
Mage who can Amplify

Link traveled to the future. The dimensional gates were wide open, fierce monsters and aliens invaded the earth, and human beings were awakened as professionals. Link, who had just awakened as an apprentice mage, obtained the ability to Amplify Skills, equipment, items etc. “Ding, the F-level skill Small Fireball has been amplified fivefold, becoming an E-level skill blast.”

Forty_Seven · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 1 - Awakening

An Awakening ceremony was being conducted in No.1 high school of summer city.

On the square of school, an awakening stone was placed in the middle of the platform, which was flickering with hazy white light.

"Alex, Successful Awakening, Warrior."

"Linda, failed awakening."

"Vani, successful awakening, Priest."


Every time the name of a student was called out, that student had to approach the awakening stone on the platform and put hand on the stone.

Some studnet's awakening was successful and some failed to awaken.

Every awakened student was happy but the same can't be said for others. Some students were crying after failing at being awakened.

Link was standing in the corner and was watching all this feeling very nervous.

The Awakening ceremony is one of the most important parts of life in this world, this is where your destiny will be decided.

It's been a long time since dimension gates suddenly appeared on earth and all kinds of monsters and aliens came out of those dimension gates to the earth.

Since then earth has changed in many ways. Whole world was in chaos for a period of time until awakening stones appeared in various places of earth.

These awakening stones gave hope to all humans. Hope to awaken and survive.

Using these awakening stones many people awakened and got their professions.

During this chaos humans killed monsters, slaughtered aliens, defended their home while becoming a Master.

So becoming a Master professional is everyone's dream in this world, and Link is no exception.

But he was not lucky, two days ago he was bitten by some alien mosquito and died tragically in his room.

That is when Max died in his previous life.


It was a normal day in the boring life of Max, as he was going to the office for work in the morning.

Just as he was waiting for traffic lights to turn red on the crossroad.

Max saw a pet cat jump from the shoulder of one of the girl waiting on the side.

Cat saw something in the middle of the road so she was trying to catch it.

Girl, who was the owner of the cat, was shocked and couldn't react for a while.

Others were watching as the cat shuttled through the fast pacing vehicles on the road and stopped in the middle of the road.

Girl started crying after realizing that her pet was in a very dangerous situation.

Max, who was standing on the side, was also feeling anxious.

Just as A fast moving truck was coming from another direction, Max made his decision.

Max threw his briefcase to the side and made a sprint for the cat at full speed.

Just as the truck was going to hit the cat, MAx had already picked up the cat and jumped out of the way of the truck.

Max brought the cat to the other side under everyone's attention.

Max, who just went through a very dangerous stunt, was breathing heavily.

Pet owner who was crying till now came running in the direction of Max.

Max was imagining a beautiful movie scene when the female lead will hug male lead when he saves the day.

But his fantasies were broken when the girl went straight for the cat.

She didn't hug Max but still thanked him for saving her cat.

She offered to take him for coffee as a thank you.

Although Max was disappointed at first, he was still happy to get a date with a beautiful girl.

Just as Max turned around to pick up his bag which was thrown by him earlier.

His foot slipped and he fell on the road while hitting his head directly on concrete.

Max died.

Two days ago max opened his eyes but found himself transmigrated to the future.

Max got the memories of the previous owner, who was named Link.



Teacher standing on the platform called his name. Link, who was still immersed in his previous thoughts, trembled.

Link took a deep breath and started walking towards the platform under everyone's attention.

Link approached the awakening stone and placed his right hand on the stone surface.

Just as Link's hand was placed on the stone, a warm light passed through his hand from the stone and slowly merged into his body.

A lot of data came into his sight. The next moment a panel appeared in his sight.

"It's coming" Max thought excitedly

Panel appeared!

Panel properties!

The awakening was successful!

When Link was standing there in daze, the teacher's voice sounded in his ear.

"Link, Successful awakening, Mage."

With the announcement from the teacher, Link was relieved and he let go of his uneasy heart.

Link smiled and walked off the stage under envious sight of other students.

"Congratulations Link, you are a mage now."

"Congratulations Link, you will be safe as mage. You just have to cast spells while standing behind warriors."


Many students congratulated Link after successful awakening.

Every profession has its own strength and weakness and you can't judge which profession is best. But compared to warriors, who have to charge in front of enemy lines and bear the brunt of frontal confrontation, long-ranged professions are much safer.

And when it comes to long range professions, Mage is the most lethal and effective profession.

That is why many people want to be a mage.

When Link heard congratulations from other students, he responded with a smile.

Link went back to his own place and checked his panel.

Name: Link

Occupation: Apprentice Mage

Level: lv1 (0/100)

Life: 80

Mana: 100

Physical Attack: 16

Magic Attack: 20

Strength: 8

Stamina: 7

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 10

Equipment: none

Skill: Small Fireball (f-)

Module (Unique): Amplification.

Link glanced through his attributes, Strength and stamina are average, Low Agility, high intelligence.

Basically attributes are for a standard mage awakened.

Link noticed that he only has one skill and that is low level fireball.

Link was very depressed after seeing that. Just as Link felt his life was going to be too tough, he noticed the last row.


What is this?

And it has only one word "Amplification". Link didn't know what to think about this.

"Does awakening come with modules?" Link thought to himself.

Link was curious about the function of this module so he clicked on it.

Amplification lvl-1: Use experience points to increase the level of target once, which is currently fixed at fivefold increase.

Amplification Lvl-2: tenfold increase.

Promotion Condition: Using the fivefold boost 100 times (0/100).

Link was dazed after reading the description.

Fivefold increase?

Link was breathing heavily, he was very excited.

"If i can get a fivefold increase of everything then no matter what it is used on, the effect must be amazing" Link thought.

Not to mention that it's upgradeable, it can be upgraded to tenfold when it's lvl-2.

What will happen if I keep on increasing it in the future?

Link was lost in his beautiful fantasy when he noticed that everyone was shouting in an excited voice.

Link looked around and found that students were looking towards the platform.

Link also raised his head and looked towards the awakening platform.

The awakening stone was different from before, it was bursting with red light.

Link was surprised after noticing changes that were happening on the platform.

"This is.....".

Just as Link was connecting dots, he heard a shout from the students.

"A rare profession."

"Yumi is the eldest lady of the Flame family, I'm afraid she has inherited the profession of the Red Dragon Knight."

"Red Dragon Knight, that is one of the best professions even among rare professions."

"Miss Yumi is so beautiful and now she has inherited a rare profession, I hope she can look at me for once."

"Why don't you get a mirror, you look like shit and want to be noticed by beautiful Miss Yumi."

"Why don't you go and eat shit, your face isn't any better."

A group of students were discussing and looking at Yumi with admiration.

Link also saw a girl's figure wrapped in red light on the platform.

She had dazzling red hair, a flawless face and a very hot figure.

When Link looked at her he noticed that she looked better than any beauty seen by Link in previous life.

"I have to say that women in this extraordinary world are very beautiful compared to celebrities in his previous life" Max thought to himself while admiring the good looks of Yumi.

It's not only her who is beautiful but people in this world in general are more attractive than ones on earth.

Maybe it is due to evolution of the world or something else.