
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs


In a room young boy opens his eyes little confused looking around he saw things he cannot recognise. He was facing a white ceiling , he notice that a man in white dress and man and women was standing besides the bed . The women was looking very worried.

Suddenly he felt as though a large amount of memories was being transmitted into his mind, causing his head to throb painfully. As his pain resides he found out that he was in body of young boy who has just taken collage entrance exam some day ago and gone to campaign with friends to have some fun and found a strange bead as he pikes it up his vision gone dark and he fainted .

But he doesn't understand why he was in this boy body he should be dead . In his previous life he was known as medical sage Ru because of medical knowledge and saving countless life in the war between heavenly demon league and alliance formed by many large sects .

There was carnage everywhere heavenly demon army went . The martial alliance made of the elites of the elites burned there life to stop the army that called themselves demons . In the end with sacrifice of many elites they bought down the leader of demon army "Demon LordWu Zun".

In the end of his life demon lord was still laughing saying that this is not the end and this sacrifices will open the door for the new world and demon will rule the world .

After the war sage Ru tried to find the meaning of those word and studied numerous records but found nothing.

As he couldn't find anything he studied many cultivation techniques bought together by martial alliance. As he was high in rank and saved many masters no one denied him . As time went by nothing happened no new world connected and there was peace once again every went there own way abolishing the alliance.

As a medical sage he spend life helping people and died peacefully , that's what he thought but now he his in this young boy body he was quit confused . As he drifting in thought an anxious voice come by his side .

As lifted his he saw women with worried face asking "if he was okay " . Wake of warmth surged his heart as look at her . Women was mother of this boy. He doesn't know what to say to her . He only nodded his head .

As he regained his consciousness and every thing okay with his body he left the hospital with boy parent without talking much . As they reached home he directly went to boy room and shut the door as he couldn't face the boy parents who were worried and asking him many questions.

As he went inside his room he studied his body he found that its very weak all of cultivation was gone . As he inspecting his body his attention was attracted by bead which was floating in his soul realm . He was shocked by seeing that this boy has no cultivation but he has such strong soul and bead which he has from the young age to the journey of reaching the stage of medical sage was in his soul realm.

He was very shocked ,this bead was supposed be ordinary bead which he kept because it looked fascinating as if there was world inside it and the other reason was he found it in ruins were got his medical knowledge. The knowledge was so vast that he couldn't understood till the end of life . There was record of many herbs he could not recognise , there were many recipes of elixir that were so profound that even with herbs he couldn't make them . But he never understood what use the bead has and now it floating in his soul realm like some queen shining brightly.

He tried probing it with his soul force but he was repelled , he tried many many thing but he couldn't do any thing as he was getting frustrated he gathered all his sole force and smashed into bead . His head started to buzz and he felt like like it going to explode and he fell on ground . His mother's anxious could be from outside the door and he lost his consciousness.

When he open his eyes he was in the same hospital and same doctor was examining ohim . But the difference was he had to stay in the hospital for two days and all short of test was done on him but nothing could be found out wrong and the bed was also not detected , like it does not exists . He was doubting himself that he was seeing things but he conformed that that exits but he couldn't do anything it truly was magical .

During his stay in hospital he also thought about his new life. The name of the boy is Wang Yao who has just finished his high school and went to campaign with his friends to have some fun , who would have thought that his soul would be replaced by me or to make specific there soul has merged but because of him being cultivation master his soul was well trained and big .Wang Yao has very small soul and because of this his soul dominated Wang Yao , but he retained his memories and feelings he has people. Now that he is in Wang Yao body he will live life as Wang Yao . Now he has mother , father and a big sister .