
Magdalis, and Me

Magdalis is a rather self-centered, entirely bored near immortal entity with less drama in his life than he’d prefer. He’s certain he’ll be doomed to a monotonous life of luxury until he crashes (quite literally) into the arms of a man who captures his attentions in a moment. Will Magdalis finally get the excitement he’s been dreaming of, or will this stranger escape his fervent ministrations?

GayeGrimoire · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


Magdalis held back a smirk as the newer students flushed, barely distracting from even the older hands averting their eyes if only for a second. He didn't know if it was his years of experience as a concubine, harlot, escort, or whatever the new age preferred, or if it was his vampiric charms enhancing his natural beauty, but he'd been able to sway even the staunchest of minds with his figure. He let his gaze level with that of the stranger from the mall…

And was taken aback. Far from the open mouthed awe he was expecting, he was graced with hardly a light blush, fading from the man's ears in a moment. The recipient of his full attentions coughed into his hand once, before appraising him as one would a particularly good piece of art, and getting to work almost immediately on the assignment Sandro had given the class.

Magdalis was forced to hold the pose he was currently in, having oriented himself nearly entirely facing the white haired stranger. The clock on the back wall indicated he had another forty minutes before he could change position. Sandro gave him one last warning glance when he started to tense, leaving him to study the new student.

His hands were broad, scarred in uneven whorls, which were stark against his dark complexion. The nails were neatly trimmed, not manicured, but maintained. After a few more minutes of observation he came to the conclusion that he was in near constant motion, only pausing when the artist stopped to take in another detail. During these pauses he held the gaze that flickered to his own, before it roved down the rest of his nude form. They lasted half a breath, before the eyes were gone and the head disappeared behind the expanse of paper, leaving only a glimpse of the curling mass of white that was hardly a shade off from the material.

Magdalis quite liked the warmer tone of white that was the strangers hair. It was better than any coloring he had ever seen in a similar thread, yet even as he assumed it was indeed colored, the white forearm hairs proved him wrong. How curious. Magdalis had of course ran into many other supernatural entities during his years (they were never as far off as the mass of humanity willed them to be), but this man was either very good at hiding other attributes or was something new entirely.

Putting together the hair and the reaction to his complete lack of reflection, as well as his unfortunate amount of restraint in the face of heavy temptation…. Magdalis came up dead empty. Speaking of dead empty, it had been a while since his last feeding. The fleeting thought distracted him from his admira— observation of the stranger for the rest of the session, and he was almost remorseful when the timer rang. He reluctantly swiveled the opposite direction, giving the remaining half of the circled students a chance to study his front.

By the end of his appointed time, Magdalis was hungry for blood, and answers, but mostly blood. Though even that was an exaggeration. Magdalis couldn't remember the last time that he felt truly hungry, but there was a sort of listlessness that came with not having fed yin more than a few weeks. So he usually did his due diligence, and visited one of the few blood bars the city had to offer.

Gone were the days of having to find a willing victim or risk getting caught after draining someone against their will. Magdalis was more than happy to endorse the businesses that partnered with blood banks and donations to provide their clientele with a steady supply of ethically sourced blood. Well, ethical in that no one was killed or injured in the obtaining of it. Some people still took issue with the fact that the blood could be going to humans that needed transfusions, but you couldn't afford to be too picky in such a fresh market. Besides, now Magdalis could delicately sip at a decanter of blood, instead of ripping someone open and making a mess of himself in the process. He shuddered at the memory of some of his first kills, egged on by his creator. But, such things were best left in the recesses of his ancient mind, and the shudder was soon forgotten.

Sandro gave him an odd look as he spaced out, only just keeping his distance as the tremor ran through his body. As he came out of his reverie though, the man assessed him quickly, making a quick decision.

"So, is there anything between you and Dumah that I should know about?"

Magdalis blinked, "Who?"

Looking exasperated, Sandro held his hand about a half a foot above his own head, "About yea high?" When Magdalis looked utterly nonplussed he sighed audibly, "White hair, scarred hands? Come on, you can't just act like you didn't fucking ogle him half the session after kicking off the class early by straight up disrobing as soon as you laid eyes on him."

Magdalis was very glad he didn't have the capacity to blush, "Oh, ah, I uh, didn't know his name. Sorry about that, I didn't intend to be all that noticeable."

"Oh my god, are you… Did you have a one night stand with one of my students?" Sandro ran one hand over his hair, "I can't believe you! He must be, what… twenty-three?"

Magdalis pouted, "I'm only twenty-four"

Sandro stopped mid-lecture, looking absolutely stricken, "What? That can't be right."

"Well when I first started I was twenty-two, and next month is my twenty-fifth birthday," Magdalis looked into a nearby mirror, massaging his face, "Do I really look all that old already?"

Sandro shook his head, "No, god no Mag, I'm so sorry. It's just…"

"What?" Magdalis continued his inspection, worried that he might have to leave this city a few years earlier than he would have liked, and he was so excited to explore for another twenty, maybe even twenty-five years.

"You model as if you've been doing this for at least a decade, honestly more."

Magdalis turned back to his coworker, "Awww, thanks Sandy!"

Sandro rolled his eyes, "Don't let it go to your head. But seriously, what was with you? And all that only for him to try and ignore what happened. The other students were talking before he was out of earshot."

"Ugh, don't remind me! All that charm, all for him to act like he's already seen me naked."

The man rolled his eyes at the comment, "Well I'm sure your lack of professionalism will make up for that all too soon."

"Duh? He just spent an entire class drawing my dick and ass?" Magdalis gathered his things, utterly confused by Sandro's comment.

"Come on, that doesn't count. It's a controlled and professional setting." At Magdalis' quirked brow he continued after rolling his eyes, "Mag, I mean he's probably going to sleep with you if you continue doing… whatever it was you were doing this class."

Magdalis, knowing full well what he meant still had the audacity to look completely innocent, "Whatever do you mean?"

"Oh, please! Over half the class drew you in the most lewd positions since… Since the wet study! And don't even get me started on what a disaster that was. I have no doubt I'll find someone's lost sketchbook and have to return acting as if I didn't see the porn on the front page prominently featuring you!"

"Oh, show me next time one turns up! I still laugh at the one where my dick is the size of a walnut. I do hope someone told that man he didn't have to be gay to find me attractive. And he sure as hell didn't have to feminize me to justify it!"

Sandro gave him a hard look, "Come on Mag, work with me. I still have nightmares about the one were they drew us together."

They both laughed at the memory, and Magdalis waved a hand at Sandro through his laughter, "Okay, fine! Though you have to admit that Dumah and I would make a delicious porn scene."

"Ugh, seduce him on your own time, and keep your sick fantasies to yourself."

"No fun! As if I didn't have to listen to you drunkenly spout about Maria last month all night at our get-together. I learned more about straight sex than I have ever wanted to know, thank you very much."

He smiled at the stricken look on Sandro's face, waving as he ducked out of the classroom and jogged down the hall, hoping to maybe catch a glimpse of Dumah in the parking lot.