Eris, and why do you want to meet her?" Because his stomach was already grumbling, the old man inquired anxiously.

"Eris is a girl from the slaves who has played a crucial part in telling me about you people; without her, I couldn't be preparing to assault their hamlet far more," Leon said to the elderly man.

After hearing Eris's name, Marukawa swiftly rose and yelled it multiple times. He told a lady called Eris to get started right away.

He did all of this because the delectable food in front of him was making him feel extremely hungry.

After Marukawa stated that, four ladies all rose at once.

Some of the ladies are mature, and just one appears to be a youngster.

"Wow... which one is it?" Marukawa laughed since he didn't expect this to happen.

Leon then indicated the easternmost section. The other slaves picked up the little girl who had been pointed at and led her to where Leon was. Eris' hand was gently taken by one of the slave females in a pleasant manner

The moment the other slaves saw Eris being carried to where Leon was, they began to applaud. Eris was speechless and lower her head, her cheeks flushed.

It turns out you have wonderful taste, huh!" exclaimed Jansen, who was applauding and smiling in glee.

"No surprise you wanted that young girl to be welcomed here, it turns out you have good taste, huh!" continued Jansen unable to contain his laughter any longer.

"Your words make me want to smack you!" Leon made an effort to grin while being quite annoyed within.

When Eris arrived in front of Leon, she then immediately lowered her head due to her thick and high respect.

"No need to be shy, now you can sit next to me now," Leon said with a cheerful, meaningless face.

But Eris responded, her cheeks flushing and her pulse racing. Eris sat down next to Leon, and to make things a bit more relaxed, Leon poured a very fresh and beautiful glass of wine for her.

Leon then got to his feet while flaunting his citizenship.

"I am Leon, I accept your request to declare me a leader for the time being. And this joyful feast as Morgan Village's destruction!"

Leon also couldn't help talking for a while because of how hungry he was; at this point, all he wanted to do was savor the food in front of him before his body gave up entirely.

People then eat the results of the feast with gusto, even if only eaten with banana leaves and glasses made of animal skins. Even village officials did not want to lose to show their authority and cohesiveness.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your dinner, but could you just tell me something?"

Leon questioned as he had a superb roast.

"Ask someone else, I'm too preoccupied with my stomach." Jansen didn't appear to want to answer Leon's query as the child gazed at him.

"Don't be like that Jansen, he's our leader right now," He said, in an effort to placate Leon.

Leon, whose countenance appeared to be deep in concentration, asked, "Can you people debate the topic of going to another village tonight, I feel awful being in this village."

"Of sure, we'll speak about it later, but for now, let's enjoy this dish!"

Marukawa then raised his wine glass and declared a toast to the superiors.

They perform it happily and enthusiastically.

He was eating with his pals, but something about it made his heart uncomfortable.

Leon thought that Morgan Village was enemy territory, which is why he did all of this. Leon and the others weren't prepared at the moment in case the enemy launched a larger-scale attack in the future.

--After the luch is over--

Grandpa Jisei cautioned Leon to use caution while making judgments after Leon had finished his meal. After all, the slaves weren't all physically fit young people. But it includes elderly individuals and women with young children.

Besides, Jansen also gave Leon a warning. The gang may come under attack by ferocious and deadly night creatures if they journey at night.

And if it happened, there wouldn't be many people who survived that extremely dangerous trek.

"Day at risk of meeting bandits and night meeting some monsters, which is better?" asked Leon with a confused face.

"Ma-Master, I have a suggestion but don't know if it is suitable or not," said Eris with a low and embarrassed face.

"What is Eris? Please just say it. I won't bite you if you make a mistake later." Leon said that to make a joke, and managed to make the people around him laugh too.

Eris advised Leon, that when sending the villagers to a new place it should be done separately.

Slaves will be divided into three parts, namely the young, mother, child, and the last old. The group that will be dispatched first is half of the youth and half of the youth. And when they arrive at their destination, the youths will secure the road to avoid the bandits.

Eris' advice received a standing ovation from Leon as well as the others, they seemed to feel very proud of the intelligence possessed by the young girl.

"You are indeed wise, you can choose which one is beautiful and which one is smart." said the Barrow with a laugh.

"Don't call me that, I'm your leader now." Leon then laughed as he invited the higher-ups to toast with him.

And it occurred to Leon, if in the afternoon. he was going away for a while to visit the two knights who were still lying limp in their beds.

In the afternoon accompanied by a beautiful sunset, Leon and Eris walked to the nursing home in Morgan Village. there they will meet, Minato and also Hanabi who is being treated directly by Shinju.

Knock...Knock...Knock.., the sound of knocking on the door was heard repeatedly. Shinju who was pensive then looked at the door, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Leon, and Eris. We want to go in to meet the two great knights," said Leon who was seen carrying fresh fruit in hand

"Please come in, they also just woke up," replied Shinju very friendly.

There Leon saw a black-haired girl lying limp next to his bed, her face still looking pale.

"How are you doing now, do you still feel the pain from the explosion?" asked Leon who seemed very worried to see her condition of Hanabi.

On the other hand, Hanabi still has a very annoyed expression on her face, so she doesn't want to see Leon's face

Leon then held Hanabi's hand gently until his face blushed, "I know you have a grudge against me, but believe me I didn't mean to."

"Stay away! I don't want to be touched by you!" Hanabi said with an awkward-looking face.

Minato and Eris who saw that, couldn't help but sweat from their strange behavior.

"Who are you? Why have I never seen you before?" asked Minato with a curious face.

"oh..hello, my name is Eris and I'm currently serving as a personal servant of Master Leon," Eris said while bowing her body to show her respect.

Seeing that Minato and Hanabi's condition still hasn't fully recovered, Leon hesitates to start tomorrow's journey.