
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Completing foundation technique

For a period of time that followed, Wang Yao enjoyed the leisurely time of the summer holidays. He would practice 'six changes' early every morning upon waking up, then he would head to the library in city and read some books that interested him to increase his knowledge.

Wang Yao was practising 'Six Changes' sitting cross legged. After some time his body shook slightly and he opened his eyes .

"It took 9 days to complete the foundation technique" Wang Yao said .

He has estimated that it would take 10 or more day. From daily practice Wang Yao noticed that Concentration of spirit Qi is increasing , because of it his speed also increased.

It is good news for Wang Yao, as spirit Qi increases is cultivation will be easy. More people will able to cultivate. It may cause some trouble but this changes will progress human civilisation further.

"Military are already aware of it seems . They will take care of take care of problem, I will concentrate on making myself stronger." Wang Yao though. As he was fantasising his future Wang Li disturbed him.

"Yao I think my practice of six changes is complete " Wang Li said excitedly.

"What, how is this possible."Wang Yao was shocked. It took only 5 days for her to complete her foundation. He hurried went to her and checked himself. There was no mistake she has really completely foundation technique. Her talent is greater than him.

"You really have completed foundation technique, now I will give cultivation techniques , let me first check your spirit attribute." Wang Yao said and put his hand on back of Wang Li and started circulate spirit Qi through her body he felt Like wind is circulating around light.

"You have wind lighting attribute, it's very rare to have two attribute. From the cultivation techniques I know ' lightning dragon' cultivation technique will be most suitable for you." Wang Yao said and started chanting the cultivation technique.

"You have memories this chant . I will help you circulate spirit Qi through your body, you have chant the cultivation techniques while circulating spirit Qi through different part of body." Wang Yao said and started helping his sister. After cultivating for two hours they opened their eyes.

Wang Li memorized the cultivation technique, and upon chanting, the power she felt was really that of a wind lightning attributed cultivation method and it was simply too strong and unparalleled!

"This is really powerful " Wang li said.

After instructing Wang Li didn't started cultivating, he went home with his sister. It was already late and his mother may start worrying about them .

When they reached home his mother was really worrying about them . Only after seeing them she breathed in relief.

After breakfast he was sitting on sofa watching TV his phone rang . It was message from Xiao Liling . She asked to meet at hotel for massage session.

Wang Yao reached hotel shorty.

!Inside Xiao Liling room!

"You're going to Capital City"

Wang Yao said in astonishment as he massaged Xiao Liling's silk-like skin and body.

"Hmm." Xiao Liling nodded. Her eyes were squinted shut akin to a kitten, a sign that she was enjoying Wang Yao massage treatment.

As the saying went, the first time is awkward, the second is easy; although she was still very embarrassed, it was much better than the first time.

Next, she turned her head and looked at Wang Yao in anticipation. "I've recently signed onto a martial art television series project. I'm going to return to Capital City for filming."

"You said before that I will need to receive the massage treatment for half a year before I can recover. Why don't you join me to go to Capital City?"

Wang Yao was silent.

Capital city was main city of Radiance federation. It was a thriving and prosperous city with people living extravagant lives. The attraction of the city blinded countless people and made them yearn for its presence.

Even if Xiao Liling had not mentioned this, Wang Yao could definitely apply and get accepted into either Tsinghua University or Peking University with his outstanding results.

"Do you have any plans for summer holidays?" asked Xiao Liling.

"Nothing at the moment." Wang Yao shook his head.

"Since you don't have any plans, then why don't you follow me for a trip to Capital city. I can be your tour guide." Xiao Liling looked at Wang Yao before she continued to speak seductively, "moreover, I'm paying your wage too."

"When are you going to depart?" asked Wang Yao.

Xiao Liling replied, "we're leaving in the afternoon tomorrow, we already extended our stay by few days."

Wang Yao nodded. He was not in a rush to commit himself.

He hesitated whether he should stay back and accompanied his parents. On the other hand, he wanted to visit city where its people lived extravagantly before he made the decision if he wanted to attend a university there. It will also help in his cultivation, in his previous life capital city was the place where spirit veins were located And two of the six largest sect were located were now capital city is .

He had a youth's temperament and now was just the right time that he was proud of his achievement. He wanted to experience a different place badly.

"Don't worry, Capital City is my territory. I'll make sure that you won't get bullied over there," said Xiao Liling as she assumed the tone of an old senior woman suddenly. She could not refrain herself from sniggering aloud after saying that.

Wang Yao pondered for a moment before shook his head "My sister is also studying in capital city, After one week she is also going back I will go with her. I will contact you then.

Wang Yao had a long discussion with his parents after returning to his home. He told them about his plan to studying oriental medicine .

"Mother, I plan to enroll in Peking University. I will go with sister. After arriving in Capital City, I'll enroll in the university directly when the new semester begins," said Wang Yao.


Fu Shuya answered softly.

His father kept his silence as well on the side.

Both of there will move out house , it will make home really empty.