
Chapter 42

Inside Yasaka's office, Azure vanished moments before his maids arrived. There they were greeted by Yasaka puffy red eyes and tears.

"Where is Master." Kara slightly demanded from the teary nine tails.

"He just left," The fox said with a sniff. "Why?"

"Mother, why don't you look outside." Kunou said.

Getting up and doing as her daughter asked her, she watched as a tornado tore through Kyoto. A few moments lightning came crashing down followed by thunder she was sure could be heard around the world. Closing the blinds, Yasaka looked back to the group.

"I don't think we can cover the repairs this time."


"I'm more worried at finding and stopping Brother. Do any of you know how to find him?" Iriko asked.

"Where there fire raining from the sky, then Master isn't far behind."


While Kara was leading the other girls trying to track down Azure. He was currently staring down at a group of terrified teens and young adults. His dark blue eyes were glowing as his hair started floating from the mana he was releasing.

Standing in front of the terrified group, a teen trying to be brave stood proudly with a spear. The teen wore a mixture of japan school uniform and ancient china attire.

In his hand, the ornate spear with dark blue rod, longer than most spears. With it golden metal decor that spirals around like a double helix. The decorations finish at the top of the rod of the spear which features a white circle, which is completely empty, and has a cross that fills in the circle, but not completely.

As the strong winds weaved through his short black hair revealing his blue eyes. Azure could see the fear in them making him smile.

"Who are you." The teen shouted with his voice holding firm.

"I am your god," Azure arrogantly said.

"Why are you attacking us?" Cao Cao asked.

"You tried to take something of mine. For that your punishment is death in a very painful manner." Azure spoke softly but all could hear loud and clear.

There was a moment's pause, before Cao Caotried to rally his troops. "Attack with all you got. It is only one unknown teen."

Following his words, all types of attacks rain towards Azure who stood there and made a small flicking motion. In what followed, those that survived would cry as it was like a horror movie as death and despair came.

Azure swatted back their attacks and amplified them as if he was crushing ants.

"Take this," Cao Cao shouted as he slammed his spear on the ground which was known as the Ultimate Longinus, the True Longinus. Around his spear six different orbs formed before taking aim and firing.

Swatting the laser with zero effort, Azure watched as Cao Cao attempted to attack him. While he was pretty fast compared to most humans and supernatural. In Azure eyes, he was slower than a snail.

"This toothpick won't save you." Azure stated as he grabbed it and ripped it from the teen.

Balancing the spear in his hand, he saw Cao Cao smiling as the spear began trying to absorb his energy.

"Behold, the power of Truth Idea." Cao Cao laughed. "In mere moments, all your magic shall be gone."

"Oh, it's supposed to take my mana is it? I say it feels like a mosquito." Azure stated. "Well this is useless. Here you can have it back."

Azure flicked the spear faster than a super devil can see, impaling the black hair teen through the chest. Coldly watching as the teen coughed out blood, Azure began wiping out the rest of the heroes.

As he was about to eradicate the last of them, Azure felt a small itch on his back. Behind him a young girl with long black hair reaching down to her hips and eyes appeared. With pointy ears and reptiles shaped eyes, she wore a black gothic gown.

"This is enough." She stated.

"Are you the leader of them?" Azure coldly asked, cracking his neck.

"Yes, what are your demands, so the rest may live." She asked but in a tone like he was the one to surrender.

Azure not answering her question grabbed her by the head and slammed her into the ground. "First, you're the one that surrendered, not me."

Lifting her back up Azure noticed she didn't really take much damage. A grin formed as he remembered who she was now. While he wasn't in a hurry to find another maid so soon, how could he pass up a chance when they fell into his lap.

"Second, you will become my maid." Azure said as he began pouring his magic into her as he activated his taming skill.

[Tame Successful.]

[Host has tamed, Ophis.]

Looking around at all the destruction, Azure anger receded which had a immently effect on the world. Tornados vanished as did the hurricanes and tsunamis, making cheers form across the globe.

"Well, I'm done here." Azure commented as he saw the rest of his maids appear.


The next day after the incident, the news was filled with speculation on what happened. While scientists tried to explain it and failed, the religion's side was another matter. While the Pope said it was the anger of God, the cultist said Satan has come back. While neither side was correct, many began believing as they didn't have any other answer.

As for the actual cause, he was currently surrounded in a sea of breasts and asses. He was surrounded by his maids who were wearing little to no bras and thong like underwear. Well all except Kunou due to her age, Zelia due to being a snake and Valerie due to being in deep hibernation. As for why he was doing this, well he decided to relax and was feeling up his maids.

"Master, when can I join." Kunou asked as tears filled her eyes.

"You can when you become fourteen." Azure said since it was when he truthfully began having sex. His other thought was he wouldn't touch her until she is sixteen anyways.


Thanks for Reading.

Well I truthfully didn't have a chapter or plan to upload today. I suddenly felt inspired to write and wrote one thing after another. So here it is I supposed.


Question of the Chapter: In Naruto, when Might Guy opened the Eight Inner Gates, he battle agasint Ten Tailed Madara and landed a few attacks. How come when his father opened the eight, he couldn't beat seven elite jonin leagues below Madara?

Was he just that much weaker?


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

LegendaryChaoscreators' thoughts