
Chapter 2 why pretend?

next day morning, thank for the excitement from yesterdays rei cant sleep at all,this day was like dream came true for him,spent time with seira and walk along side by side for all night long he just sit daze and think what should he said when they meet, or what he sould talking about when they on the ways.

thank for that when morning came he like zombie, he usually spent all night study and practice or make a experiment,and he did fell any fatigue and still like brand new in the morning, then he realize think about love and feelings is more more tiresome,and he rather spent all night practice hight speel magic than think about today

soon he hear knocking sound from door

"young master,miss Seira already arrive and she waiting for you in the gate"

Rei blank for a moment and hury reply

"yes, granpa bel, wait a moment"

his mind is in chaos for a moment and he colent his mind and start prepare,, with cleaning magic he clean his body and basis vigor spell to make his face loke more human

then he hurry walking down, he dont want make bad impression,is rude to let lady pick you up, and its a crime to make lady waiting for you

he open the dor and he see a beautifull lady with golden hair standing in front of his house gate, she wear long white robe with golden line marching with her hair

"g... g... g... ood morn.. moorrrning miss sei"

rei ask her with stutter voice, the presure from his nervousness and his over accelerated heart beat make him cant think straight

"morning Rei,okay let go we need to stop at nearby store and buy some commoner cloth"

"ooowh okay"

Rei reply her word and like a robot following her, just about 10 minute they arive at ordinary store

"rei we need buy some commoner cloth, we need to go undercover,we need to pretending as new husband and wife that looking new place to start ne life"

"eh??? "

rei replying her with confused look

"rei why ur face like that??? are u think im to old to be ur bride? "

like thunder struck his brain rei reply

"no no i mean,, we need to pretending as new weeding couple??"

"yeas rei, it will ne easier to colletting information and evidence for our mission, is there something wrong rei with we as couple?

"no no miss sei,, its just,, im suprize"

yea this was surprize real surprize for him, he only can swear in his mind

"damn damn why, why pretending, i wiss i was ur real husband damn"

"Rei come on leta pick some cloth first"

seira calling him from inside the store

"yea im coming"

he following seira enter the store,he have no idea at all what need to buy or wear on later jurney

"Rei, whay kind cloth we sould wear? "

"hmmmmm im sorry ladi sei, i dont know,, u know im orphanage and from kids i adopted by academy and learn magic, i almost never go out and have contact with civilians"

"oh yes, im forgot okay let me pick the cloth"

"oh .... yes lady sei"

"yes? "

"i have some digestion,lady you sould buy some veil and hair cover, ur hair color and beauty is easy to spot"

"but i can use configuration spell to change my hair color and face"

"Noooooo,nooo please no"

"eh why? u dont wana walk along with ugly girl are you?? "

"well u yes"

"hehehehe okay okay, i will do ur sugestion"

with small gigle she walking to some area of the store browsing some cloth for them,

her word is right,but not perfect, he dont mind to walking with ugly girl, he just dont want his dream girl cange her shape that will stain her figure on his mind, on his mind she was perfect, yes he was egois and sound childish,but no one want to see his dream girl turn ugly.

30 minute later two people came out from the store a man and woman, the man wear ordinari cloth (like western midle-age cloth)

and the woman wear ordinary cloth too(also western midel-age cloth) , event they wear ordinaty cloth people can see if the woman is gracefull and the man was hansome, they start walking to citu gate,the show medaliom to gate guardian, the guardian instantly open the gate for them to walk out, the guard only can see them out and walk event just sort time they already walk far away and vanis in the far horizon