
Magic Martial World

In a world where mana talent decided one's future, an orphan named Ivan Chaos was determined to change the views of the world. A martial art that goes against Heaven, a system born right out of his dreams, and the soul of a forgotten legend. So what if he has zero talent? Ivan can just change the world with his cheats! ______________________________________________ Disclaimers: This is a slow paced novel where learning and improving are the norm. Even when the MC is overpowered later, he'll still lose occasionally due to lack of info or techniques. Yeah, cheats are only op when the mc knows how to use them. _____________________________________________ Hey, we're back for WSA 2024!

Simp_Chaos · ตะวันออก
42 Chs

Curious Eyes

While the teachers were fending off against the interdimensional beasts, Ivan had snuck back into the school stealthily. 

To him, it was impossible for him to miss such a great opportunity like this. 

'A Grade 5 Interdimensional Rift! I really want to see the interdimensional rift!' Ivan excitedly thought to himself as he hid behind pillars whenever a teacher walked near him.

As he got closer to the school field, he could naturally feel the disturbance of space-time as well as the absence of elements within the air. 

'Incredible, I've only read about this phenomenon in books but, the space-time elements in the air are destabilizing and stabilizing at the same time.' The 10 year old child marveled within his heart. 

'If the air outside of the battlefield already feels this amazing, then wouldn't I benefit greatly if I were to enter the battlefield?' 

With this thought in mind, Ivan continued his stealthy advance towards the school field while slowly sensing the various types of elements in the air. 

What greeted him next was the incredible teamwork and tactics shown by his teachers when fighting the beasts. 

Under Liew Weng's incredible leadership, the knights fought the interdimensional beasts bravely while constantly being buffed and healed by the casters. 

On top of that, since the knights had already occupied the front, the archers and casters would support the knights by raining arrows and magic spells at the interdimensional beasts from above. 

With the ground occupied by the knights and sky occupied by the archers and casters, the interdimensional beasts have no choice but to charge forward towards their deaths, hoping that one of their kind would be able to break through their enemies' formation. 

Thus, creating chaos among their enemies. 

"Sheesh, those monsters coming out from the interdimensional rift stand no chance against my teachers." 

Seeing the teachers were busy fighting the interdimensional beasts, Ivan suddenly had the urge to sneak onto the battleground to collect some monster parts. 

"I don't know why, but those monster corpses suddenly look very appetizing to me…maybe if I could take a bite–" 

But before Ivan could take another step, Headmaster Na had suddenly appeared behind him. 

"Headmaster, where did you appear from?!" Ivan exclaimed loudly. 

Picking the young boy up by his collar, Headmaster Na proceeded to teleport himself and Ivan to the roof of the school. 

"One would be able to watch the battle while being safe from the beasts' attacks there. Stay here and don't go anywhere. I'll come pick you up at night." 

Ivan of course, wasn't happy that the headmaster butted in on his fun however. 

"Risks exist wherever fun exists. And I'm well aware of the risks, thank you very much." Fumming from having his fun taken away, Ivan mumbled.

"Even if you are well aware of the risks, I can't let you endanger yourself willy nilly just for a little bit of fun." The headmaster sternly replied.

"Boo, you're no fun." The young boy complained back.

"You can shut your mouth now, boy. Just be happy that I'm allowing you to watch this off the book battle." The headmaster ruffled the boy's hair before continuing. 

"This will become your everyday life once you enter Jumper Academy."

"Wait, what-?" Before Ivan could finish however, Headmaster Na had already teleported away. "Oh damn it, I wonder what he meant by that."

When nightfall came, the interdimensional beasts subjugation team had already killed off more than 500 interdimensional beasts that came out from the green interdimensional rift. 

Seeing that the number of interdimensional beasts rushing out the green portal were dwindling, Liew Weng decided to switch formations. 

"Eh? Why are we switching up our tactics, Sir?" A knight raised his hand and asked.

"Remember everyone! The interdimensional rift we're containing today is a Grade 5 Interdimensional Rift that connects this world to a poison fire world! Even though it looks like the beast rampage is about to end, it is certainly not the case with this interdimensional rift!..." 

"...In other words, the boss monster is about to appear!"

Just as Liew Weng finished his explanation, the ground around the green portal began to shake violently. 

"What's going on?!"

"Another earthquake?!"

"No! I've seen this happen before!"

"What's going on, Sir?"

"The Grade 5 Interdimensional Beast! It's emerging!"

"Knights, Archers, and Casters! Get into formation!" After shouting with all his might, Liew Weng proceeded to cast several buffs on the knights as well as himself before readying his giant saber and shield. "You guys ready?"

"Sir, yes Sir!" The knights shouted in unison. 

"Good! Archers, Casters, protect our rear please!"

"Sir, yes Sir!" The archers and casters also replied in unison. 

With each passing second, the earth quaked with greater magnitude. And after 10 mins of relentless quaking, a gargantuan dragon head finally emerged out of the green portal. 

"Knights, shields…up!!!" Liew Weng quickly shouted.

Just as the knights put up their shields as commanded by Liew Weng, the gargantuan dragon head released a thunderous roar of raging green fire at the knights.

"Jesus christ! Is this Greek fire?"

"It's so hot!"

"And it smells like puke!"

"Just shut up and hold the line already!" [Liew Weng]

Moments later, the gargantuan dragon head stopped breathing green fire on the knights.

Taking this moment of silence to catch their breath, a green halo suddenly appeared around the bodies of the exhausted knights. 

As they were enveloped in green light, the knights along with Liew Weng could clearly feel that their exhaustion had been washed away. 

Following that, a gush of cool air blew into the knights' faces, boosting the morale of the group significantly.

"This green halo around me, and the light breeze that increases strength and focus…This spell is…Wind God's Domain." Liew Weng murmured.

This one didn't need any editing, suprisingly.

Simp_Chaoscreators' thoughts