
Magic and Martial Arts

The story starts as the main character dies adept with martial arts and skills from a long life and reincarnated into a magical world about to rain hell upon it

CookedCookiee06 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 2 : A new flame

As the flames slowly both reached there apex Jacob suddenly was hit with a wave of exhaustion that brought him out of his trance and into another dream of his past life. His old life flashes by again starting from his birth moving to his infancy and the abuse suffered threw his childhood and teen years. Moving to his adult years and his enrollment into the military and the death of many friends and enemy's. As the dream fades away he slowly opens his eyes and hes the wooden roof of his new home he shakes of the dreams of old and fully accepts this as his new life.

He again closes and opens his eyes to shake of his tiredness he again starts to try and enter the meditative state. When his mother walks in and he finds his stomach grumbling and his mother lifting him into her embrace to start feeding him. After that event he again starts to meditate again the lights are coming quicker and quicker when he decides its time to try and get them to spark.

Once the green and black lights started to spark he quickly focused on getting them to light into the dance of flames he had seen before. After multiple hours the flames start to catch inside what he has begun calling his mind space. However they did not grow into a brilliant flame, instead they grew to become a small consistent flame. While watching the flame in his mind space he try's to make them grow but they don't listen to his commands as they did as lights and sparks.

As he focuses to get these flames to listen he try's getting them to grow again and again as they firmly resist him. He eventually gives up trying to grow it and then focuses his attention on manipulation. He then began trying to make the flames move. While trying to move the flames to the left he strains until the flames slowly blew ever so slightly, after getting it to blow he again try's to get it to blow even farther.

Hours passed by as he got the two flames to blow into various directions he got it to go farther and farther until he couldn't get it to go any further. As he finally decides to end his meditation he opens his eyes to find himself in his fathers grasp being held near a small fire place with his whole family.

He looks around to see the full extent of his new home and sees it has 3 small bedrooms and a combined kitchen and living room. The kitchen carries a small wood stove and a secure box to keep ingredients in while the living room has a small handcrafted wood bench and a animal skin rug on the floor surrounding the small fireplace.

His family was having a happy discussion about how there crop this harvest seemed to have grown better than ever before. As the mom and dad talked about the crop the kids talked about what element of magic they had awakened at the age of five, Jacob's oldest brother John had the element sand which was a tier 2 element, his oldest sister Amelia had the element water like his mother which was a tier 1 element, and his youngest sister tilly had the elements ice and lighting both being a tier 2 element.

As they discussed this the John said " I'm starting knight academia soon so ill be gone for a while but when i come back I might be able to be a knight of the kingdom." his youngest sister replied " But big brother i don't want you to leave who will play with me in the woods now" "you can play with your big sister and when hes older our little brother here" said John .

"Son I want you to remember we will always be proud of you for anything you accomplish we just want you to stay safe" said his father in a strict but loving tone. 'wow it seems this world really is different from earth there are nights and magic and kingdoms it seems ill have a lot more fun in this world than the last, especially with such a loving family.' thought Jacob as he absorbed all this new information before drifting into sleep.

Now at this point I'd like to fast forward in time a little bit

Our main character Jacob Started to talk at 6 months and walk at 8 deeming him a genius. he continued to meditate daily and his flames grew at a slow but steady pace and eventually became two balls that orbited each other like small stars in his mind space. He had begun to read a 1 year and three months old and learned all about this world. He learned that there were many other intelligent species like humans including Elves, angels, demons, giants, beast men, fairy's, and monsters.

there were 5 main continents in this world all being over double the size of the biggest continent on earth as the world was more than ten times the size of earth, the humans and elves shared a continent and were mainly at peace with each other with some kingdoms of humans and elves sharing the land equally as it was large filled with many plains, lakes, and forest. The elves took the northern side of the continent while the humans occupied the south.

The giants were on a land east of the humans continent filled with mountains and large canyons, the demons were farther south of the giants and had a barren land filled with deserts and hard to breath air that has made them naturally stronger in there body's than humans but at the cost of proficiency in mana. The angels were north of the human/elf continent and they had many grasslands and flower beds occupying over 70% of there land while the other were small forest and lakes its a place of great importance and they do not allow any other than a select few step on there land.

The beast men, fairy's, and monsters all share a continent which is filled with savagery and packs of wild animals that never have peace as they are constantly fighting to claim superiority over each other the fairy's with there small body's and strong magic. The beast men with there powerful and humanoid like body's only capable of body enhancement magic and the monster who are born with powerful body's and instincts but have no magic until they develop a clear mind after which they can use the magic of there element.

Humans have access to almost all types of magic ranging from tier 1 basic elements to tier 5 extreme elements, giants have access to earthly magics ranging from tier 1-4. The elves have elements of nature, air, and light with a small margin having more destructive elements. The demons have elements that are based in the powers of fear and destruction with it ranging from tier 1-4 but they are almost always born with the tier 2 element daemonium but the truly powerful are born with multiple elements.

The Angels take pride in there holy element a tier 2 element which nearly all of them have with some of there race born with multiple elements ranging from tiers 1-3.

As the main character finishes the last book he could find in his small house he looks around and realizes three years have passes it is now the year 785 the 10th month and the 4th day, Once he's done processing what he just read he begins to meditate. Over these three years the small stars he formed have grown bigger and closer together he focuses to make them spin faster and absorb more and more sparks from his mind space until he feels a weird feeling in his chest.

Jacob quickly stops his meditation to make sure nothings is wrong as he scan his body from top to bottom he continues to feel a weird feeling in his chest, it doesn't hurt it actually makes him feel whole but worried as he is he rushes to his mother and says " Mommy somethings wrong with my chest" " what is it dear let mother look" his mom says before lifting his shirt and examining his chest.

"I don't see anything wrong dear" Said lorra with a pensive look on her face " " But mom it feels like somethings in my chest" hearing this lorra decides to take him to the town for a check up. " Miss Renee can you please check on my son he says he feels something in his chest" asked lorra to the same woman who was her midwife " But of course dear ill check it real quick, inspicere" she said as a white glow came out of her finger and into Jacob's body " Oh dear, this can't be right" Miss Renee says as she chants the spell again and finds the same weird result.

" It seems your child has developed a mana core early lorra" says Miss Renee with a happy smile on her face " What does this mean, is it gonna effect him badly" asked lorra with a worried look ' This must be the effect of my meditation' Jacob quickly realized right before Miss Renee spoke " No quite the contrary this is a very positive thing as his element must be very powerful to have developed so quick".

" Wow Miss Renee am I gonna be really strong in the future" asked Jacob probing for more info " Only if you train hard can you be strong" she answered before turning back to his mother " Id recommend taking him to get it checked in the next village its only a two day travel from here.

" Alright well depart tomorrow thank you for all you help" Lorra said as she bowed her head to Renee, Jacob copied her movement and they both departed back to there home. After getting back home his mother quickly explained the happy news to his sisters and father and they celebrated with a loaf of sweet bread that night.

Not bothering to meditate that night as the excitement got the best of him he quickly falls asleep only to be woken the next morning even before the sun had started to shine. "C'mon son we have a long walk ahead of us" his father explained as they walked out of the house and headed towards the village.

Upon reaching the village they continued on there path straight through the village and headed on a trail through the woods hours passed and they decided to take a break around eight in the morning for breakfast. His father went to hunt and came back with a deer that had metal like antlers and hooves, cooking the dish his father served Jacob and himself and when they were full they continued walking till nearly ten p.m when they decided to set up camp.

Even being so tired Jacob meditated for two hours before going to bed, while meditating he could feel mana spreading through his body and slowly making it stronger. Waking up the next morning they continued walking until they made it to a town filled with many smells and stores Jacob had never seen before.

As they made there way trough the town looking for the place Miss Renee told them about, until they finally came across it and entered. Immediately upon entering many people started looking at them like they were in the wrong place but his father dismissed them and walked to the front counter speaking in a strong tone "I was referred here by Miss Renee from maple village" after saying that there was a small commotion as she seemed to be quite the important person.

After a thirty minute wait they were taken to the back and brought to a tall and lanky man about 6 foot 1 wearing loose robes with long uncombed black hair and blue eyes, " Welcome I heard you came to check the element of this young one" " Yes he awakened his mana core just three days ago and Miss Renee sent us to you sir"

" I see ill do my best to help you then as Renee is a dear friend of mind lets begin, inspicere elementum" "Oh wow it appears this child has two elements both being tier 3 with the chance of bringing them to tier 4 as he grow"

Hi me again hope you enjoy as i really liked writing this chapter have a nice day..

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