
Relying on Yourself is Better Than Relying on Others

บรรณาธิการ: Henyee Translations

Kujira was quite well-regarded lately.

Roland was a student he taught, and many saw and heard him inspire and teach Roland in the area of material transformation.

It could be said that Kujira received a lot of credit for Roland's ability to create the sugar-making spell so quickly.

As a mentor, Kujira was naturally happy to teach and nurture his students, because he wanted to see them become successful.

But when faced with praise from his peers, he was still very calm and brushed off the matter by saying that it was all Roland's skill and that he had nothing to do with it.

After all, a man of several dozen years had to have this kind of sophistication.

When people were happy, they tended to eat more.

Eating some salted beans and sipping on some high-quality fruit wine could get the taste of yogurt.

He was happily drinking wine at home when he suddenly heard the maidservant say that a Mage calling himself Roland was visiting.