
Magic In A Nutshell

I Lost my family in an accident when I was only 3 years old and then years later I was poisoned by my only friend because he was after my money, I died. But I was reincarnated in a world filled with magic. I thought I had been given a chance to live stressless and peacefully with my family but destiny had something else in its mind. (Author's note: the cover's not mine I just got it from google Give my story a try and please leave a review even though its a pain in the ass.)

Nile_Clad · แอคชั่น
20 Chs

Meeting The Person Who Reincarnated me

"Sir, captain Rose has arrived in the investigation camp and she has called for a meeting." Canny reported

"I will be there in a minute."

"Yes sir"


"Cliff what took you so long" asked captain

"I am sorry captain, I came late because I was investigating a site."

"Okay then lets start the meeting"

'There were 6 sergeants including me in the meeting.

Captain Rose had called this meeting for various things.

She wanted to know about what happened or how it happened in the village.

She also talked about the nereast town being under attack too by the monsters.

She wanted to relocate 2 of the squads from the mansion to the town.

She wanted to relocate another squad to the continental border, there were more and more monsters popping up in the border.

Finally she ended the meeting with asking me how the whole investigation was going on.

I explained to her about every single thing that I happened to notice, I even told her about Clay and Cera.

After I had told her about them, she told me to interrogate them especially Clay.

As a loyal mage I agreed to interrogate them.

She ended the meeting and told us to stop the investigation and resume it in the next day because it was getting dark.


After the meeting had ended I went to the infirmary where Clay was admitted in, he still hadn't woken up.

It was already 8 pm so I thought I would interrogate him tomorrow.

I left the infirmary and went to my room.

I removed the heavy clothes and took a hot bath.

They say bathing with cold water is good for your fatigued muscles but f**k them, bathing with hot water is good for your soul.

I then went to sleep on my bed.

Just when I was falling asleep I heard a knock on my door.'

"Sergeant, the doctor has told me to inform you that the kid is awake."

'Uggghhh why did he have to call me now

I got out of the bed and went to the infirmary, Clay was awake but he was panting.'

"Hey kid you okay" I asked him

'He looked at me with broad eyes, his face looked like he had seen a ghost.'

"I just had a very terrifying nightmare" he said

Clay's POV:



please get up

Those words were the last thing I remember before I had become unconscious.

I was now in a void, it was completely black, there was no floor for me to stand on, I was floating , I was naked.

Why does this feel so nostalgic, it feels I have been here before.

Yeah I remember now, this is where I was after I died.

Dont tell me did I die.

Fu*k this shit man, it was going so good until the monsters arrived.

I shouldnt have fought them, I should've just run away along with Cera.

It was such a good world.

My family wad dead but I had forgotten about them.

Will I be reincarnated again,

What will the next world look like?

I hope the next world has magic in it just like this one.

Maybe in my next life I will have parents and a caring family.

Why is it taking so long?

Last time when I was reincarnated it took just a couple of seconds for me to notice a white light but now it has been well over 5 minutes and yet I cant see anything.'

"Hello" I yelled

'Wait did I hear something, there's no way that I just spoke.

It must've been in my head but it felt like my ears heard it, lets do it again.


'Yeah I just spoke.

Unlike the last I was reincarnated, I can talk, hear, feel, see.

Why didnt I notice it earlier I have my senses.

I have my sense but why am I not reincarnated.

What the f**k is happening.

Wait, I can see something.

Its white light, looks like I am getting reincarnated.'

"No Clay you are not getting reincarnated.

A voice told me

'I heard a voice and it was coming from the white light.

Wait I can see someone or something coming from the white light.'

"Who are you?" I asked

"I can be referred to as god."

'God, was he the one who reincarnated me here.'

"You know thats really hard for an atheist to believe." I said

"Okay, take me as a supreme being or a spectator of life."

"Okay, I will just call you god." well his voice is kinda ominous

'God came forward and I think he was just a couple feet away from me but I couldnt see him.

The light was blinding me.'

"I want to have a little talk with you." said god

"Okay but could you turn down the light a bit and give me some clothes."

"Hmmm, is this okay"

'I was now in a mall, I was sitting on a table, I had worn clothes and I saw a person sitting in front of me... grandpa Anarek!!

I was very surprised to grandpa Anarek but I knew it was god after a few seconds.

God had bought me to a restaurant, it was a familiar restaurant

There were people here and I could hear them talking.'

"I had gotten all this from your memory, in fact this is all taking part in your brain." grandpa Anarek spoke

"Yeah I get it but could you change your form please." I said that and he immediately turned into a very familiar woman

"No, reminds me of dirty things." I said, he then turned into sir Cliff

"Yeah thats okay" I said

"Okay now let me start.

First I will tell you the reason I reincarnated you into this world.

I reincarnated you because I have a mission for you, a very important mission." his voice sounded just like sir Cliff's.

'A waiter came to our table and placed kebabs, nans, butter chicken, ramen, pizza, mac n cheese, fishes and god knows what. There were almost 50 types of dishes of each kind of cuisine from Earth.'

"This are the dishes that you have eaten previously on Earth but they dont exist on your planet so I gave you a treat for you to enjoy.

And since you are eating all this in your mind your hunger wont go down meaning you can eat all you want." god said

"Oly shid dyuu leally ard dod" I said while I stuffed my mouth with couple of slices of pizza.

"Anyways I will be continuing with my explanation.

You see the mission that I reincarnated for you was supposed to start 20 years later but after I had reincarnated you, the future changed.

And there is a thing that restricts me from seeing the future frequently, I can see the future only once in a century and the last time I saw the future was 7 years ago.

After I saw the future, I was worried for your planet so I reincarnated you.

Your mission is to save this planet and its people from annihilation.

You will know more about the mission in the coming years.

I cant tell you much because there are restrictions on me, the same reason I cant defeat the threat of the planet.

I am a god I've sworn to not meddle with the people, I am just supposed to watch over them.

So I have brought in this world so that you can save it."

"Bud thwy me" I said

"Because you are one of the highest ranking candidates that I chose, you still might be thinking that there way many people out there who can do a better job than you but I have to say something, the chances of you being reincarnated were low but never zero."

'His words hit me hard'

"So that's all you wanted to tell me." I asked

"Yeah but there's one more thing, its like a tip for you to grow faster.

Dont think of mana as simple as this world makes it look, use the science from your previous world.

Dont think of mana as just a tool for magic, it is much more than that.

That's all I had to tell you."

"Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Yeah yeah ask me anything."

"What really happens after death?"

"Cant tell you"

"How powerful are you, is there anyone more powerful than you."

"Cant tell you"

"Can you tell me the future or atleast the threat that is endangering this planet and its people."

"I hope I could"

"Can you atleast the planet's name and where in the hell is this planet!!!" I asked in a fit of rage

"The planet's name is Quora and it is present in a different universe from yours, the planet is part of a solar system which has 24 planets and there is a sun in the centre which is 7 billion years old.

Your planet has 2 moons, your planet is the 5th planet in the solar system."

'Dang he told me that much'

"You may have seen only 1 moon because of some certain reasons and dont be surprised because the next few years will be even more confusing.

This planet has strange climatic phenomenon you better be ready."

"I have one more question, can you tell me what were those loud shockwaves when I was in the village."

"I cant tell you that either but I will give you a hint, its related to the threat of the planet.

Now do you have anymore questions."


"Good then I will be going back, and you will be going back too but after I go you will see something horrifying so buckle up.


"Wait let me finish the me.."

'Before I could complete my sentence I was transported to a place,

I was transported to what looked like the MaEk mansion.'

This chapter has 1700 words

Nile_Cladcreators' thoughts