
Magic world: No one can stop me

Ryan was a normal student till the day he was hit by lightning bolt. After that incident his whole life changed. Meeting with goddess of fortune and luck. Reborn in the new world of sword and magic. getting a new family while living with them in the new adventure. He got many friends and foes. A spirit fairy like partner. Will he be able to keep up with the changes in his life or will be lost in darkness. with new difficulty and responsibilities he continues to walk forward. New gain with significant loss which can cause one to despair, will he be able to continue walking. what will be his future like... no one can tell. let's find out how his life changes and be together with him in the new adventure in his new world.

My_little_drog0n · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Chapter -20 : Guest

As the sun went up, Ryan also got up welcoming a new day.

He exited his room with Luna on his shoulders, although he was strong he did not stop practicing with sword. His magic power is huge but his body is really weak.

Strong man radiates pressure from there body which can make your mind slow and if it doesn't work on time what's the use of magic power that can't be used properly.

Ryan understood this thing and never delayed his own training.

Afterwards, Ryan practiced for about two hours in the garden of their mansion.

"Ryan, are you tired?" At these time, Jenny came to him and asked.

"Not tired." Ryan smiled.

"Hehe, looks like your body is getting strong. But you should stop pushing yourself. With time, let your body grow healthy and strong." Jenny didn't continue when she saw Ryan was really not tired.

"Mom, you came to me at this time, not really to ask whether I am tired or not right?" Ryan knew that Jenny usually never comes at his training time, she is busy in making him breakfast by herself, so he asked with a smile.

"No. I really came to ask this."

"Really?" Ryan had a look that he can't believe it.

"Haa.. you really, okay it's normal for you to think like this. You know that same question, I will ask you when you eat breakfast, so you are suspecting me right."

"Oh! I was caught." Ryan made a victory pose at Jenny's helpless face. Then he wiped his face and tacitfully kept his quiet as giving his mother time to speak.

"There are guests in the hall today, I came here just to tell you that they are friends of your grandpa so.. pay attention to your attitude." Jenny said with a smile on her face.

"What, friends of grandpa. Mom can you say that I am not in the mansion. Or you can say that, I will be away from mansion for sometime.."

"No no no, wait a minute, I am here from the morning and I didn't see anyone entering. How did they get into the mansion??" He was sure that if anyone came into garden he should be able to sense their presence.

"Only now did you notice this. Okay get ready first, then come with me."

It didn't take long for him to clean himself with magic. After that he followed behind Jenny inside the hall.

There are three couch inside the hall, two of which are already seated with guests.

"Ryan you are finally here. I just mentioned how great and intelligent you are to my friend. Come, meet him, he is Alrayd, and she is his granddaughter, Saphira. Say hello."

"Hello grandpa Alrayd, hello Saphira.." Ryan secretly scolded Leon in his heart, while outside he had smile on his face and bowed slightly at Alrayd, and simply greeted Saphira.

'Sigh! I am also grown up, what are they doing introducing me with this girl and her grandpa. Well I have to admit that she looks good. Possibly around eleven or twelve years old but from her body alone I can judge that she will be great beauty in the future once her body developed completely.' Ryan had many ideas running through his head while he just looked at Saphira.

"Do I look old to you, that you call me grandpa??" Alrayd didn't expect this a even a little bit.

"You are friends with my grandpa and also grandpa of Saphira, of course I will have to call you that even if you look a little younger, right?" Without looking at Alrayd, Ryan replied him and continued to stare at

"Ryan, it's rude to stare at someone.... You should watch it secretly, when no one is looking at you, so as to not attract attention." Leon said first half with a stern face while later part was said in a voice that only he and Ryan can hear.

"Is this your grandson? He looks more like his mother." Alrayd comments on his looks while he inspected him like a detective from head to toe, he continued like this for a while and then nodded his head.

"Not bad, I can see that his body is developing quiet well."

'Damn you shameless pervert, how can you just look at other person's body without their permission? I will retaliate against you and watch your granddaughter too.' Ryan had a dark thoughts in his heart at Alrayd's extreme behaviour. Everyone is sensitive to something and now Alrayd has triggered Ryan's mind with his unacceptable actions.

"Ryan, he is from dragon race, so don't compare his age with common sense, he is thousand years old monster." Leon know Ryan very well and new that now this old monster is doomed to suffer.

"Let's not talk about all this, these time I came here for one thing..." Saying that Alrayd paused for sometime and looked at Leon and Lamina. Then said, " the reason I cam here is because I want to leave Saphira to your care for a period of time." Finally Alrayd, for what he came here for today.

"Grandpa.. what are you talking?? Didn't you just say that, we are only visiting your old rival?"

"Ahm...cough .. What rival, you heard it wrong, I told that we are visiting an old friend." With a blank face, Alrayd dispelled Saphira's questions.

But who will believe, now that they have heard something which can arose their interest?

"Leon...? Rival.?."


"Hum hum I see Rival."

"Yeah...It's Rival..hehe"

Ryan, Andrew, Jenny and Lamina looked at each other and then together they turned their head to Leon, who was currently as if guilty of being seen was doing his best to mix himself in nature as to make himself invisible...

"Hmph... What are you all doing?? Looking at me like these?? You don't know, Alrayd and I used to be fighting buddy. Making bets, beating and fighting each other that was our way of friendship, right Alrayd?" As if what he was saying was not convincing enough, Leon looked into Alrayd's eyes and said with a little deep voice.

"Oh, we understand, what you are saying is right." Without waiting for Alrayd to reply, Lamina interjected them..

"Yeah, Dad you right, we understand.. you don't have to explain to us. Right, Ryan?" Andrew also didn't miss the opportunity, it doesn't matter, what Leon is saying is Right or wrong. To them commenting right after Lamina was most important right now.

"Yeah Dad, grandpa we believe in you. You don't have to explain it. We believe in you.." Ryan also added with a playful tone, which made Leon's face difficult to look at.

"Ahm... Okay then, it's good that you understand.. now let's look at the matter at hand."