
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Non-Attribute soul form

Wang Yao's dad was the head of tourism bureau in Xia region which was surrounded by mountain and has many tourists places .His mother Fu Shuya was house wife who love to take care of family. As such they were doing well .

His big sister Wang Li who was 2 older than him was studying in Capital city so she only come home on holidays .

As such Wang Yao has good life . With his handsome look and decent family quite a lot of girls like him.

He didn't offend any Tycoons for some girls he wasn't dumb . Plus in that day and age security was much better than ancient times. He didn't have any family feud and nor a desire for revenge .

Sage ru was very happy with this boy . Expect that Wang Yao has very weak constitution for martial art cultivation.

Some types of soul type absorb the Spiritual Qi quickly and some absorb it more slowly. To differentiate between them, soul type were categorized into four major grades: Red , yellow, blue and purple.

Red at lowest and purple at highest. Those who has purple has it easier to practice martial art as they could circulate Qi more easily. But this is only one way of determining person talent , it could also depend on soul form as long as we have right cultivation techniques even if the person has red soul sea can display explosive power . This great discovery was made great martial sage Li . Before demon army appeared every large sect only cultivated their body or inner force . But after war with demon , and seeing them perform many god like techniques, Martial sage Li discovered that demon cultivated according to soul type and human also has soul so they learned from demons and stated cultivating according soul form which greatly increased the speed of cultivation , during war with demons for 100 of years many genius born in alliance and they created many spirit cultivation techniques and human became strong stoping demon army .

Now not only Wang Yao has Yellow Sea he also has non-attribute soul form. His talent worried this sage, it was blessing that he was sage in his previous life and read all the martial cultivation techniques of martial alliance .This sage have countless theories of advance martial art cultivation techniques in my head. After shorting out all the techniques, the most suitable would be "Heavenly Tactics" for my attribute less soul form. Heavenly Tactics Is flexible which suits its non-attribute sea form . After practicing this technique he would have all five basic attributes gold , fire, water, wood and earth. How cool that would be ,he will able to attract spirit Qi of all attributes and his seed in cultivation will we very fast .

Ordinarily, a person had no way to absorb more than one type of Spiritual Qi because it was impossible to simultaneously refine more than one type of it. That's why cultivators usually focused only on one in their cultivation.

For example, someone could have a Soul form with a dual alignment of fire and earth, the fire Spirit Base being slightly stronger. It meant that the absorption rate of fire type Spiritual Qi would be higher, so he would only need to focus on refining fire type Spiritual Qi, and would not be able to obtain both it and earth type Spiritual Qi.

However, absorbing Spiritual Qi was one matter, refining it was another. could achieve both.

Therefore right cultivation technique was needed in the alignment with soul form. It required high-level multitasking and did not allow any errors or mistakes; otherwise, the Spirit Qi could enter the wrong pathways. A light consequence of this would be spitting out some fresh blood; the most serious consequence would be instant death.

To control all five elements can only done by cultivating 'Heaven Tactics'.

Being able to satisfy such high requirements… Wang Yao cultivation speed could be imagined. It just took high troll on soul and body.

But it's has it advantages that he will be much stronger in same level . Well he was not worried because world seems peaceful he could bet strong slowly and become the strongest person so that even if there is another war with demons he would send them home packing black and blue.

As for to make his body stronger so that could cultivate Heavenly Tactics he will practice "six combinations" (3 evil and 3 good) its a foundation techniques which cannot increases Qi , but cleanse the body and meridians perfectly , strengthening the body . He was not in hurry with his 100 year of study of cultivation techniques and his experience in last life, he would still be much faster and much stronger than his past life .

As Wang Yao was preparing to cultivate his mother called him to have dinner .

As he got off the room and came to hall he saw that his father was sitting on sofa watching TV , he studied his dad carefully this old handsome man definitely had quite girls chasing when he was young . There was some authority between his eyebrows, which is probably due to being in power for a long time ?

"How are you felling ?" his father Wang Zin his father asked looking at with calm face .

"I am okay now dad " Wang Yao said .

His father take a look at him carefully and told him to sit on sofa .

" What happened to you ?, you're not talking much this days , your mother his very worried about you" suddenly his father asked .

Wang Yao has very complicated felling looking at his father who has calm face but warm gaze . How could he tell that there son is gone. But since he is now owner of this body he will protect his new family.

" Sorry dad for worrying you and mom " it must heat , that I lost consciousness and when I came home I was very hungry and lost consciousness because of hunger, that must be it dad you don't have worry ... he talk gibberish as he diverted his gaze from his father .

His father looked at doubtfully. Xia region is outskirts of Capital city it's always rains every other day , weather is never to hot here .

But his did not press on this matter " talking rubbish again he should be fine now " he thought .

His looked at him again and asked " So what are you going do in future? Would you help me in business or going to college?/" .

Wang Yao was stumped and looked at his father with open mouth, after long time he said " I will think about it dad " .

As his father wanted say something his mother called them to eat . Everyone ate without taking much ,only his mother would asked about his health . After eating Wang Yao went to his room contemplating about his father words seriously.