
Magic Concept Academy

Morgan Du Pryce is the sole son of the Marquis Pryce, on the eastern border of the country of Athelaya. Soon the attend the largest academy in the country, Morgan prepares as much as he can, but will it be enough? Suddenly thrust into a mess of socially inept noble children and magical mishaps, Morgan realizes his preparations would never have been enough for his new environment. He will need to navigate the figurative (and possibly literal) war-zone of the academy, while maintaining his grades and hopefully making friends along the way. All while getting stronger so that he can go home with enough strength to defend it from a coming storm. ======================================= Hi I'm Clam, and I'm new here. Please bear with me while I figure everything out. Hope you enjoy and stick around.

Claiomh · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

First Day p4

Before my nerves have a chance to calm, a question comes to mind.

"Why would he be waiting for the Headmistress?" I know next to nothing about the faculty at the Academy.

"Because she was the one who was originally going to deliver this speech. However she is not here." The Princess responds dryly.

"Isn't that incredibly irresponsible for someone at the highest position in the entire school?"

She finally turns to face me, and stares for a moment with an indecipherable gaze.



Is that all?

I thought she would give me some sort of explanation but I guess not.

We sit in silence for a moment, but I suddenly recall Alex's frozen visage. Turning to check on him, I find... nothing. It seems he ran away. I'm surprised I didn't notice him leaving.

I turn back to the stage and watch students slowly creep by in the large crowds. Very few people are still seated.

We continue to sit in silence for even more uncomfortable moments. Though I might be the only uncomfortable one, as the Princess seems undisturbed.

"So... what class do you have first? I have Magic Theory." I say, attempting to break the silence.

"I do as well."

"Oh, would you like to walk together then?" Wait did I just ask the Princess if she wants to walk to class together?

She finally looks at me again.


Eh? Did she just say okay?

We stand and shuffle out of the row, slightly behind the crowd that has since moved ahead. Very few people are still in the Auditorium at this point.

Wait, body, stop. I know I started going on autopilot out of shock, but this isn't beneficial to either of us.

Heedless of my racing mind, I walk beside the Princess as we exit the Auditorium and head to our first class.

The trip is uneventful, as nearly every student was heading in the same general direction and we didn't speak at all as we walked. Though despite the lack of events, my nerves have never been more active.

Arriving in the classroom, I have a similar feeling to when Alex and I entered the Auditorium. This place is definitely bigger on the inside. The room feels at least twice as large as it appeared on the outside. Though it isn't gigantic, it's still a noticeable difference from its outward appearance.

The room consists of a large chalkboard on the wall by the door, and a large ramp of rows of desks opposite it. There is a podium situated in the center of the room close to the chalkboard, and a small desk in the corner.

At that desk, is a younger man with brown hair who I assume is the professor.

Momentarily forgetting who is standing next to me, I scan the room searching for anyone I recognize.

Panning over the students, I spot far more distinct faces than I thought I would.

The red haired girl from the tour is sitting at a desk near the middle right, talking with a small group around her. Also from the tour, the short girl is sitting alone in the back corner nearest the door.

I also spot two more rather distinct people. Sitting front row dead center, is a shorter boy with a hair color identical to the Princess'. That must be the Prince, who I heard would also be attending this year. The other, is a familiar black haired boy with his head down, a few rows below the short girl.

I beeline straight to the seat next to him and promptly sit down. As much as this guy annoys me, he's still the only person I know... and I also kind of want to get back at him for leaving me behind.

Patting his shoulder, I grin and lean over the desk in a pose that says 'I found you~'.

As he looks up, instead of being surprised or bewildered he simply smiles and speaks.

"Oh hi Morgan. Sorry about earlier I just... got... flustered..." His face goes pale and I get deja vu.

I sigh and turn, seeing exactly what I expect.

The Princess has placed herself firmly in the seat next to me, as if she has been there this whole time. I don't know why she has chosen to sit directly next to me twice now, but I won't know if I don't ask.

"Princess, can I know the reason as to why you keep sitting next to me? You're pleasant company, but we've only just met." Ah, I said that louder than I intended.

The whole room goes silent and I can feel eyes boring holes into my skull. Despite the unpleasant change in atmosphere, the Princess responds calmly.

"Because you and that one," she points across me at Alex, "are interesting."


What does that mean?

Why are we interesting?

Does she have some ulterior motive? No, what kind of ulterior motive could the real life living Princess possibly have.

Then what on earth does that mean??

Completely stunned in a silent room, I say nothing else. The Princess doesn't move even an inch.

Suddenly the Professor claps his hands, and everyone in the room focuses on him.

"We are short on time, so I will be brief." He says as he walks to the podium.

"I am Professor Adams, and I will be your Magic Theory instructor for this year. I will go into detail about the syllabus tomorrow, but today I'd like to quiz you all a little bit."

I can't help but perk up when he says this, despite my racing thoughts. I wonder if I'll know any answers.

"First, can any person gain the ability to wield Magic?"

Ah that's easy, I thought these would be complicated to test our knowledge. I begin to raise my hand, but another student is faster and he calls on them.

"No, only a select few individuals are capable of wielding Magic. Having the potential to awaken or having awakened was one of the criteria for being accepted into the Academy."

Eh? That's wrong though.

"Excellent, perfect answer." Professor Adams' words catch me completely off guard.

My hand is still slightly raised, and he locks on to me.

"Mr. Pryce, did you have a similar answer?"

"Ah... no, my understanding was that anyone and anything could awaken given the time and experience."

Professor Adams pauses, with a disappointed expression on his face.

"That is a naive assumption, Mr. Pryce. As someone who hasn't awakened, you should have learned this by now. Not everyone with potential can awaken, especially not this late into their life. Most awaken by age 7."

This is so confusing, was the book wrong? No it can't be, his words make no sense. I awakened just fine and only after following the, albeit vague, instructions of 'Will Given Form'. Also his statement that I hadn't awakened yet bothers me. Did Vincent not inform the Academy?

At this point the issue of the Princess' interest has completely escaped my mind, and I'm purely focused on telling the Professor that he's wrong.

"But I've awakened though?" I respond.

"Don't make things up to save face Mr. Pryce, it's unsightly." He scoffs. I thought that loudmouth Professor from the tour was annoying but this guy is really doing his best to be an ass.

Okay calm down Morgan, you can resolve this without going overboard.

"Professor Adams, I think your information is either out of date or despite knowing my name and face you've neglected to learn any more. I can only think of this as an act of neglect in your duty as an instructor." Ah, I said too much. Well not like I feel that bad about it.

Professor Adams face goes slightly red, but his composure doesn't crumble.

"Care to demonstrate then, Mr. Pryce?" He heavily emphasizes my name at the end.

Here it is.

"It would be my pleasure, Professor Adams." I'd not been slacking in the past month. I reach out my hand and 'will' Mimicry into a suitable form.

As the silver fluid flows from my sleeve, I can see Professor Adams' eyes slowly widen.

It wriggles and writhes for a few seconds, and settles perfectly into a shining silver blade.

"Is that enough of a demonstration, Professor?" I emphasize 'professor' like a curse, trying my hardest to suppress a smirk.

Inspiration hit me and this came out.

Claiomhcreators' thoughts