
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Message from mysterious women

After a while, everyone was full and started to

talk about where to go after dinner. The purpose of the schoolmates' reunion was to have an opportunity for people to drink, eat and play together.

"I have a suggestion. How about going to the KTV next door?" said Shen Yue loudly.

"You don't wanna go with us?" It was He Hai.

"No, I have to go home. Could you let Shen Yer know?" asked Wang Yao.

"Okay, we can catch up on another day," said He Hai. "How are you gonna get home?"

"I'm driving," said Wang Yao.

"Be careful on the road," said He Hai.

After saying goodbye to He Hai, Wang Yao went to the parking and drove car to hotel entrance Tong Wei was already waiting for him . Wang Yao was just about drive his car he heard someone calling out to him.

He could hear the words 'handsome boy' echoing indistinctly from behind his back so he stopped.

He could see a woman dressed in uniform walking toward himself. At a glance, she exuded an intense feeling of competence and experience in her attire. She was about thirty of age but she took good care of herself. She had a fair complexion and beautiful face with a tall and slim figure.

She was an exquisite beauty!

Wang Yao shook his head , what was he thinking.

"Handsome boy, can you please give me your Wechat and phone number?" said the woman to Wang Yao with a smile.

Huh? Wang Yao frowned ever so slightly.

'You're a little too blatant, aren't you? You should pay attention to where you are at the very least!'

Wang Yao sensed Tong Wei expression change. There was an unknown hostility to her now.

The woman continued to speak earnestly upon realizing Ye Lingchen's hesitation, "I have a favor to ask from you, please give me your number. I beg of you!"

Wang Yao looked at the woman then nodded soon afterward. He took the pen and paper before he wrote down his contact information on the paper.

Wang Yao got into the car. Tong Wei expression was as dim as a stormy sky. She took her seat sulkily.

He drove to the Tong Wei house.

Then he dropped her home after saying goodbye he drove off.

Tong Wei watched the vehicle go.

Am I not attractive or does he have no feelings towards me?

It was her first time to lose self-confidence on herself.

After dropping Tong Wei he directly went home . It was already past 9p.m when he reached home. As he opened door he saw that everyone was watching T.V , but as they saw him his sister and mother started bombarding with questions about gathering. They only let him go after long time.

He went into his room took bath he felt refreshed, when he came out only his sister was working on laptop . He went and sat beside her.

"Sis join me from tomorrow morning for work out" Wang Yao said .

"Work out , me ? Why do I need to do that?" She looked at him like looking at idiot.

"It's not just work out , I will tell you tomorrow, just wake up on time ." Wang Yao said .

"Just tell me now" she said .

"Okay I am going to sleep now, see you tomorrow " Wang Yao said went into his room

Wang Li stared at his retreating figure with questions all over her face.

When he was inside his room his phone buzzed. He took a glance and noticed that someone had sent him a friend request on Wechat. The person's display picture was a cute pink cartoon bunny.

[Hello, are you there?]

After approving the request, the person immediately sent over a very casual greeting.

Ye Lingchen replied with a [Yes, I'm here] in an arrogant manner.

[Miracle doctor, do you know how to treat spondylosis?] The other person sent over a smiley face emoticon.

So it turned out the person sought medical attention from him. But how does she know about me. He haven't used his medical skills in front of anyone . He was confused .

"You got wrong number I am not doctor " he said .

"I saw you treat old man with only massage other day , I was going to talk to you that day but I lost you . I am searching for you since then . I am staying in Shenghua Hotel , that where I was you today so I asked sister Lin to help me get your number"

Ye Lingchen was enlightened. He assumed that the person witnessed how he displayed his medical skills that day and found him as a result.