
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Nosy sister

In Wang Yao room every one gathered in front of computer , Everyone squeeze so tightly that Wang Yao could not see anything .

" I can't check my results if you do this. " Wang Yao said .

"That because we care about you. " His mother said .

"You are so useless let me do this " his sister took mouse from his hand and clicked check.

"Chinese 120 points, mathematics 140 points, English 125 points, science comprehensive ability 275 points. Your total score is 660 points."

" Well done Yao " his mother smiled brightly.

"Good " his father said with stoic face but one could say that he was very happy.

"You got only 10 marks less than me you did quit well , I thought you only chase after girls in school . " and here come his sisters timely comments.

"It's girls who chase after me , don't you see how handsome I am! . " Wang Yao said .

"Shameless " his sister remarked.

Everyone was happy at dinner , everyone was ate and laughed , because Wang Li has come after long time it was more lively.

Having finished dinner, they sat down to watch TV and talked about some trivial things. After some time everyone went to their own rooms.

The next morning, Wang Yao got up early and finished washing up and brushing his teeth. He went to the hill and started practising 'Six combination ' . After an he opened hi eyes he noticed that there were less and less impurities coming out every he cultivate . Soon all impurities will come out and his body's foundation will become solid and it will easy for him to cultivate in future. It's time consuming but it's worth it .

After finishing cultivation washed himself , sun was also coming up from horizon it time to make medicine. Wang Yao collected some wood from surrounding , made stove of mud and stones and started fire .

Wang Yao took out the herbs for making Anshensan, double checked them, and then started to brew a decoction.

Ginseng, Angelica, Poria Cocos, Licorice…

Wang Yao had to make sure the weight and sequence of putting the herbs in the pot were all identical to what was on the formula. At the same time, the fire was burning cheerfully. The multifunctional pot for herbs was giving off steam and a special smell of herbs soon filled the cottage.

When Wang Yao estimated that the effect of the herbs had all come out, he put the leaves of the moonlight herb into the pot. The leaves dissolved immediately and turned the liquid inside the pot from a light brown into light orange color.

Seeing the change in color, Wang Yao quickly moved the multifunctional pot away from the flame. He looked at the decoction it was perfect.

Wang Yao poured the decoction into a three glass bottle after it cooled down.

"This three portion is enough for completely curing Tong Wei mother " Wang Yao thought.

He went down the hill and jogged towards his house . When he reached home it was already 8 am, it took him longer today. His father was already gone to work .

His sister smiled at him "Bro you are back , you have changed a lot , mom told me that you started working out , last time I saw you was lazy bum . I also heard that you felt unconscious few times , Is something wrong with your brain . "

Wang Yao chose to move away from Wang Li silently. Then he smiled and said "I just felt that the life before was too tiring. Choosing a different way to live might be better."

Hearing this, Wang li felt dazed and glanced at Lu Ze a bit longer before showing a smile "What's in bag , do you also need that for work out ".

" It's nothing , just towel and water bottle, ok now I am going to wash up " then he ran into his room . It's to much trouble to have a nosy sister .

After some time Wang Yao come out of room , heated breakfast and started eating , he looked at her sister who was not paying attention to him and sighed in relief.

After breakfast he entered hall , sat on sofa and watched tv with his sister . They talked occasionally , but this time his sister didn't nagged at him .

" Sis I am going to Lang Jiang city , see you at noon ." Wang Yao said that and went to his to change .

When he come out his sister was looking at him as if she know everything.

He ignored her.

He went outside the house and rode his motorbike into city.

Tong Wei lived about 20 minutes away by motorbike. After arriving in city, Wang Yao bought some supplements before heading to Tong Wei home.

He knocked on the door on arrival. Tong Wei opened the door for him . She was very happy when she saw Wang Yao.

"Hi Tong Wei , Is Auntie Feeling any better?" asked Wang Yao.

"You are so kind to buy so many things. Come on in please , mom condition is same, she is resting now ." Tong Wei guided Wang Yao into the house. She was actually waiting for Wang Yao, since he said that he could help her mother. But she didn't call him , it was very impolite when he said that it will take two days . Therefore she was very happy when she Wang Yao.

"Well, I brought you an herbal formula, call aunty ." Wang Yao took out the glass bottle filled with the orange decoction.

"Okay , wait a minute ." She said and quickly went to the room , after some time she come with her mother. They sat on sofa opposite to him .

Tong Wei told her mother everything they talked and showed her decoction.

"Is this medicine can really cure my condition" she was hopeful but also worried.

"Please try it aunty , before coming I've tested it to make sure it is not poisonous and don't have any side effects. Don't drink too much if you still worried, just a little bit to start with." Wang Yao said . He could understand that it was very difficult to trust things when they are of unknown origin . So he lied to assure them .

"Really, what if something happened to you " Tong Wei said .

"Actually the traditional medicine practitioner his my master , I am learning medicine from him , he would not lie to me ." Wang Yao said

When Tong Wei wanted to ask again he stopped her . It was too much trouble to make up so many thing .

"So how should I take it ?" Tong Wei mother as. She decided to take it .

"You just have to drink it warm , let me help you " Wang Yao said and went to kitchen Tong Wei followed him . When Tong Wei saw him she felt that her friend has changed, he look more mature and reliable.

Wang Yao heated the decoction with warm water and for one dosage in cup and brought to auntie.